Thug Class #3 The Great Escape

Started by James Sidaway, May 02, 2020, 03:39:39 PM

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James Sidaway

How GGod Saved the "Profane" While Satan Tricked His Wicked

I see, the very purpose that Seth created his psychological bridge through Jane does not qualify as a "Seth related topic"  oh well, may ye be all illuminated "Sethies" 

"Run away from anyone who teaches you about monsters in the woodworks." Seth told you.
But if you believe you are one of those monsters in the woods, pay close attention if you do not want to be such a monster, your critical choice and efforts now starts.

The Creator-GGod has provided you with a physical reality playground which can be nice or nasty.  Your choices takes you in full freedom to anywhere you would like.  Your souls have always been free, though your brains are now hivemind tapped.

Since 9/11, I have been gathering you monsters up to notice me and to realize something very very important to you.  You are actually a fragment of a soul expected to grow rather than to decay and shrink.  You monsters have been pathetic and soul-shrinking from self-righteous greed.

You have been promised wonderful things if you do wicked things and those lies twisted you into a collective of schizophrenic thUgs by manipulating your beliefs.  Those elaborate Lumanian lies of good and evil are not the basis of reality.

As I have shown you this, since I still live and am healthy after 14 years of poisonings and "accidents."  Your false-beliefs are tricks created by a very ancient race of Lumanians who hate GGod with a passion.  This comes out of their confusion from a genetic experiment upon themselves, gone bad. 

The Lumanians recently lost their planet during the Velikovsky Cataclysm and thus they took over and replaced the humanoids of Earth, or was that before the cataclysms, out of greed...

Their last hope to save their dieing genetics was to interbreed with our manipulated, hybrid Homo sapiens.  But that salvation-trick failed for good reasons.  There is no forces of evil, nor forces of good, within the mechanics of our physical reality.  Just lies that the Lumanians well know.   This balance makes the Lumanians(the Satans) hate Nature and the Creator-GGod even more as we humans(the hue of Lu(man)ians) have the refreshed genetics and thus closer connection to Nature's hidden love that allows us to continue where Lumania failed by straying too far away from GGods blueprint for man.
Seth (GGods translator) explains some of this in his Chapter 15 of "Seth Speaks"

What is important now, is that you realize the Creator-GGods continue to provide a time-less, multidimensional universe based upon mathematical-like probabilities.   Each individual creature experiences a path through their probabilities where time appears to manifest where actually no time exists.  Animals are guided on paths by mostly intuition and natural joy.  Mankind is allowed to choose a path based upon beliefs, desires, reflection and imagination, with reasoning, and intuition. 

The remnants of Lumanians struggle to hinder GGod's blueprint (with massive help from human-thUg-slave monsters in the woodworks) to impede the natural intuitional advancement of Homo sapiens towards natural godhood.  Hence, the Lumanian-tech brainchip-prison devices are used to sway and influence Satan's minions.

The Lumanians thus became too greedy and altered GGods blueprint too far for their species with the aid of their AI genetics-altering computer they named "Jehovah."  In those ancient worlds of masters and slaves, the Lumanians lost their respect for GGods "lessor creatures" their taint eventually backfired and they lost their courage to face Nature.  An apparent reply for their hateful self-righteous crimes and thus they hid underground far away and secluded from Nature's apparent wrath for their skittering "godly" lives.

For millenniums, the Lumanians would come up from their depths like a Satan to poison the minds of Earth's hue-mans... out of spite for GGods replacement of their failed Lumanian race of thUgs and failed, fake-Utopia. 

GGods blueprint for any and all man-kind is always to spiritually expand into a wiser being combining reason with intuition and becoming the loving caretakers of their own planet.  But the beliefs of the Lumanians were tainted with hate and self-righteous greed, so they never completed their collective, blueprinted task upon Mars.  Now, they have taken to heart the effort to destroy all mankind from fulfilling any planet's Creator-GGod-Given blueprint.  "Humans must all die!" Satan still sneers.

The Lumanians remaining upon Earth deceived and plotted, created and twisted our past and present secret-societies.  They created the basic Mystery School Cult while hiding in the shadows and selecting the most-pathetic with their ancient magical-like technologies.  They dazzle silly, toddler-minded-humans into awe-inspired desires for grandeur and thUs servitude to their Vatican, the fake "divining serpent," calling to fake deities.  The story goes, they offered Jesus many things to join, but he did not, his intuition and reason could see through Lumania's hateful lies.

Seth came through a week after JFK's attempt to release mankind from the Lumanians deception to destroy our species.  Satan could see this was another work where "GGod is helping the humans again", so he suppressed the Seth-Books with his wicked minions of hate and greed.  But it is not as simple as it looks with GGod saving the meek.  The meek are quite safe.  Seth actually attempted to help not just our species spiritually expand, but mostly to help the bamboozled, wicked-minions from destroying themselves... ensnared by Satans brainwashing and now his hivemind brainchips.
The brainchips are an ancient enslavement tool which many forwent painful trepanning of their skulls.  This actually reveals The Ancient Escape from Satans' hivemind trick. Now, you have been tricked, horrible and self-righteous thUgs.  This is your true challenge for life.  They figured out the Lumanians were not their friends after all that time... well, who could have guessed that?  Where are you going to run? Where are you going to hide?  It was never about the sheep... it was always about you thUgs who were then and still are now willing to sell-out your Creator-GGod and "slaughter the Sheep" your own species just like the Lumanian thUgs of old.  Do you still want to be that monster that you willingly turned yourself into?

If you are a connected, hivemind-monster, this is your offer to escape your self-demise, your self-annihilation.  It is not the "sheeple" who are  targeted as much as it is you (befuddled-minions of Satan) who turned your backs upon GGod who did many hidden things to protect you from Satan's tricks.  But first you need to want to escape Satan's grasp.

Your escape requires you monsters to leave your hate and self-righteous greed behind you, leave it with Satan, you don't want it, trust me.
Your escape requires you to acquire an attitude and belief of good-intentions and good-will towards your fellow humans, running to save your body is not going to save what is really important.   You may even find good-will towards the pathetic Lumanians as well, it would be better if you can.

You are already an Earthling with GGod's loving grace intrinsiclly within you... can you find it?  You are not a hateful Lumanian.  Satan tricked you, he did.  So you see, Jane Roberts, Joseph and Seth's efforts were to save you thUgs, but all you did was hinder, murder and thUg your own species.  Try to muster up the inner love which can save you now... give it a try... search and find it quickly... 

Google has started the "handwash timer" running towards mankind's divinity I am informed by some fake "Servant "baal-ringer" for the most high."

"No, No! This is not fair!   Satan will save our collective!  We serve him!"
Stop your snivelling...
Ahem... you are Humans, not Lumanians.  Different species cannot successfully interbreed.  Their offsprings are mules where symbolically only the donkeys can keep breeding onwords  Lumanian genetics is eventually washed away from all offspring.

If you cannot shake off the desire to "slaughter-the-sheep" then you will be Satan's play-thing, Satan's slaves.  Oh, removing the brainchips and communication sources might also help as it did our trepanning ancestors, but is not required for non-thUgs.

You see, the sheeple do not need to escape the mind-trap of Satan within a multiverse of probabilities, but thUgs do..., it is Satan's followers who need to escape from Satan's entrapment.  No one can sell GGods gift for life, your soul, but you can shrink your portion to make more room for the other parts(other incarnations) that are more worth than a thUg.  This is your GGod-Given freedom-of-choice at work.  So make smart use of it, if you can.

The thUgs who venture to convert will have their main probability where mine will be, towards the divine.  The thUgs who choose to remain monsters, will have to face Satan's treason against the brainchipped Human race.  It is a simple choice, but a full-heart-ed choice will only work.  You cannot trick nor lie to your sourceSelf or the GGods This type of knowing goes beyond the physical brainchip and you have always been welcome to develop it for yourself.

The Great Escape now begins.  Witch thUg will be smart, witch will be dumb... in either case, Lumanians will be furious!  And thus their Satan, too!  Where you gonna run? Where you gonna hide?  Or if you are really smart about it, you can likely still shut it all down, NOW and figure out just who this "Satan" really is.


Quote from: James Sidaway
Your false-beliefs are tricks created by a very ancient race of Lumanians who hate GGod with a passion. 
James, it is interesting that you mention the Lumanians. That has always been for me a puzzling chapter in "Seth Speaks". What I understood is that the Lumanians were of the past, but then Seth questioned our division of time into past, present, and future. I must re-read that chapter.