I want to open a specific topic for all to be debated...A woman on the forum (she knows who ;D ..) actually throw the rocket in the wild...
If the women will be more significant numbers than man will they turn violent ?
I consider the current system is more man tailored and is not very female friendly..Males tend to repress emotions so the system is kinda built with this mentality so womens have much to loose and have chalenges to fit in this...The system structure is built to also avoid emotions with many rules, military style, control...
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8936#msg8936)If the women will be more significant numbers than man will they turn violent ?
I'll take the bait, it's an interesting question. I'll be generalizing here, I realize there are many exceptions with everything, but I've never questioned that females are over all less violent than males, which I've attributed to testosterone and a generally male-dominated planet fighting for land, possessions and ideology. Also females are hormonally wired to give and protect life (childbearing and nurturing), which makes me feel women are more hesitant to harm. I know underneath it all there are no genders, but here on Earth we are in these bodies we are creating and there are biological differences. At least there are in
my version of reality.
Even the method of violence tends to be different between males and females (something I learned from watching all those old unsolved crime type shows): Men will shoot, knife, strangle, beat to death with their hands or other weapons. Women lean towards poison or arson—less direct physical involvement. And women who do kill, kill people they know and not strangers or groups of people. It's personal. I'm not making this up, there are articles you can read.
So my thought is in a female-dominated world, I don't feel women would become more violent. And there would be less warring. To quote Robin Williams, "If women ran the world we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days." :D
"Wars are basically examples of mass suicide — embarked upon, however, with all of the battle's paraphernalia, carried out through mass suggestion, and through the nation's greatest resources, by men who are convinced that the universe is unsafe, that the self cannot be trusted, and that strangers are always hostile."
§ NoME Chapter 6: Session 835, February 7, 1979
I think violence killing in wars is also rationalized by some as not really murder (they are casualties, not victims), but "self" defense in one way or another. Defending boundaries, resources, ideals. But...
"(12:01.) Killing another human being is a violation. Killing while protecting your own body from death at the hands of another through immediate contact is a violation. Whether or not any justification seems apparent, the violation exists.
Strictly speaking, the translation from biological language to your own is as given in this session; but the finer discrimination reads thusly: Thou shalt not violate."
§ NoPR Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973
This was interesting:
"Nearly all wars are declared by older men, and fought by younger ones. Studies on archaeological remains, as well as on contemporary societies that are technologically primitive, has shown that war is a constant feature of human life. And not only humans: animals engage in war as well: a troupe of baboons will repulse another if it attempts to invade the home troupe's territory. But, as in humans,
it's the males that do the fighting (and the invading).
There are good reasons for this. Males are usually stronger than females (in most mammalian species) and, in some, develop weapons, such as claws or teeth, that females don't possess. Many studies on humans show that males are more physically aggressive than females, and have an increased appetite for taking risks. The male monopoly of war would seem to have a firm biological basis."
I let time for this thread to be replied to and it seems is a touchy question...Only Deb answered with a bit of ... anxiety :D
I may ask in a channeling session .... I am very curious how is this question answered..
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8985#msg8985)Only Deb answered with a bit of ... anxiety
Where are you getting that from?
I thought I was being pretty straight-forward.
QuoteI'll take the bait
Beggining with this expression gave me the impression of a bit of "heroic" gesture from you to go first.Is clear to me that not many feel confortable to answer this question.You stepped out the crowd and tried to answer.I still felt that it was a bit unconfortable for you "taking the bait" .. :D