My intro to Seth to a general audience

Started by Mark M, August 04, 2022, 04:40:20 AM

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Mark M

There clearly could be many ways of handling this.

In the last part of this fifth Racine, Wisconsin Writer in Residence post of mine, I present to a general audience Seth/Jane Roberts.

I didn't explicitly mention Seth's main message of "you create your own reality," because a "general audience" person who has been significantly violated in some way, such as, for instance, rape, is not likely to well receive such an idea.

For instance, someone I know had a friendship dissolve or seriously "take a hit" when he presented YCYOR to a friend who, indeed, once had been raped.

Asserting YCYOR with some explanations in its defense would make for a significantly longer post.

After all:

"At a conscious level, of course, neither of you [Jane and Rob] realized,
or wanted to realize, the kind of complete repeal and overhaul
that was implied by our sessions, and for some years you
managed to hold many official views of reality along with the
newer concepts, not ready to understand that an entire new
way of thinking was involved, a new relationship of the
individual with reality. So you tried out some new methods
piecemeal, here and there, with good-enough results.

"Of course, an entire reorientation (with emphasis) is instead

--Seth, The Magical Approach, AUGUST 18, 1980

But there is a hint of YCYOR in the Seth quote I included on "black sheep" and in the concluding part on health.

And by introducing Seth into the weekly blog (26 posts total, 6-month WiR term), I now feel I can occasionally include a Seth quote when such would not otherwise be off topic.

I've "tipped my hand"!
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Mark M

It's not likely to be everyone's cuppa tea, but I got a good review from an acquaintance:

Kate writes:

Wow! That was the most interesting and eye-opening thing I have read in a long time.  I especially liked the quotes from the Seth books which prompted me to think about how the esoteric realm is often seeking answers and enlightenment that are already out there. They just happen to have been published decades ago before many of us were born. I think that these books are still relevant today and that many answers can be found by looking back.  Channeling has always been fascinating to me and I've seen it work enough times to believe in its existence but I feel that it is important to consider the source.  One of my favorite quotes from a channeler who is a family friend is this one: "Just because you are dead doesn't mean you are wise"  That said, I think there is wisdom to be found in the passages you chose for this publication and I thank you for that!  I feel I am better off for having read it! 

Best wishes,

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Quote... from a channeler who is a family friend is this one: "Just because you are dead doesn't mean you are wise" ...

I browsed your racinewir... article too.

We obviously see many things differently, and also have different personalities (the common use meaning, not the Sethian one).

I agree with your friendly reviewer's quote. That's what I recall Seth saying, and it is what I learned directly from my experiences. It is like the difference between you-in-your-dream (as you recall to be), and you-after-waking-up-from-sleep: you aren't wiser, but a little less confused, with a different perspective on your physical life, and on what you are; out of hypnosis.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.