~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on April 02, 2017, 12:53:24 PM

Title: Guilt
Post by: myststars on April 02, 2017, 12:53:24 PM

April 2017
Card #41 | Pleiades (Past) | Guilt
This card, in the galactic sense, refers to one of the deepest wounds of the Pleiadian species. This wound kept them stuck for thousands of years. But at the same time, the wound became one of the vehicles through which awakening happened. The same is true for humans; there are many wounds of the human species but they will also be the keys to your awakening.

We have spoken many times about the necessity of integrating the emotional and mental bodies as you move through this crucial time in your species' evolution. Part of this healing process has to do with becoming aware of emotional patterns that either keep you stuck, or serve as a distraction away from what really needs to be processed. The emotion of guilt is one of those emotions that often serves as a distraction, protecting you from what the ego fears is an even more intense emotion.

In the past we have also spoken about the concept of karma and how it has been misunderstood. It is not based on action, but based on intent. Thus, if you hurt another from a place of innocence, there really isn't any karma generated. The karma comes from how you feel about your actions. Do you punish yourself? Do you blame others? Do you close yourself off from love? All of these are responses to an innocent action, but they generate energy that can then become karma. Over time, the reinforcement of this unconscious pattern gets stronger and stronger. It builds layers of itself so that you cannot ever really see the original cause.

Guilt is similar. We would consider it to be one of those "protective emotions" that, in essence, serves no positive purpose until it is used for awakening. Let's give you a dramatic example to illustrate. Imagine that you accidentally kill another person through innocent actions. There are many layers of emotion that you can feel from this accident. Guilt is the first layer. If you become stuck there, you never complete the process of healing. The ego often keeps guilt in place so that you do not ever feel the deeper emotions such as grief or anger toward the universe. If you do not feel the deeper emotions fully, you will never heal. Everything stays stuck as the ego protects you from deeper pain. This is even true with those people who were victims of abuse. They often feel tremendous guilt, even though they were the victims. The guilt keeps them from feeling the deeper pain.

But what about those people who feel guilt for no reason at all? We've spoken with people who feel guilt just from existing -- and some of that guilt was modeled from parents and perpetuated through the generations. These people walk around with the guilt on their shoulders, draining their energy and weakening their spirit. After a while, they don't even realize they feel it. The same mechanism is at play -- the ego keeps the guilt in place so that deeper emotions don't have to be felt. As you can imagine, that is no way to exist.

This card is coming up now to communicate that it is time to go deep within and begin unraveling the layers of emotion that keep you stuck. As you do this work, you will probably encounter an illogical guilt at the surface. If you do, please consider it a "guardian" (so to speak) of deeper emotions that need to be felt and then embraced. As you look at your guilt, do so with nonjudgmental eyes. It isn't you. It is simply an automatic (or learned) protection mechanism to stop you from going deeper. With conscious awareness, patience and love, it can be neutralized.

After millennia the Pleiadians finally saw the root of their guilt. Though they had understood it stemmed from an action they had taken in the past, they saw it had a deeper layer. As a species matures, it becomes capable of seeing these deeper layers. That is where you are now as a species. You have just begun learning the importance of no longer carrying around unrecognized and unprocessed emotion. It will take awhile for this emotional maturity to blossom, but you have taken the first steps. Keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!


Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: Sena on April 02, 2017, 11:09:16 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8956#msg8956)Imagine that you accidentally kill another person through innocent actions.
myststars, thanks for your post but there are no accidents according to Seth:

Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: myststars on April 03, 2017, 12:19:32 AM
It's just a practical example and analogy ... Is for many people that didn't integrate the "there is no coincidence" concept and is easier for all of us to relate.Was said not because the entity/the person didn't know this concept but  because this info is for everyone.If you had a private channeling session you wouldn't be told this concept again.
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: Sena on April 03, 2017, 06:02:59 AM
mystars, even to take that as an example (killing someone accidentally) seems to me that there is something wrong here. It casts doubt on Lyssa Royal's integrity.
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: myststars on April 03, 2017, 09:42:15 AM
It's up to you what you think.Our civilization is in era of "we still kill each other" so this example is not a science fiction one.People ask about this stuff in seminars if you buy them.People ponting fingers at wars, killing each other so imo Germane used a very frequent example from public.
A very popular stuff that i heard around in channeling q&a is when the entity says that humanity will be the teachers and masters of emotions people ask "How can this be with all this killing and wars around ? "... The killing theme is frequent in our culture now!..We , the people , ask this hard questions and " universe" answers and may use our asked themes as examples or analogies.
After all is up to you to decide from your own filters the information that come to you if it fits you or not...THere are many channelers , cults and materials out there.I personally had tried 3 with private sessions.I looked at others only online from books.I am not really stuck with one perspective but there are common things that all say.
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: sethspeaks on April 03, 2017, 10:12:19 AM
Session 550:
"Your friends and acquaintances will be concerned with the same problems, for you will draw to yourself those with the same concerns. I am telling you again, therefore, that many of your ideas of good and evil are highly distortive, and shadow all.
If you form a guilt in your mind, then it is a reality for you, and you must work it out. But many of you form guilts for which there is no adequate cause, and you saddle yourselves with these guilts without reason. In your dimension of activity there appeal to be a wild assortment of evils. Let me tell you that he who hates an evil merely creates another one.
From within your point of reference it is often difficult for you to perceive that all events work toward creativity, or to trust in the spontaneous creativity of your own natures. Within your system, to kill is obviously a moral crime, but to kill another in punishment only compounds the original error. Someone very well known who established a church - if you will, a civilization - once said, 'Turn the other cheek if you are attacked." The original meaning of that remark, however, should be understood. You should turn the other cheek because you realize that basically the attacker only attacks himself.
Then you are free, and the reaction is a good one. If you turn the other cheek without this understanding, however, and feel resentful, or if you turn the other cheek out of a feeling of pseudomoral superiority, then the reaction is far from adequate.
Now all of this can be applied to your relationships in your reincarnational existences, and of course it also is highly pertinent to your current daily experience. If you hate another person, that hate may bind you to him through as many lives as you allow the hate to consume you. You draw to yourself in this existence and in all others those qualities upon which you concentrate your attention. If you vividly concern yourself with the injustices you feel have been done you, then you attract more such experience, and if this goes on, then it will be mirrored in your next existence. It is true that in between lives there is "time" for understanding and contemplation."
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: Vladimir on April 06, 2017, 02:36:00 PM
Lyssa Royal channeling does not parallel with Seth. 
QuotePleiadians finally saw the root of their guilt.
Who saw? - the group/nation/civilization viewed as if it were one individual with his/her problems... who saw the root of their problem? All of them at the same time? Most of them? somebody among them? This channeling language reminds me modern Social science were majority makes the image of "all".

Sorry, but this does not vibrate with my personal intuitive breakthroughs either , while Seth does strongly...
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: Deb on April 06, 2017, 08:18:50 PM
Let's talk about what Seth says about guilt.

Seth has said there is natural guilt, a purer form of guilt than what we've distorted and contrived. Let me note that the word 'distorted' is used quite often.

From what I understand what Seth said, natural guilt is a brake/governor/conscience for our behavior. Its purpose is to make us examine our behaviors that may be harmful to other consciousnesses, to understand and remember the effects, and stop us from repeating any harmful behavior. Simple, clean, no karmic distortions involved. No commitment to self-punishment. Rather than load this post up with a bunch of quotes, I'll link to here http://search.sethtalks.com/q/guilt/ and if you're interested you can explore.

We have somehow transformed natural guilt into what Seth calls artificial guilt, based on humanity's fears that without guilt (and punishment), the world would run wild. So guilt is the new conscience.

We have distorted the purpose behind guilt. Maybe we need to change the word guilt to compassion or conscience?

The arguments about this reality and our wars, accidents, killing, victims, murderers, is still interesting to me, because while according to Seth nothing is accidental and there are no victims, there are still quotes from Seth about violating and murder and intentions.

Thou shalt not violate
—NoPR Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: myststars on April 07, 2017, 12:49:46 AM
Quote from: Vladimir (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8987#msg8987)
Lyssa Royal channeling does not parallel with Seth. 
QuotePleiadians finally saw the root of their guilt.
Who saw? - the group/nation/civilization viewed as if it were one individual with his/her problems... who saw the root of their problem? All of them at the same time? Most of them? somebody among them? This channeling language reminds me modern Social science were majority makes the image of "all".

Sorry, but this does not vibrate with my personal intuitive breakthroughs either , while Seth does strongly...

I would suggest seeing all her free youtube videos named "Journey through Galactic Heritage Cards" where is explained the history of universe related to US humans and earth.Is not only about Pleiadian civilization but you will get a bigger picture and the info is kinda spread here and there in multitude of places.The prism of lyra book that i posted below contains a chapter about this specifically...


This are free transcripts from seminars:


And also there is a 6 hour of info in the session 258 Galactic Healing (that i personally bought) ...


Sasha the other entity that is channeled by Lyssa is a Pleiadian in a 4 or 5th dimensional body BUT still in a body like us.
Germane is a group consciouness and no body so his point of view is much more elevated than Sasha.
On the other hand Sasha because she is more closer to our evolution she talks in less abstract way.

I know that is copyrighted material but on the other hand the old revision of the book is easy to find on google.Just type "Prism of lyra" and the pdf is easily available so it's a moot point to link to a shop:


On the other hand i really recommend buiying the new revision because it contains something more that is very intersting.It's a full trascript of a seminar with many Q&Avery interactive with many informations if you are interested.The first revision of this book apeared before 1990 so is it's a classic and very intersting and unique.

This is the link to the new revision:


Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: myststars on April 07, 2017, 12:58:59 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8989#msg8989)
Let's talk about what Seth says about guilt.

Seth has said there is natural guilt, a purer form of guilt than what we've distorted and contrived. Let me note that the word 'distorted' is used quite often.

From what I understand what Seth said, natural guilt is a brake/governor/conscience for our behavior. Its purpose is to make us examine our behaviors that may be harmful to other consciousnesses, to understand and remember the effects, and stop us from repeating any harmful behavior. Simple, clean, no karmic distortions involved. No commitment to self-punishment. Rather than load this post up with a bunch of quotes, I'll link to here http://search.sethtalks.com/q/guilt/ and if you're interested you can explore.

We have somehow transformed natural guilt into what Seth calls artificial guilt, based on humanity's fears that without guilt (and punishment), the world would run wild. So guilt is the new conscience.

We have distorted the purpose behind guilt. Maybe we need to change the word guilt to compassion or conscience?

The arguments about this reality and our wars, accidents, killing, victims, murderers, is still interesting to me, because while according to Seth nothing is accidental and there are no victims, there are still quotes from Seth about violating and murder and intentions.

Thou shalt not violate
—NoPR Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973

Some entities intentionally do not want to talk about the history.They have a reason.
Pleiades consciouness (different than the one that is talked by Germane) they have no body and is channeled by Wendy kennedy give a reason why they are rarely talk about historic stories about our forefathers conflicts.Seth speaks very little about ET's from what i read of him.
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: Vladimir on April 07, 2017, 01:08:19 PM
QuoteSeth speaks very little about ET's from what i read of him.
Indeed so, Seth mostly spoke about us humans, for us humans and not too much about those lived on Earth prior to us...  That's why Seth is so practical.
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: myststars on April 07, 2017, 01:34:35 PM
Quote from: Vladimir (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9001#msg9001)
QuoteSeth speaks very little about ET's from what i read of him.
Indeed so, Seth mostly spoke about us humans, for us humans and not too much about those lived on Earth prior to us...  That's why Seth is so practical.

Germane have some very practical seminars too and he also share history...It depends on the entity choice..If the ET subject is too SF for you that's ok but at some point humanity cannot avoid it's true history and heritage...
Now the goverments lie and try to cover up all sorts of UFO sightings from past and this days...Do you really think they try so hard to cover up because ET's don't exist...

This is a practical seminars from Germane the same entity that presented the pleiadian history above and is free transcript..


I can point to you at some ... practical ... seminars from same source but may not be free.His lessons are about the dynamics of duality..By presenting the galactic heritage he presents how duality works in 3rd density actually.
Title: Re: Guilt
Post by: Sena on April 07, 2017, 10:18:28 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9002#msg9002)If the ET subject is too SF for you that's ok but at some point humanity cannot avoid it's true history and heritage...
Now the goverments lie and try to cover up all sorts of UFO sightings from past and this days...Do you really think they try so hard to cover up because ET's don't exist...
mystars, I agree with you on ET's. The Seth teachings are more than 40 years old, and it may be that the subject of ET's was not so relevant then.