The Second Coming of Christ according to Alice O Howell

Started by Sena, December 20, 2018, 07:54:43 AM

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Alice O Howell is an astrologer and psychotherapist. She has written:

"......this Second Coming (of Christ) is the evolution of consciousness to the reality of the indwelling Christ (also known as the Atman, purusha, Divine Guest, Light) within each of us: the realization that all humanity is One—that the same Light shines through each of us; the same fire burns on every candle."


I'd not heard of her before. Another interesting person. What struck me about this:

Quote from: Alice
"......this Second Coming (of Christ) is the evolution of consciousness to the reality of the indwelling Christ... within each of us: the realization that all humanity is One—that the same Light shines through each of us; the same fire burns on every candle."

is that it reminded me of this:

Quote from: Solomon
"This person... will then cause those already living to elevate to an equal level, enabling them to achieve Christ consciousness."

and this:

"(11:14.) The metamorphosis mentioned earlier on the part of the third personality, will have such strength and power that it will call out from mankind these same qualities from within itself..."
—SS Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971

Then per Alice: "So the 'end of the world' may really be referring to the end of an Age; that is, we are facing the end of a period of time, not of the world itself."

In that, I completely agree with her. And Solomon. And Seth. The end of spiritual ignorance=the beginning of spiritual consciousness. It's long overdue, if you ask me.

Seth: "The results will be a different kind of existence. Many of your problems now result from spiritual ignorance. No man will look down upon an individual from another race when he himself recognizes that his own existence includes such membership also. No sex will be considered better than the other, or any role in society, when each individual is aware of his own or her own experience at many levels of society and in many roles. An open-ended consciousness will feel its connections with all other living beings. The continuity of consciousness will become apparent. As a result of all this the social and governmental structures will change, for they are based upon your current beliefs."  Sess. 586