~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Non-Seth Topics/Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on April 25, 2017, 12:30:41 PM

Title: Talking about fear of extraterestrials.
Post by: myststars on April 25, 2017, 12:30:41 PM

The Andromeda atracted me to this woman in the first place on youtube.I have some deep Andromeda connections.The Andromeda in the titles caught my eye... :)
Title: Re: Talking about fear of extraterestrials.
Post by: Neo on May 26, 2017, 04:23:17 PM
I haven't watched the video yet but I'll have to take a look later. I had to comment  cause I also have a very strong feeling for Andromeda, yet it doesn't seem to be so common in the "starseed" circles, as people seem to focus more on the star systems  in  the Milky Way galaxy. It's very nice to  someone else  feels this connection (and of course, on a Seth forum).  :)  it's quite hard to find information on Andromeda, though it seems like more people are feeling the connection these days.
Title: Re: Talking about fear of extraterestrials.
Post by: myststars on May 27, 2017, 02:59:50 AM
Hi Mate

I am also very connected to the triad Andromeda/ Arcturus / Antares energy like you so here is some material for you..The connection with Andromeda is not only about physical ET's.


Germane is talking about Andromeda energy.

Also here is a list of seminars from Lyssa Royal.The  parts about Andromeda energy are in different seminars:


For an easy way to find...Just press CTRL-F in your browser to bring the search text function and type Andromeda and it will show you many seminars with bits and pieces.
I've done private channeling session so i got explanations for myself regarding Andromeda energy from various channelers..

Also Bashar mentions some bits and pieces about Andromeda...The Andromeda energy is oposite from Milky way...Andromeda is learning about change.The kind of change that is happening on Andromeda is beyond most humans logic to comprehend...Is very abstract...
The Andromeda energy is reflected in my life in various forms..This forms are very abstract is syumbolic.I channel symbols for my own mind and also in my video games..Also in my drawings i do.I am atracted to abstract drawings.
Here is an external sign of Andromeda energy:


There are much more and the talk andromeda is way too abstract to be even ... talked...
Here is a book channeled with information from an Andromedan entity...The book is called "To andromeda and beyond."


See what material fits to you but i would recommend choosing a channeler that you trust and ask questions yourself so you get a very personalized message about your andromeda connection and what means to you...Enjoy!