A lost session

Started by Mark M, October 11, 2023, 10:42:09 PM

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Mark M

A sample session I machine-translated from this:

A new Seth book, The Seth Multiverse Volume 1, has been published! It contains numerous unpublished sessions that Mary Dillman unearthed during her research at Yale. Having these sessions published was one of Mary's biggest dreams and I'm so happy her wish is coming true. The book is currently only available in German, produced by "Seth-Verlag," a publishing company located in Switzerland that has translated most of the Seth and Seth-related books into German. Hopefully in the near future they will be published in English.

Seth-Verlag - Ende 1963 nahm eines der aussergewöhnlichsten metaphysischen Abenteuer des 20. Jahrhunderts seinen...

SITZUNG 924, 20. OKTOBER 1980

(See the attached drawing of the pectoral fin skeletal structures of a whale, a dolphin, and a third unknown but similar creature. I made the drawing just before the session to show Jane what I had been looking for for an hour this afternoon. In the afternoon I had I remembered seeing such an illustration just yesterday in an article about evolution in a magazine with a format like Time, People, or Smithsonian. I wondered why I was looking at such an article , without, for example, cutting it out for my records or bringing it to Jane's attention.

In fact, I can't even remember whether I actually saw such an article or whether I just dreamed about it last night. [I've already recorded two short dreams from last night.] I couldn't find the article in any of our current magazines. In my memory I saw clearly that the dolphin's fin had the bony structure of a hand, almost identical to a human hand; Surely, I thought in retrospect, this striking similarity could somehow be seen as a strong indication of evolution. However, as I remembered the "dream" or "article," I wondered why the hand skeletal structure of a dolphin's flipper would be useful for swimming, for example. I have no idea whether my quick drawing represents the correct shape of the pectoral fin of whales and dolphins - most likely it is far from even remotely accurate. However, I clearly remember seeing such an image at the top of a page of such an article. Very annoying. It's kind of an unreal situation.

However, given our interest in dreams and evolutionary theory, this is an interesting example of how the two realities can merge, at least while awake - the dream images become so vivid that they actually influence waking behavior in very real ways. So a kind of bridge or chasm is crossed here. But what should I think if, for example, tomorrow I find the article I think I remember in a real magazine? I should add that the topic of evolution has been on my mind more than usual lately. In addition to reading about it in the popular science press, I just received a high school life sciences textbook that contains some material on the evolution-creation controversy, and I received the address of Harvard University Press from Tam - I have A few weeks ago I read a review of a book called The Age of Birds. I have just requested their catalog so that I can order this volume.

I will make an extra copy of part of today's session so that we can send it to the woman who wrote to Jane last week about her short stature daughter. The letter can be found following this meeting. Jane had already messaged the woman in question, although we didn't know at the time that Seth would be bringing up the topic tonight.)

So -

("Good evening, Seth.")

– a few comments on the letter you received from the woman whose child is short.

The extensive human family has included both very tall and short-statured people who were fully human, and their appearance in the species helps keep certain options open. So the species itself is served, but the individuals involved also have their own reasons for experiencing life - relatively speaking - in such a unique way.

These reasons can vary greatly from person to person, and of course families are also involved to a certain extent. I've talked a lot about value fulfillment and I have to emphasize that there is a lot of scope here - and we're not necessarily talking about a steady, even, balanced development, although that can happen too. We are talking about the fulfillment of life values, of living qualities of feeling, appreciation and performance, which, according to your terms, can follow quite erratic developmental paths.

(Long pause at 9:11 p.m.) Evolutionists like to think in terms of long periods of time in which developments and changes take place in minute detail, but nature actually operates quite differently, and the overall structure of earth's permanence is based on the existence of imbalances, rapid changes and Eccentricities. But all these apparent irregularities have their own overarching order.

In the same way, as already mentioned, the stability of your species, such as it is, also relies on other "eccentricities" -- deviations and changes by which the species, in a sense, measures itself. So these deviations are extremely important. The same is broadly true of the presence of (pause), shall we say, genetic "errors"—those that can result in malformed children or even the persistence (long pause) of blood abnormalities, as in some genetic diseases. Here too, the species balances neatly and precisely between the genetic positions.

Now, these positions might well be advantageous in other circumstances, but more than that, they give the species and its genetic structure a flexibility that prevents it from becoming overly specialized. The deviations create a structure that pushes the extreme limits in many areas of genetic behavior.

The individual body must be biologically flexible. A sterile environment would of course be disastrous. Viruses are also very important in this regard and they cannot be eradicated. You can enter a hibernation state. They can change their behavior because they behave like animals: they hide. Overall, viruses, for example, keep the species' body biologically flexible so that the defense systems remain intact. I told you before that no one dies who is not willing to die (in Mass Events); So don't forget that there is give and take in all cases. Again, viruses are not invaders.

With conspicuous deviations such as short stature (long pause), the individual stands out so much from those around him that his position automatically brings with it a certain increase in private life. These people are more visible and therefore have, at least to some extent, the possibility of relative prominence. I don't mean to say that they seek fame, but rather that their strangeness automatically makes them stand out, giving them a view of reality that is highly unique and individualistic. You will look at the world in a way that few others can.

(9:31 p.m.) Some can use this position to their advantage. For others it will represent an almost unbearable handicap. Such paths are pursued by those who are, in fact, what I can only describe as genetically adventurous -- personalities who want to explore deviations, different versions of humanity, and who are willing to explore these apparent eccentricities for themselves. They don't want to be part of the "ordinary herd." They may also want to break their own characteristic emotional patterns so that they are in some way revived and experienced in a completely new way with a completely different focus.

In a sense, these people gain an almost completely new perspective, which brings with it many difficulties, but overall can be very liberating in terms of fulfilling values. Humans are extremely curious. There is nothing, no experiment that your scientists have devised or that science can imagine that has not already been tried in one way or another by nature. Even when science overshoots the mark, its mistakes serve the long-term purpose of fulfilling values, although perhaps in a very different way than science imagines.

Of course, reincarnation realities have something to do with situations such as short stature and so on, but again it is important to emphasize that all lives exist simultaneously and that such conditions are not a punishment for past behavior. (Pause.) We have largely downplayed the reincarnation aspects simply because they are so overrated in so-called spiritual circles, and when we discuss such things in depth they are treated in the context of the material already given and take their place along with the probable selves, the existence of free will and the nature of the psyche.

"Past lives" are important, but what you do with them, so to speak, is just as important. To view them as closed or to think that they influence current life too much distorts the real questions

"Past lives" are important, but what you do with them, so to speak, is just as important. To view them as closed or to think that they influence current life too much distorts the real issues at stake.

Every point of your consciousness at this moment is intimately connected to the point of your consciousness that you would consider from your own standpoint to be a past or future life. The point of creation is now -- a now that appears in the context of time but originates outside of it. It is in moments like this that we suffer most from the limitations of language. The respective language makes little difference. The ethereal nature of the words themselves and the structuring of sentences, some of which is neurologically programmed, make certain concepts appear completely contradictory, and attempts at explanation often end up distorting any clear message. But within and from the moment all of your existences arise, each so much a part of the other that from a larger perspective (pause) it is difficult to understand why these connections are not clear to you.

(9:52 p.m.) Such existences are closely connected, but on the other hand they are also independent (pause), characterized by the use of free will. You are separate and yet united. Each existence affects all of your other existences (pause), to varying degrees. As you are, you form these other existences (long pause), so what you are is not the result of their activities. In other words, you are not at the mercy of other self-personifications. You are not responsible for their lives, which means (long pause) you don't harm them, for example.

The same applies to their relationships with you: you do not suffer from their mistakes. However, you draw from an unconscious wealth of knowledge in which you all share -- a literally endless wealth of experience (pause) from which you draw and which provides you with the psychic equivalent of genetic information.

(Long pause.) All of this brings me back to the main events as I began to discuss them in our (recent) book, because you can really say that all events are main events when you consider all lives, because their dimensions extend beyond the realities you know.

The information you have read about hypnosis and memory (recently in The New York Times) is an example of this, because the so-called past events are still happening. It is not simply that memory has not properly recorded an event, but that the event itself continues to exert its effects. It expands, so to speak, and the effect of the self expands in the same way, so that your memory literally cannot contain it.

A poem by Ruburt says that you constantly outgrow yourself, and that is true.

End of session. I wish you a nice good evening.

("Thank you, Seth. Good night."

(10:05 p.m. Jane's trance speeches were often quite powerful. Until shortly before her trance, she had no idea that Seth would talk about short stature. We discussed sending a copy of the meeting to Mrs. Willow. Her name is Martha, Jane said, and she lives in Canada. I've already put last week's mail in the basement, but I'll track down her letter and address to at least include in the meeting.

(Jane had looked at my two little dreams, one about my father and the other about Paul O'Neill, without receiving anything in return. She was also happy about my whale-dolphin depiction, but Seth didn't comment on that material and I didn't ask him to.

(It is Wednesday evening as I write this and I have not come across an article in any recent magazine about whales and dolphins and the skeletal structure of their fins and/or flukes, so these things may represent a third dream I had this morning.)
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Mark M

A notable remark he made in it:

"The ethereal nature of the words themselves and the structuring of sentences, some of which is neurologically programmed, make certain concepts appear completely contradictory, and attempts at explanation often end up distorting any clear message."

Mark M

I guess this is from forthcoming Vol 2.