~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Sleep, Dreams, OBEs, Altered States => Topic started by: jbseth on January 10, 2019, 10:06:33 PM

Title: Dreams, Psychic Events, etc.
Post by: jbseth on January 10, 2019, 10:06:33 PM
Hi All,

Sometimes I have lots of dreams and then other times, it seems like I don't have any dreams for very long periods of time, months in some cases.

In the past I've noticed that "sometimes", when I have a dream, the events of the dream seem to be psychically predictive of some future event.

The other night I had a dream and it was kind of different than my typical dream. Maybe this was a psychic dream.

On the morning of January 7, 2019, I woke up recalling a dream that I had, sometime overnight. This dream had something to do with Paul McCartney. In this dream, Paul was in the process of making some sort of deal with some music bigwigs and as a result of this deal, within about 2 days or so, anyone who wanted to purchase music, would have to purchase a computer, actually it was a computer chip, along with it. This would be the way of the future for all music purchases.

In regards to this deal that Paul was working on, it had something to do with Michael Jackson as well.

I thought I'd post this dream information here so that if anyone hears anything along these lines, they could let me know.

Also, if anyone else has any dreams, psychic hunches, or anything like that, they are welcome to record them here as well, if they would like.


Title: Re: Dreams, Psychic Events, etc.
Post by: Deb on January 11, 2019, 04:40:55 PM
I think we dream every night, it's just that we don't remember all of our dreams. Some people don't remember any of their dreams.

Anyway, about your dream, I can say that Michael Jackson did purchase the rights (https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/7662519/beatles-catalog-paul-mccartney-brief-history-ownership) to a lot of (250) Beatle songs. Paul is still trying to get the rights back. So if the lawsuit ends up favoring Paul, you may get your explanation of the computer chip. As someone who first owned vinyl, then cassettes and 8 tracks, then CDs (and had to re-buy a lot of music), I know firsthand the way music is bought and sold is always changing.

Oh, I just had a little "hit" on a dream myself. When I was watching the Bruce Lipton video that I put up in a new topic (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1613.msg12237#new), I noticed his eyelashes. Then I remembered dreaming that I was talking to some man and I noticed that his eyes had that same crumbly mascara/eyeliner look. I've seen Bruce many times before and he never looked like he was wearing makeup, so maybe it was poor film quality or they had a makeup artist pretty him up for the filming.
Title: Re: Dreams, Psychic Events, etc.
Post by: jbseth on January 12, 2019, 03:03:26 PM
Hi Deb,

Thanks for your reply.

I agree, it is my understanding that we dream several times every night during the REM portion of our sleep. I believe that somewhere Seth also said that we also dream in other portions of our sleep its just that in these deeper stages we mostly don't remember them.

Yeah, I've also heard that Michael Jackson, owned, many of the Beatles records. As I understand it, he actually got the idea from Paul McCartney himself, though Paul did not expect Michael to do this and was  rather unhappy about it when it did occur.  I'm also under the impression that since then, Michael or his estate has sold some of these off.

I like your hit on the dream regarding the Dr. Lipton video. I also find this interesting.  I noticed that his eyelashes looked like he was wearing mascara, while I was watching this video, although this was at an almost subconscious level, as I didn't seem to recall it consciously, until you made that comment in your previous post.


Title: Re: Dreams, Psychic Events, etc.
Post by: jbseth on January 12, 2019, 08:35:58 PM
Hi All,

I had a dream last night that I was in Hawaii. :)

During my life I've been to several places in the Hawaiian Islands on several different occasions and I can honestly say that this Hawaii of my dream, was not like any place in Hawaii, that I've ever seen.

In my dream, the water was a beautiful light blue in color (in this reality, the water surrounding Hawaii, is typically a very pretty dark or royal blue instead) and the sand in my dream was a very light and sparkly cream white in color. Very pretty.

The color of the water and sand in my dream, was very similar to the color of the water and sand, in the SciFi movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. In that movie, Jodie Foster's character goes into this machine and in this machine she jumps into another reality. In this new reality she communicates with her father and sits on this white sandy beach on the shore of a beautiful ocean. For those of you who have seen this movie, the color of the sand and ocean in this scene of this movie is very similar to the color of the sand and ocean in the Hawaii of my dream.

In this dream, I see some US military ships, heading out to sea. But instead of being painted navy grey, they are painted the color of the beach sand instead. In fact, I didn't realize that these were navy ships, when I first saw them. I thought that they were sand bars out in the ocean. Then I saw a ship that was a Chinese Junk. This Chinese Junk was also painted the same color as the beach sand in my dream.

This morning, I went to downtown Hillsboro, Oregon, which I very rarely do and I noticed that it was really beautiful outside; white clouds, blue skies, and maybe 45F, a rare treat for this time of year in Oregon. Anyway, as I was walking around downtown, I came across a store that sells salt water fish and salt water aquariums. The salt water aquariums were awesome. I didn't know that anyone locally sold any salt water aquariums. I immediately associated this with my dream last night of Hawaii.

Then, as I went into the store several doors down, I discovered that it was a "Crystal Heart" bookstore, in Hillsboro. There is a "Crystal Heart" bookstore in Beaverton which, in years past, I have occasionally gone into, but years ago they moved and since I was no longer able to find them, I assumed they went out of business.  The "Crystal Heart" bookstore, was a "New Age" bookstore that carried many New Age books, like "Seth Speaks", and other things like cyrstals, bells, yoga mats, etc. It was a neat bookstore. 

Well it turns out that they didn't go out of business in Beaverton after all. Furthermore, their business is expanding and now they have 2 stores in Hillsboro. One's a bookstore and ones an art gallery. How cool is that.

I suspect that there are probably many connections between my dream last night of being in Hawaii, and my experiences today of being in Hillsboro.

For one, both places start with "H" for example. Another connection I can see is the white sand and blue ocean of Hawaii and the white clouds and blue skies in Hillsboro today; which really is rare this time of year. Another connection is the extreme joy that I felt in both being in Hawaii last night and in being in the new "Crystal Heart" bookstore, in Hillsboro today.

I suspect that there are many other connections here too and I'm waiting to see what the story is behind the sand colored navy ships and the Chinese junk. Maybe this was just a symbol for "junk".

I think our dreams speak to us all the time, in many different ways. All we have to do is pay attention to them.
