The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson

Started by LarryH, August 14, 2021, 10:29:40 PM

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Today, I heard an interview of a woman who published The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson - A Medium Channels The Founding Father. The woman had transcribed what this medium, Jana Anna, said in response to questions that had mostly come from historians. They had been asked, "If you could speak to Thomas Jefferson, what would you ask?" The respondents did not know that the questions would be posed to a medium. I found the interview to be interesting and the possibility that this was valid to be intriguing. I have too many unread books right now, so I thought I would mention it here in case it piques anyone's interest - in which case, you would be my guinea pig.
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Larry, I thought this might be interesting:

"It's all about blood and land." The descendants of Sally Hemmings say they have the right to be buried in the plot of land left by Jefferson.

Did the channeled Jefferson have anything to say about this dispute?


Quote from: Sena
Did the channeled Jefferson have anything to say about this dispute?
Sena, the interview did not go into this particular dispute, though the channeled Jefferson did speak of Sally Hemmings and their earthly relationship as well as his relationship with her now. It was and is a loving relationship. His wife had died when he was still relatively young. He said that he felt he could not be open about the relationship with Sally Hemmings since he was a public person who needed to guard his reputation. Jefferson said that he was a product of his times, with the attitude of superiority of white men over women and people of color. He has definitely changed his views and sees the progress of society over the centuries on these issues as a good thing. When asked if he would change anything in the Declaration of Independence, he said something like that he would change "all men are created equal" to "all people are created equal". In another observation about our current times, he said that he is saddened by the tendency toward corruption among our elected leaders.
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Quote from: LarryH
He said that he felt he could not be open about the relationship with Sally Hemmings since he was a public person who needed to guard his reputation.
Larry, thanks for that information.


This makes me think of is this Jefferson personality going to have other incarnations. Seth says the personalities of incarnations go off and have free will and follow their own course of development. I imagine they are always connected to the soul, the soul is the part that has multiple incarnations, so what then of the Jefferson entity, is he choosing a new incarnation or not or is it just his soul that does the incarnating? This aspect puzzles me.

Seth personality is adopted by the soul in its interactions with Jane. Then sometimes the Frank Withers personality comes through seemingly to the displeasure of Seth. He doesn't like that personality and finds it boring. So we get to choose which of our incarnational personalities we utilise at any given time but also each of these personalities is doing its own thing all the time as well? Mind bending. I think the answer lies in the I of me having the ability to be focused in multiple consciousnesses simultaneously. I just can't grasp this though it seems impossible.

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Quote from: Bora137
This makes me think of is this Jefferson personality going to have other incarnations.
Bora, related to that is that Edgar Cayce said that a particular person living at the time was the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson and that he would have an important influence on history or something like that. However, the child had a very difficult dysfunctional home life and never achieved what had been envisioned by Cayce. This channeled Jefferson said that he had lent some of his energy to that personality, but found that he had to withdraw it when it became apparent that the person's destiny could not be fulfilled.
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So was the child at one stage Thomas Jefferson and then when he withdrew his energy the child was someone else? I struggle with the consciousness as an open system idea. It seems harsh to give up on a personality, that it becomes less valid somehow. I know this isn't the case but it just feels a bit sad. We all probably remember kids from school who were really promising, good academically and at sports and then sort of faded in adulthood. I wonder if they were invested with exceptional spirits early on who then left?


Quote from: Bora137
So was the child at one stage Thomas Jefferson and then when he withdrew his energy the child was someone else? I struggle with the consciousness as an open system idea. It seems harsh to give up on a personality, that it becomes less valid somehow. I know this isn't the case but it just feels a bit sad. We all probably remember kids from school who were really promising, good academically and at sports and then sort of faded in adulthood. I wonder if they were invested with exceptional spirits early on who then left?
I am reminded of the concept of "walk-ins" popularized by Ruth Montgomery, where a completely different soul replaces the original soul in a physical body. The replacement has access to all the memories of the original, so the "personality" may have no awareness of such a dramatic change except for a new sense of purpose or similar change in outlook. I have also been considering the oft-repeated idea that only a portion of our entity incarnates into one physical being. It may be that when the need arises, another portion of our entity could enter or replace portions during physical life. In Seth's Christ information, he talked about a different combination of the entity coming upon his return. Seth also once said that he gave some of his energy to a dog - which does not mean that Frank Withers was reincarnated as a dog, but that souls or entities are able to spread their experiences in creative ways. As to how a Jeffersonian withdrawal may have affected this person, it does seem possible that it had a negative effect, though it may have been clear that the early dysfunctional influences made that personality's prospects hopeless. And back to the "walk-in" concept, perhaps Jefferson's withdrawal made it possible for a more appropriate deposit from another soul bank, either one that needed to learn from the new probability or one that was better prepared to deal with the new probability.
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Quote from: Bora137
So was the child at one stage Thomas Jefferson and then when he withdrew his energy the child was someone else?

This reminds me of Seth telling Rob that one of his mother's probable selves died and her energy was transferred to the mother he knew. He never asked his mother if she'd felt anything when that happened. I envision it as like a blood transfusion—you're receiving energy that is not directly yours, but it's close enough in vibration to be absorbed without a noticable reaction. Interesting concept though, maybe in some cases these things can change the life of the recipient, such as a turnaround in personalty, goals or interests. Some people who have had organ transplants swear they have new interests or tastes, which turn out match those of the donor.

Quote from: LarryH
I am reminded of the concept of "walk-ins" popularized by Ruth Montgomery, where a completely different soul replaces the original soul in a physical body.

Ah yes, walk-ins. I can't remember if Seth talked about this. If he did I'm sure he had a different name for it. The most famous and documented case I know of was the Watseka Wonder, which I've mentioned in the past. While it was labeled a case of possession, I think walk-in is more accurate. A young girl living in Watseka, Illinois in the late 1800s declared she was someone else, her family was another family. She knew details of the other family and its members, despite them being unknown to her and her parents. She eventually moved into her "other" parents' house, who had a daughter of the same age who had died. After a while the walk-in walked out. Lurancy moved back home, grew up, married, had a family, everything was normal. There sure is some interesting stuff out there.


Quote from: Deb
This reminds me of Seth telling Rob that one of his mother's probable selves died and her energy was transferred to the mother he knew. He never asked his mother if she'd felt anything when that happened. I envision it as like a blood transfusion—you're receiving energy that is not directly yours, but it's close enough in vibration to be absorbed without a noticable reaction.
I saw a movie about fifteen years ago with kind of a similar plot.  There were many worlds in the multiverse and versions of the same people on them.  When one died, the energy would transfer to the others.  The villain was trying to become super powerful by traveling to the different worlds and killing his alters.  I can't remember the name of it and I might have botched the plot a bit, but it was basically this.