Well this is a channeling with american slang language ... Never heard this kind of channeling before.. :D
The frequency is a bit tougher than other channelers.I feel a tension when looking.If i ended up clicking on this video i may have some parts of me resonating with it so i will continue to explore a little bit.It's a bit brutal way of advice like in ... getoo...
This entity Ocyphius seems very fascinated with humanity... :)
I had a big smile when i listen him tallking about drugs / addicts and alcohol... Definetely is first i listen this kind of perspective from channeling...It's like listening to ghetto discussions...
I'm not quite sure what I feel about this one. I've seen he/she before, seems to talk the talk in a way and I guess he's appealing to his own crowd. Lots of profanity. Pretty funny but I didn't watch too much of it. It bothers me now when I visit web sites to check out these new channelers and they're looking for money for private consultations and/or donations. I guess Seth/Jane/Rob set the standards for me by not asking for money, and Seth is so gracious and respectable.
The thing is she/he has a big section channeling Jane Roberts and channeling Seth ... Is free ...
All channelers that i know (except Jane Roberts) request money.But most of them have so much material on youtube.I feel actually Esther don't have too much material on her own oficial page but other people posted tons of hers material on youtube.Kinda ironic.Same with Bashar.
I suppose if one don't have much material on youtube the public compensates this lack in some way or another...
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9165#msg9165)The thing is she/he has a big section channeling Jane Roberts and channeling Seth
Seth made it very clear more than once that he would not come through anyone but Ruburt (Jane) in order to protect the integrity of the material. Anybody else who claims to be channeling Seth is therefore not worth my time.
Regardless if she/he is channeling seth or not i would say that i realized something that may be helpful for some of you..
There was a part of me that was not trusting and had a rude style..A voice that talked and haven't found a way to relate together.This part still needed understanding BUT in it's own language style.This part of me was ironic, arogant and a selfish.I am sure it tried to protect me in it's own way.Seems Ocyphius just offered channeling in that part language style and now it felt i understood it so become quiet and joined the rest in the silence.My mind is finally silence almost completly...
Incredible.After so many years of working and bringing all voices (parts) together in a universal language that is a silence... :)