I recommend see the videos first and then read my comment below so you can see how all this is mirrored in day to day life.
Vega 1st ERA ...
Vega 2nd ERA ...
From 1st ERA Vega the cards that aperead to me are:
Power Of Sound and Homesickness
Homesickness was very powerful in my mind.I confronted with this for years.In the last private sessions i talk with Germane and i begun to deconstruct this powerfull feeling of wanting to go to the stars.The dynamics is very abstract and he understands all side of this symptoms.Homesickness is not something to discuss with any individual like friends and stuff..As you can see the degree of complexity and web of ilusion, delussion is very complex.No wonder the society is still "normal"...Is more conforting to be in survival mode and down to earth.I had very difficult time comunicating with the so called survivalist down to earth people considered by society normal.My perspective may be way too broad and abstract for them but this is how i function.
I will connect more dots so you see how this Vega roots of mine influence me in daily life..
1. Music.. I listen pagan folk medieval music like Faun or Omnia.This music combines power of sound with nature worshipping and a bit returning to roots.This is also esoteric / mystic...
2. "feminine principle" ... This card didn't apear in my personal reading but i know it's still a bit of dynamic playing.I prefer to stay with females than males.I prefer the softness.I am more intuitive lately.There was a point where i considered the extreme male way kinda unspiritual..This was unbalanced feminine.Now is not so because i purged so much stuff and changed some beliefs.Private channelings helped me aleviate and integrate more the male side...
3. I tend to be atracted by Zen, Budhism in the very early years.I read some Zen books in the past.Also i have a tendencie for ascetism at some point.I had an atraction for it.I am alone usually and alienate myself.
4. Homesickness made me wanting to study astronomy and i was kinda "single-mided focused" for a period of many years until i failed and now after many years and listening to Germane i realized that my wanting about astronomy, space and stuff was about ... homesickness...Longing to go back to the stars and so on.Is very controlling and powerful feeling.Is a homework that i had .I considered myself a failure when i failed a master degree in this and also i lost time because i am now almost. This guilt/failure etc were very hard to heal on my own...Many private channeling sessions brought progress in healing this..Someone knowledgeable needed to ask the perfect questions and hit the right buttons with very high precision.I wouldn't be alive now without this.The feelings were too painful and abstract.
I may talk about cards that aperead to me in the 2nd ERA Vega..I have purchased the Galactic heritage cards some time ago.