I would marry Seth

Started by eyelive4ever2, February 18, 2015, 05:16:13 PM

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And if everything I have said so far is not enough, I would marry Seth or any energy being not in one of these bodies. To be so smart !!!!!  I have asked for somebody to be with me more often. Heard the name Elliot recently.


Oh, girl! So many times I wished I could at least give him a big kiss on the forehead. But considering he spoke through Jane, that would have been a little weird. Smart is sexy, for sure. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Elliott.


You made me laugh. Thanks for responding to my posts. I have no one else to listen to me. Thanks big heaps for understanding and not calling me crazy for saying such a thing.
I guess that these energy beings flow too fast to stop to be my boyfriend. We are so slow here. Why shouldn't I go drown myself with the fishes and corals? And if I do, how do we know that it was not written into the plan by my inner self? I like the idea of jumping on that web from string to string. I don't want to be tied down to one reality.
There are all kinds of stories about children that leave real soon after being born. They never meant to stay to go through old age or whatever. I don't want to go through any of this, but here I am. Why can't my inner self just stop pulsating me or projecting me? I ask my inner self to stop, but here I am. So much for my dreams being handed back to me.


Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on March 02, 2015, 05:13:11 PMYou made me laugh. Thanks for responding to my posts. I have no one else to listen to me. Thanks big heaps for understanding and not calling me crazy for saying such a thing.

We're all kind of in the same boat here. No one is here to judge anyone else, we've all been given the stink eye for daring to talk about the nature of reality. I find it so interesting how even people who are more open-minded about these things still react that way. I mentioned talking to a friend not long ago about Seth. Prior to that, she'd spent some time telling me her personal beliefs about god and they way "things are," and even though I agreed with most of what she said, once I mentioned Seth it was all over. Funny thing is, on the way back home she asked me if I had any sage so she could sage her house to get the last remnants of her evil ex-husband's energy out of her house. She asked me if I thought it would work (maybe she thinks I'm wiccan?) I laughed and said it would work if she believed it would. Stink eye again.