Seth's detailed analysis of a case of Jane's subconscious distortions

Started by inavalan, August 04, 2022, 07:30:28 PM

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Quote from: TES6 #266(Jane resumed, smiling, her eyes opening often, at 11 PM. The storm had once again died down.)

Now. Here we have a case of fine subconscious distortion, beautifully executed.

Ruburt does not approve of guns. The quite legitimate visual data was quickly and frantically transformed. You saw this happen in a different way—after the envelope was opened, when Ruburt insisted on seeing the moose instead of the eagle.

(While Jane was giving the envelope data I detected nothing out of the ordinary in her delivery. She sat with her eyes closed, speaking quite calmly and easily as she usually does. The storm outside was the only one I was aware of.)

It is quite amazing that any legitimate data got through, and little did. There was a complete subconscious refusal to interpret the data, and a complete reversal in this case. For instead of the gun, which to Ruburt signifies destruction, purposeful destruction, you have the distortion of the eagle shape on the gun label, into a woman and child image, signifying of course creativity in this case.

Some small effort was made to keep the original visual data but even this was sacrificed for the same subconscious purpose when it became necessary.

The gun was purchased during a national crisis, and was therefore connected with fears in any case.

The blue was a reference to the typewriter, which was purchased at the same establishment, when Ruburt eagerly tried to substitute one test item for another, you see.

(We had thought of this, since this typewriter was bought at about the same time, from the same store.)

The words "Side-opening" were neutral to Ruburt. However he interpreted them literally you see in terms of the small transparent rectangles or squares. (See page 224.)

His data was legitimate from me, but it was deliberately distorted on the part of the subconscious.

The cost did refer to the cost of the gun. The black and the negative ideas were his own ideas connected with a gun in general.

I insisted on using phrases meant to put him back on the right track, by saying that the woman shapes were shapes, but I could not get this through clearly enough. Our friend will not see what he does not want to see.

If you have no questions we will end the session.

("I guess not then. But it's been very interesting.")

I have never seen a better example of stubborn subconscious distortion.

(Smile, eyes wide and dark.) My best wishes to you both; even to Ruburt.

("Good night, Seth."
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.