Concentrating upon what is RIGHT opens up greater power than you can imagine

Started by inavalan, June 26, 2022, 11:24:56 PM

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


I'm totally in favor of focusing on what's right. In this reality we are constantly bombarded with what's wrong. I remember someone once saying we should not call the news "news," we should all it "what's wrong in the world today." I totally agree.

If I remember correctly (always questionable these days), even Abraham Hicks said that if we focus on what's right, not only do we feel better but we create space for more good things to enter.

I have to admit that can sometimes be a huge challenge. As I've been listening to more of Mary Dillman's interviews, I'm finding that Jane's physical condition was MUCH worse, much earlier, than what we've read in the books. Jane would have had to have a Herculean fortitude to ignore what she suffered through.

But the more I learn about Jane, the more I realize how she had to deal with extreme adversities throughout her life and still accomplished more than any ordinary human could.

My heros used to be Einstein, Edison and Tesla. I've traded them all for Jane.

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