Session 455, ES9:
"...Let us see now; you should take those fruits that are strong in vitamin C, but are not acid. You should avoid acid fruits taken in one meal with milk. You should avoid all chocolate in any form. Now this is not forever, merely until the condition vanishes. You should not eat grapefruit now under any circumstances. Cranberry juice however is beneficial. You should avoid aspirin.
You should avoid natural butter, and much malt. You should not, for example, indulge in beer, breads or cereals over much... need not cut bread from diet... Rice is good, fish is good.
Pork is disaster.
([John:] "This is true.")
Fatty foods should be avoided. You should eat almonds. And watch your intake of sugars. Honey will not bother you. Give me a moment...."
Thank you for posting this. Seth and food have (coincidentally, lol) been on my mind lately—today especially for some reason. While Seth has said that what we believe about what we eat (or anything else, for that matter) is more important than what we actually eat, he has on a few occasions offered advice ( on diet. Which I don't understand. If what we think about what we eat is the important issue, why would Seth say some of our eating habits need to be changed? Why not, instead, suggest we change our beliefs about what we eat?
It was advised to drain the body.
Maybe natural products are to be used to enhance the relationship with nature. Maybe this is connected with believes. I do not know.
In any case, it is interesting.
I am reading that book now. The above advice was for a specific person, thus I do not believe that we should take the whole quote as advice that applies to everyone. Some of it makes sense generally. Not mixing citrus with milk seems like sound advice. But nobody will tell me to avoid chocolate!
LOL. Yes, the avoiding chocolate in any form was a total surprise. Personally, I'm not afraid of butter either. Kerry Gold or bust! :) I think Seth would advise me to avoid advice about food.
The specific food advise made me wonder if there's a communal belief regarding specific foods.
Like Jung's ideas about the collective unconscious, perhaps there is a collective belief system that works with the specific foods we eat.
I know this Seth quote is quite specific, but I think most of us are aware of the TV dinner quote Seth mentions (I can't remember the exact book) and how beliefs are the most important thing regarding physical reality, food and exercise included.
So when a mass wave of new nutritional ideas come about, there is a social undercurrent of beliefs driving it, not just personal beliefs about food.
I might have some chocolate now.... ;D