~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Seth Books => Topic started by: Deb on May 05, 2017, 05:39:03 PM

Title: Brief Synopsis of the Seth Books
Post by: Deb on May 05, 2017, 05:39:03 PM
This comes from Ron Card via Facebook, shared with his permission. Not all of the books are on the list and I have removed a few of the more subjective comments made by him, but I thought it was worth putting it up to aid people not familiar with the collection.

The Early Sessions, Book 1, sessions 1 - 42
This book is the start of it all. The beginning describes the initial contact with Seth through the Ouija board. In this book Seth gives an outline of the inner senses and discusses our camouflage reality. Also includes psychological time and the 5th dimension. And the whole self which is composed of our outer self (conscious self and ego), inner self and the subconscious which is a buffer between them.

The Early Sessions, Book 2, sessions 43 -85
Another incredible Seth book. In this book Seth covers reincarnation and the creation of matter by the inner self through the subconscious. A lot of information on hypnosis, suggestion and psychological time. Good information on expectation and emotion as used to manifest personal life changes.

The Early Sessions, Book 3, session 86 - 148
Seth lays the foundation for most of the stuff in the later books. Seth goes into sub-personalities and how the current personality won the right to represent the inner self in this physical realm. Also discusses the levels of the subconscious where the memories of past lives and the periods between these lives reside. Discussion on the electrical realm and identity as action.

The Early Sessions, Book 4, sessions 149 - 198
Information on the dream universe and the experience of dreams. Material on the inner ego and health and disease. More information on action and the personality. More information on suggestion. Near the end of this book Jane and Rob start ESP testing with Seth and Dr. Instream.

The Early Sessions, Book 5, sessions 199 - 239
In this book Seth introduces Primary and Secondary realities. Seth compares concepts with authors Dunne and Priestly which Jane is reading during this dictation period. Information on the astral self. The text on the ESP experiments with Dr. Instream and then those Rob and Jane are conducting with Seth take about half the book.

The Early Sessions, Book 6, sessions 240 - 280
Book 6 finally get's the ball rolling again with some very good information on dreams and astral projection. Seth tells how the ability to bring our waking consciousness into our dreams is a type of milestone in our development. The lure of conscious astral projection seems to be the fuller use of the inner senses and the familiarization with the environment and body we will inhabit immediately upon our physical deaths.

The Early Sessions, Book 7, session 281 - 333
Book 7 gives us more information on projections and the state of consciousness. Book 7 also gets bogged down by the ESP testing again and plagued Book 5. This time it's with the Gallaghers. About half of the book seems devoted to these tests.

The Early Sessions, Book 8, session 334 - 421
Book 8 seemed eerily familiar to "The Way Toward Health". Seth spends almost half of the book encouraging and helping Jane through a personal illness with suggestions. There is much insight in this book perhaps to Jane's condition that ultimately lead to her death. This book contains more information on LSD and it's potentials and misuses. And perhaps most significantly we meet Seth 2 in this book and learn much more about Seth.

The Early Sessions, Book 9, sessions 422 - 510
Book 9 contains a lot of personal sessions although there is some good information in at least a couple of them. Tam Mossman was doing automatic writing. Starting Session 449 Seth answers some mathematical questions which ends up sounding like gibberish. Near the end of the book is an excellent session where Seth explains some of Jungs ideas. Seth 2 comes out in a few sessions. Also some great new information on the definition of the whole self, our system of reality and our purpose here.

Seth Speaks
One word to describe the contents of this book... incredible. Seth/Jane offer a description of "behind the scenes" reality. Chapters on topics including Death, Sleep, Reincarnation, The Soul, God and Religion. I have found references to obscure items in this book in other places.

The Nature of Personal Reality, Sessions 511 - 596
Material on how we create our reality by what we consciously concentrate upon through belief, desire and expectation. Much information on the nature of the self and components of the self. Also a lot about hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Material on health and manifesting health.

The Unknown Reality, Volume 1, Sessions 609 - 677
Information on probable realities and reincarnation as it relates to probabilities and the self as it relates to probable selves. Discussion on "Consciousness Units" originally described in TES 9. Discussion on animal consciousness and awareness. Seth mentions the "Dream Scientist". This book has the first half of the "Practice Elements".

The Unknown Reality, Volume 2, sessions 679 - 704
More material on counterparts, reincarnational and probable selves. Seth goes into detail on what he calls the different families of consciousness and how their roles play in forming the world history and world condition. The Island Analogy is very good reading. This book has the second half of the "Practice Elements".

The Nature of the Psyche, Sessions 705 - 744
An in depth explanation of how the psyche creates the fabric of our reality. There is information on human sexuality. Also an incredible resource on how dreaming is the main tool of the developing Psyche.

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Sessions 752 - 800
This is the "sequel" to "The Nature of Personal Reality". Seth describes how we create our shared reality. Seth describes what he calls 'Framework 2' as the place where physical reality (Framework 1) comes from. He discusses how the mass media is used to place 'suggestions' to society. There is much talk about Freud and Darwin and how their ideas have influenced society. He also has a very good discussion of fanaticism.

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume 1, 801 - 873
The first half of this book consists of "essays" not sessions. Seth introduces "Value Fulfillment" and gives more on "Consciousness Units". Seth says the purpose for this book is "is to change your ideas of yourselves, by showing you a truer picture of your history both in terms of your immortal consciousness and your physical heritage."

Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume 2, Sessions 882 - 909
Seth describes "master events". These events are outside of time but have the largest impact on those of us in time (The creation of the Universe, birth of Christ). More good information on dreams and inner communication. And a little more on reincarnation and the purpose of time.

The Magical Approach, Session 909 - 941
The second to last Seth dictated book. It's a small book, about 150 pages. The Magical Approach is about spontaneous living. Seth calls this being a 'natural' person. The Magical Approach is in deep contrast to the "Rational Approach" which is our normal scientific approach to life. Seth actually started this topic at the end of the previous book.

The Way Toward Health
The very last book dictated by Seth to Jane. This one picking up where "The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events" left off on the subject of health. Jane is very ill during the dictation of this book and her death occurs after the book has been dictated.