~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Concepts Validated by Science => Topic started by: James Sidaway on November 13, 2019, 01:21:49 PM

Title: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: James Sidaway on November 13, 2019, 01:21:49 PM
Electric Universe Theory vs Seth's Warning of =>
The Science Cult
(Seth's Chapters of Mass Events)

Here is an old reading program that can read long documents in the background while doing other things:   http://911cd2005.unaux.com/utilities/SetupRP.EXE

From Seth's "...Mass Events"
"(Jane was quite upset before the session this evening, and I'm the one who was responsible for her state. Somehow, after supper, we got on the subject of Seth doing a "quick book" about Jonestown and Three Mile Island, something that could be offered to the public very soon, instead of material that would show up in a regular Seth book a couple of years from now. We already had the perfect title for the book, one we'd jokingly originated following last Monday night's session: Seth on Jonestown and Three Mile Island: Religious and Scientific Cults.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

In scientific terms there was no fallout involved in the disaster at Jonestown. Yet there was of course a psychological fallout, and effects that will be felt throughout the land by people in all walks of life. The Jonestown situation definitely involved all of the characteristics that I have ascribed as belonging to a cult. There was fanaticism, a closed mental environment, the rousing of hopes toward an ideal that seemed unachievable because of the concentration upon all of the barriers that seemed to stand in its way.

Most cults have their own specialized language of one kind of another — particular phrases used repetitiously — and this special language further serves to divorce the devotees from the rest of the world. This practice was also followed by those at Jonestown. Loyalty to friends and family was discouraged, and so those in Jonestown had left strong bonds of intimacy behind. They felt threatened by the world, which was painted by their beliefs so that it presented a picture of unmitigated evil and corruption. (Pause.) All of this should be fairly well recognized by now. The situation led to the deaths of hundreds.

The Harrisburg situation potentially threatened the lives of many thousands, and in that circle of events the characteristics of a cult are less easy to discern. Yet they are present. You have scientific cults as well as religious ones.

Religion and science both loudly proclaim their search for truth, although they are seemingly involved in completely opposing systems. They both treat their beliefs as truths (underlined), with which no one should tamper. They search for beginnings and endings. The scientists have their own vocabulary, which is used to reinforce the exclusive nature of science. Now I am speaking of the body of science in general terms here, for there is in a way a body of science that exists as a result of each individual scientist's participation. A given scientist may act quite differently in his family life and as a scientist. He may love his family dog, for example, while at the same time think nothing of injecting other animals with diseased tissue in his professional capacity.

Granting that, however, cults interact, and so there is quite a relationship between the state of religion, when it operates as a cult, and the state of science when it operates as a cult. Right now your cultish religions exist in response to the cultish behavior of science. Science insists it does not deal with values, but leaves those to philosophers. In stating that the universe is an accidental creation, however, a meaningless chance conglomeration formed by an unfeeling cosmos, it states quite clearly its belief that the universe and man's existence has no value. All that remains is what pleasure or accomplishment can somehow be wrested from man's individual biological processes.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now those beliefs separate man from his own nature.1 He cannot trust himself — for who can rely upon the accidental bubblings of hormones and chemicals that somehow form a stew called consciousness (louder and quite ironic) — an unsavory brew at best, so the field of science will forever escape opening up into any great vision of the meaning of life. (Long pause.) It cannot value life, and so in its search for the ideal it can indeed justify in its philosophy the possibility of an accident that might kill many many people through direct or indirect means, and kill the unborn as well.2"

—NoME Chapter 6: Session 846, April 4, 1979

"(Long pause.) In the past, and in large areas of the world now, many important decisions are not made by the individual, but by the state, or religion, or society. In this century several issues came to the forefront of American culture: the exteriorization of organized religion, which became more of a social rather than a spiritual entity, and the joining of science with technology and moneyed interests. Ruburt's book on [William] James would be good background material here, particularly the sections dealing with democracy and spiritualism. In any case, on the one hand each individual was to be equal with each other person. Marriages, for example, were no longer arranged. A man no longer need follow his father's vocational footsteps. Young adults found themselves faced with a multitudinous number of personal decisions that in other cultures were made more or less automatically. The development of transportation opened up the country, so that an individual was no longer bound to his or her native town or region. All of this meant that man's conscious mind was about to expand its strengths, its abilities, and its reach. The country was — and still is — brimming with idealism.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There was some hope, at least, in looking for better living conditions personally. There was some hope in forgetting one's doubts in whatever exterior distractions could be found. Idealism is tough, and it is enduring, and no matter how many times it is seemingly slain, it comes back in a different form. So those who felt that religion had failed them looked anew to science, which promised — promised to — provide the closest approximation to heaven on earth: mass production of goods, two cars in every garage, potions for every ailment, solutions for every problem. And it seemed in the beginning that science delivered, for the world was changed from candlelight to electric light to neon in the flicker of an eye, and a man could travel in hours distances that to his father or grandfather took days on end.

And while science provided newer and newer comforts and conveniences, few questions were asked. There was, however, no doubt about it: Exterior conditions had improved (underlined), yet the individual did not seem any happier. By this time it was apparent that the discoveries of science could also have a darker side. Life's exterior conveniences would hardly matter if science's knowledge was used to undermine the very foundations of life itself.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(9:55.) Some people looked, and are looking, for some authority — any authority — to make their decisions for them, for the world seems increasingly dangerous, and they, because of their beliefs, feel increasingly powerless. They yearn toward old ways, when the decisions of marriage were made for them, when they could safely follow in their father's footsteps, when they were unaware of the lure of different places, and forced to remain at home. They have become caught between science and religion. Their idealism finds no particular outlet. Their dreams seem betrayed.

Those people look to cults of various kinds, where decisions are made for them, where they are relieved of the burden of an individuality that has been robbed of its sense of power by conflicting beliefs. At one time the males might have been drafted into the army, and, secretly exultant, gone looking for the period before full adulthood — where decisions would be made for them, where they could mark time, and where those who were not fully committed to life could leave it with a sense of honor and dignity.
(This reminds me of an interview where William Cooper describes socialism as just what Seth describes above: { v=pWR97HvQzaA }  Cooper realizes he was tricked that the driver did the final JFK shot which means he was setup while still employed by the Navy...  the documents he read were fake.  What a sht show this  Cult creates.)
[... 1 paragraph ...]

Cults, however, deal primarily with fear, using it as a stimulus. They further erode the power of the individual, so that he is frightened to leave. The group has power. The individual has none, except that the power of the group is vested in its leader. Those who died in Guyana, for example, were suicidally inclined. They had no cause to live for, because their idealism became so separated from any particular actualization that they were left only with its ashes.

The leader of Jonestown was at heart an idealist. When does an idealist turn into a fanatic? (Long pause.) When can the search for the good have catastrophic results, and how can the idealism of science be equated with the near-disaster at Three Mile Island, and with the potential disasters that in your terms exist in the storage of nuclear wastes, or in the production of nuclear bombs?"

—NoME Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979

From Seth's "Dreams,..."
"No matter what science says about certain values being outside of its frame of reference, science implies that those values are therefore without basis. The reasoning qualities of the mind are directed away from any exploration that might bring about any acceptable scientific evidence for such values, therefore. The fact is that man lives by those values that science ignores (quietly emphatic, and repeated).

For that reason, science—after its first great adventurous era—had its own flaws built in, and so it must expand its definitions of reality or become a tin-can caricature of itself, a prostituted handmaiden to an outworn technology, and quite give up its early claims of investigating the nature of truth or reality. It could become as secondary to life as, say, the Roman Catholic Church is now, losing its hold upon world dominance, losing its claim of being the one official arbiter of reality.

—DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980

From "Towards Health" about Medical Mafias
"to a certain degree, religion and science — and the medical sciences in particular — seem devoted to encouraging the most negative beliefs about human nature. It is taken for granted that all mental, physical, spiritual and emotional satisfactions become lesser with advancing age. It is taken for granted that memory fails, the body weakens, the senses stagnate, and emotional vividness dims. It is often considered scandalous to even imagine sexual activity after the age of even 40 or 50."

—WTH Chapter 10: June 7, 1984

Now for the video about the Electric Universe Theory in opposition to the Science Cult.

This Gaia interview uses Dr. Wallace Thornhill's words to expose the Science Cult's "secrets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWHxemRe478  This likely parallels the Alice Bailey message that the general public will be eventually exposed to the belief system of the Mystery School Cult.  You can see how Thornhills speculations are used to compliment
Cult messages within (THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE, SPIRALS AND THE GOLDEN MEAN  https://math.temple.edu/~reich/Fib/fibo.html )
The Fibonacci sequence can be seen best in pine-cones.  It is one of nature's secrets that the Science Cult used to hide as the basis of this physical universe and it is significant when studying nature's design... (It is similar to the masonic magic-square { v=6fedjvyRt5w?t=156 })  But the number has no "power" within it... it does indicate the intelligent design hidden by the Creater-God and has nothing to do with an AI-god that they are rebuilding to control the world.  The multidimensional aspects that Seth teaches about the physical universe clashes with their AI-techno-thUggery. 

As you can see in these unique interviews that Rex Bear created and well worth the listen.

{ v=cHzDmxOEKUU }  Single Cosmic Event Created Asteroid Belt, Valles Marineris & Grand Canyon, Wal Thornhill   10Kviews  Posted 1 month ago

{ v=md6T6tWYU_0 }  Wal Thornhill - Gods & Devils - Saturn the Ancient Sun, Thunderbolts.info  33Kviews  Posted 11 months ago

{ v=5Yt55Y-A6rs }  Electric Universe, Project Thunderbolt. Is Saturn Nibiru? Holoscience, Wal Thornhill  99,013views  Aug 14, 2016

(Don't forget David LaPoint's "Primer Field Theory")

These three Thornhill interviews are a great collection.  Bear has left the CIA's "conspiracy theorist" category and is becoming more of a amateur cosmology researcher, partly thanks to Thornhill being suppressed by cult-media.  NASA get endless science-cult funding while promoting deception, but it is catching up to them as AI is pushed to lead world governance.
But... time again to step back with a Sethie worldview... the physical world is actually unfolding your chosen probabilities revealing your path towards spiritual expansion... just take the bull... by the horns.
http://i.imgur.com/3ySQnhw.png  http://i.imgur.com/mXomsRr.png  http://i.imgur.com/5GPzybi.png

And this http://i.imgur.com/8q1rOdT.png is the Science Cult's worship of the cyclical rebirth of our species' science cult AI-computer from the placenta of mankind's ancient "sheeple."  This time round we had Jane Roberts' break-through. 
"Ruburt the giant killer." --Seth
  I love it!
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: inavalan on November 13, 2019, 02:15:47 PM
It seems that Seth, in spite of his perspective from a much higher vantage point, is kind of whining in those quotes ...

Aren't each one of us creating our own realities? Aren't we all telepathically connected co-creators of this physical reality?

Aren't we here to practice creation? If so, why the whining? Each one of us faces a clear binary choice: create, or don't and react / resign to others' creation! If you chose the second path don't whine, don't blame others: they are creators, they do what they're here for.

I thought that's why Seth explained us the nature of the unseen reality: to get it why we are here, and what we are supposed to do: practice creation until we get good at it.

In my opinion, all those conspiracy theorists just subscribe to other cults, in no way different than science and religion cults.
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: jbseth on November 13, 2019, 05:11:15 PM
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13899#msg13899)
It seems that Seth, in spite of his perspective from a much higher vantage point, is kind of whining in those quotes ...

Hi inavalan,

Is this coming from ego or inner guidance?  My sense is that it's coming from ego.

Sometimes when I come from ego, I can be both impatient and emotional. On the other hand, usually my inner guidance, is much more serene and wise.

When I tap into my inner guidance on this issue, I'm reminded of Seth's comments that this is a training ground, where we are learning to create responsibly.

I'm also reminded that there are people here on earth that either don't know or don't believe that that they create their reality. 

Along with this I'm also reminded that there are also people here on earth who do believe that that they create their reality, but who aren't necessarily doing so responsibly, all the time.

As a result of this, we can and do end up with both private and mass realities that can sometimes be pretty ugly in some situations.  We end up with problems like terrorist bombings, such as the one on 9-11, wars, like the one in Afghanistan, and cults like Scientology.

I don't think that Seth is whining here. Instead I think he's just talking both about some of these issues that we have created in various ways and for various reasons for ourselves.


Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: inavalan on November 13, 2019, 06:17:47 PM
@jbseth ... I feel like you're lecturing me. No, thank you. Please, don't do it again.

Your post isn't conducive to a dialogue. I'll stop here.
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: jbseth on November 13, 2019, 08:30:54 PM
Hi inavalan,

This was not intended as a lecture or an attack. 

Sometimes, when I come from my ego, I'm impatient, emotional and I'm not always wise.  On the other hand, usually when I tap into my personal inner guidance, it seems to be less emotional and more patient, calm, and wiser than my ego. I also seem to get some pretty good insights from it, when I do tap into it.

I thought that maybe sometimes you have had similar experiences to this. That was all I really meant.

My comments today are based upon some insights I picked up while thinking about the comments that Seth made here. These insights had to do with Seth's comments that this is a training ground where we are learning to create responsibly. They also had to do with a recognition that some people here either don't realize or don't believe that they create their reality. As a result of this, I believe that these people often end up creating less than ideal realities for themselves.

If you don't agree with my thoughts here that's fine. I don't expect that everyone necessarily will.


Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: Deb on November 14, 2019, 03:45:05 PM
I haven't had a chance to read all the quotes in the first post here, I'm curious if I'll pick up anything. I can't say I've ever felt Seth whine, it will be interesting what my reaction will be.

Almost done with Rich's book, I'll have more time to keep up here. Sorry there were some misunderstandings and thank you both for being open about it.
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: James Sidaway on November 16, 2019, 09:01:28 AM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13897#msg13897)
{ v=cHzDmxOEKUU }  Single Cosmic Event Created Asteroid Belt, Valles Marineris & Grand Canyon, Wal Thornhill   10Kviews  Posted 1 month ago


Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: James Sidaway on November 16, 2019, 01:12:06 PM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13897#msg13897)
it must expand its definitions of reality or become a tin-can caricature of itself, a prostituted handmaiden to an outworn technology, and quite give up its early claims of investigating the nature of truth or reality. It could become as secondary to life as, say, the Roman Catholic Church is now, losing its hold upon world dominance, losing its claim of being the one official arbiter of reality.
From "Dreams,..." Ch 7

Seth designed his first three books to awaken the intuitions and inner senses of all mankind who yearned to do so.  "...Psyche" was likely a response to class and outside questioning and wanting info on sexuality.  This is a big thing since the pulling of the twin towers was, partly, symbolic of the Cult preparing to remove sex from the slave population and replaced by a sexless single tower.  The "outcome" that the science Cult deems "justified" to bring about their apotheosis claims within the arch (like that of Titus on September 11th) and thus wrote in stone "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT".  This statement MUST be upheld by the Cult (in order to stop their minds from reasoning clearly) and thus to go through with their world-wide-trap against their own species. 

The Science Cult pretends the brainchip hivemind and AI-computer makes them another species, what a joke, speculating a new scientific name for Cult members like "Homo exitus" or "Homo erraticus"... (see what I mean).  Seth dedicated the latter parts of "...Mass Events" and "Dreams,..." to give the Cult's heads a shaking, if possible... because there is no doubt, their path through the probabilities is set for self-annihilation, again.  They think they have cycles of rebirth, rather, this is it... if they cannot choose the path of spiritual expansion this time round, they will only fade away from the framework.  Hence, we chose a probability where Jane broke through to All-That-Is, or was it the other way around. =>  Hence, in Session 742 Seth hints that the Cult's fear of Atlantis' destruction is actually within their future... for this time-overlay...  Whining?  The real whining is, apparently, on it's way.

The above quote from "Dreams..." was Seth referring to the cyclic rise of their Fiery Phoenix from the ashes of the placenta(listen to the Cult morn the self-annihilation of old Atlantis in the Cult song "Live: 'Lightning Crashes'" This is the rise of ancient, Lumanian-based, AI and the rebuilding of the "Tower-of-Babel").  If you study the Cult that William Cooper identifies in their 1916 Convocation "Fundamental Laws" you will find they hold the Creator-God, All-That-Is, responsible for the thunderbolts from Mars that answered mankind's need for spiritual value-fulfillment. No value-fulfillment and a species will commit suicide.  Thus, mankind reset itself and Nature provided the means to wipe-out that version of thUgtopia.  The Lumanians were already hiding out underground to avoid Nature's dutiful answering of their civilizational blueprint's "callings."  History is so distorted by the "great work"sters.

Amazing to realize that Phil Schneider exposed the underground Lumanians (not "ET aliens") having and directing conferences with the thUgtopian science Cult.  Schneider also exposed treaties between the strange underground high-tech creatures and thUgtopia.  Makes me laugh recalling from child-hood, Spiderman dealing with the underground race of creatures... searching, searching, found it!  {v=btzsBg471BA } was that "Hollowood" that produce those archaic cartoons? http://i.imgur.com/tA6qVVm.png http://i.imgur.com/Hpgssaz.png The Molemen self-demise... haa! 
Wow! The cartoon has a mysterious ending that I forgot... http://i.imgur.com/rfil347.png  That's hilarious!!! thUgtopia was in disguise creating the Molemen facade!  That blasted SpiderMonkey picked his way through the multiverse probabilities and found a successful rather than failed world to live within.  Haa! =>  How classic!
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: Deb on November 16, 2019, 04:15:39 PM
Well... I may be dense at times and I admit that freely. But my take on the quotes from Mass Events is that Seth was only explaining "how" and "why" things like Jonestown or Three Mile Island can happen. To me, in his typical "just the facts" way, no judgment or blame. I seem to recall him saying that you cannot blame a young child for making mistakes for something they have not yet learned, and that seems to be the way he feels about all of us. We are newbies in a sense.

We do make our own reality, individually and en masse. There are some people that understand that on some level and consciously make their own reality with amazing success. Then there are those who look to others for leadership, feel that they are victims when things go wrong, have no control over their lives, and always seek to blame someone or something outside of themselves for their problems. I feel that is learned. Seth has also explained that mass events (are they always destructive? or are those the only ones we pay attention to?) serve a purpose, they make a statement and are impetus for change.

I thought his explanation of the mentality behind cults, whatever kind they are, was very thorough. And we also have gangs (in history gangsters, The Mob, the Mafia, etc.). I can say I see too many people who feel the need to subjugate themselves to whoever seems to have the most confidence and charisma (or ulterior motives).

"When you are afraid of your own authority, then you will accept almost anything rather than face the authority of your own psyche. A Mickey Mouse will do." Seth, ESP class 07/12/75

Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13897#msg13897)
"Ruburt the giant killer." --Seth

I just had to look that up, curious of what that meant. It's in Session 74, Early Sessions 2, 07/27/64, and the entire session is personal information for Rob and Jane. At that time, Jane was working at the art gallery, and apparently she had some issues with the gallery director that affected her to the point she had a panic attack. Seth spent some time explaining what was going on: Basically it was due to Jane's adversity to authority, a result of her mother's constant need for control over Jane. "His mother, representing authority to him as a child, was frightening, threatening, sometimes cruel, and capricious." Jane was almost paralyzed with terror of her mother, which Seth says was the cause of her thyroid problem. So the issue was that Jane viewed the director as an authority figure, and was in constant "battle" emotionally with him, unbeknownst to him as to what was going on. Jane was pretty nasty to him. Seth said the director had his own insecurities and that "He thrives on praise; so, true to form, the giant killer Ruburt insults him to his face."

Seth talked a little about Jane's poor spelling, which I'd heard her mention before but I didn't realize she also turned that into a battle against "authority." "Out of pure perversity Ruburt has refused to learn how to spell. If authority says to spell a word one way, Ruburt defiantly spells it another."

Guess there was no chance Jane would have ever joined a cult, based on her adversity to authority figures. :)
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: Deb on November 17, 2019, 12:28:23 PM
Just came across this quote in my Inbox, from Facebook 11/15/19. While the information on the body is really good, it doesn't relate to the topic of this post. However, the last sentence does. A nice surprise. FYI in my doing a search on this session, Jonestown was mentioned in a few different places in TPS5.

"The body is always an alive, alert, responsive, ever-changing framework, fully focused in the present. It will not live forever – not does it want to. It knows pain and pleasure. You grow toward pleasure, and the desire for it propels you and the body. Pain often acts as a teacher, saying: 'This direction is not for you' as it reflects painful thoughts. Practically speaking in your world, there is going to be some wear and tear. To deny that is asking too much.

"People have difficulties with their teeth in modern times, particularly, for many reasons – but mainly because it is one accepted area for the difficulty to show itself, and because the dentist's cosmetics can indeed repair the appearance. At least in some historic periods, people kept their teeth longer, knowing that nothing could be done to repair the damage.

"Ideally – and this is a big ideally – there would be no such damage to the body. Your attitudes have been along the lines of self-accusation at any such problems. Any health difficulties will flow into the pool of your beliefs – but the body is not meant to be more than the reflection and materialization of your inner reality as it appears in space and time. Its problems are the results of your own inner ones, and meant to lead you toward inner comprehensions.

"In the same way, the Jonestown suicides lead the society to face its inner problems."

—TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: James Sidaway on November 22, 2019, 01:07:24 PM
The Carolina Bays Electro-Craters


You can see the craters were created with a sweeping effect.  The geometry of the crater is independent of the crater size.  There is no signs of impact.

And it has all been covered up by the "science-Cult."  The thUgtopians cannot hide the truth from critical thinking "sheeple."  So what they do instead is control the media and place a hold on information until after AI takes-over the "World Governance" vessel.

Does it feel strange to be "waking up?"  haa haa!  awaken Sethies!... ding-a-ling!  The bells are ringing! =>  All in fun... you must have fun in life.  Bing-Bong!
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: jbseth on November 22, 2019, 10:41:19 PM
Hi James,

This looks interesting but I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to tell us about these elliptical areas?  Are you saying that they are impact craters? Are saying that they aren't impact craters but something else. I'm not sure what your point is about these things.

Kind of curious.

- jbseth
Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: Deb on November 23, 2019, 10:58:30 AM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13933#msg13933)
The above quote from "Dreams..." was Seth referring to the cyclic rise of their Fiery Phoenix from the ashes of the placenta of mankind's ancient "sheeple."  This time round we had Jane Roberts' break-through.

Wow your perspective of the Seth materials is very different than mine! I see Seth's explanations of reality being pretty basic, without undercurrents of conspiracy and cults having control. To me Seth's message was essentially that we're here to learn how to use our own energy to consciously create our reality. Our realities are very different!

"In this existence you are learning to handle the inexhaustible energy that is available to you"
—NoPR Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972

"you are participating at a level of existence in which you are learning how to transform the imaginative realm of probabilities into a more or less specific, physically experienced world."
—NoME Chapter 4: Session 829, March 22, 1978

"Now: You are learning to be cocreators. You are learning to be gods as you now understand the term. You are learning responsibility — the responsibility of any individualized consciousness. You are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes."
—SS Chapter 4: Session 522, April 8, 1970

The Batman graphic made me chuckle, but I read "snap out of it" rather than "wake up" lol.

Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14001#msg14001)
You can see the craters were created with a sweeping effect.  The geometry of the crater is independent of the crater size.  There is no signs of impact.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolina_bays, it seems to be phenomena in coastal areas (in the US at least):

"After considerable debate and research, geologists determined the depressions were both too shallow and lacking in any evidence for them to be impact features."

"Quaternary geologists and geomorphologists have repeatedly found that the orientations of the Carolina bays are consistent with the wind patterns which existed during the Wisconsin glaciation as reconstructed from Pleistocene parabolic dunes, a time when the shape of the Carolina bays was being modified."

Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: jbseth on November 23, 2019, 01:42:42 PM
Hi James,

What are you trying to tell us about these elliptical Carolina Bays? What has been covered up by the science cults?

I'm just trying to understand what you are saying here.


Title: Re: Electric Universe Theory vs Seth’s Warning of => The Science Cult
Post by: James Sidaway on December 01, 2019, 07:34:58 PM
Haa haa! 
That elliptical thunderbolt crater comment appears to be meant for some other topic, where it would, well, fit in.    I would have just said, dude!!!: "Wrong thread, James, read the title again" and I would have said "oops",  but I like the responses.
Marriage is out of the question, Cher!  Haaa!