Someone to ~maybe~ keep an eye on. I am currently reading "Life on Earth, Understanding Who We Are, How We Got Here and What May Lie Ahead." So far what he says aligns with Seth.
"You are eternal, spiritual beings, on earth by choice, at an early ebb in the spiritual evolution of your kind. You each chose to be exactly who you now are, possessing the dreams you now have and the challenges you presently face, for the reasons of learning and joy. Among the things you wanted to understand: love is a given, not an option; your thoughts hold the key to living the life of your wildest dreams; and no matter how things appear, your eternal salvation is ensured."
I get his daily emails, TUT (The Universe Talks) and most of the time they are spot-on. Certainly inspirational. For example, from today:
"Deb, do you think if someone deeply believed that they and I were one - that I stirred in their heart, ran through their veins, and shone from their eyes - they'd wait for the part of me that existed "outside" of themselves to make their dreams come true?
Or would they seize each moment of every day, assured of their inevitable success?
The Universe
Deb, I work through you, not for you."
Warning. Zombie thread resurrection.
I was wondering if you still think that he is worth reading. The only time that I have ever seen him is in the Rhonda Byrne "The Secret" video. His books are all very highly rated on Amazon and I was thinking of picking one up to read. I have a huge book list of "seth type books" that I occasionally pick from.
I love zombies! Ever seen "Fido" ? A cult horror comedy classic with some deeper messages and retro style that are worth the price of admission alone.
Anyway, I really do like Mike Dooley but have cooled my heels on his books. I still do get the daily messages. I've read two, or most of the two books that I have. He's ALL Seth but brings all the information together in one place. I like his audio books because he's so enthusiastic. I didn't learn anything new from him, but did get Seth's information in a refreshing new format which is what I was after. I wish I knew someone personally who was so in tune with Seth and so positive. He's sort of a battery recharger.
I do have Life on Earth and Infinite Possibilities in print, would be glad to mail either/or to you if you'd like to have a look rather than buying, assuming you're in the US. I'm just south of Denver. I wouldn't be upset if they didn't get returned, I have a sort of "give without expectations" approach to life. Which I think is how I ended up with three copies of The Nature of Personal Reality.
I bought both Dooley books as used and they look brand new. I love used books, they usually come with artifacts.
Anyway, if you want me to send you one or both of the books, just PM me with the information, your address, and I'll get that taken care of.
Hi All,
I've never heard of Mike Dooley, but I have heard (though I've never read) the book called "the Secret"; which apparently he is in. Wikipedia, says that Mike is a "New Thought" speaker and since I go to a local "New Thought" church, this peaked my interest.
I looked around on the internet just now and I found the following website that talks about Mike. This website says that he was "greatly influenced by the Seth material, by Jane Roberts."
Me too. :)
Here's the website.
Quote from: jbseth (
I do have Life on Earth and Infinite Possibilities in print, would be glad to mail either/or to you if you'd like to have a look rather than buying, assuming you're in the US. I'm just south of Denver. I wouldn't be upset if they didn't get returned, I have a sort of "give without expectations" approach to life. Which I think is how I ended up with three copies of The Nature of Personal Reality.
Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I just saw this, and I've already bought a couple of his books on Kindle. That's how I do things, though I'm trying to be less impulsive. When I decided to read Neale Donald Walsh, I bought all of his books. I read the first one and really didn't like it. All of those books ended up going to a used book seller when I moved. I decided to read Wayne Dyer and so I bought all of his books. I read one and really disliked his writing. They were in the same pile as all of the NDW books. I only bought two books this time. :D
On, and I'm currently a resident of Longmont.
Quote from: jbseth (
Hi All,
I've never heard of Mike Dooley, but I have heard (though I've never read) the book called "the Secret"; which apparently he is in. Wikipedia, says that Mike is a "New Thought" speaker and since I go to a local "New Thought" church, this peaked my interest.
I looked around on the internet just now and I found the following website that talks about Mike. This website says that he was "greatly influenced by the Seth material, by Jane Roberts."
Me too. :)
Here's the website.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
I read and watched The Secret. While I liked the message, I could never really get in to it. It was all sooooooooo dramatic. I'm sure that I still have the DVD somewhere in a box. I'm still subscribed to Rhonda's dailyish emails and I still occasionally read them. The thing about the books is that for the size and cost, they do not contain a whole lot of information. Wide margins, big font. They look like those feel good books that you find at any Hallmark store. I was very excited when The Secret came out because aside from Seth, I'd never really seen anything like this material. I was glad that it was becoming mainstream and pondered what that would mean for the world. As far as I can tell, it meant a lot of authors cashing in on the "phenomena sweeping the world". The world hasn't changed, but there are a lot of rich authors out there. The proliferation of these types of books makes separating the wheat from the chaff even more difficult.
Hi usmaak,
There is a community of people in the world, largely in the US, who are followers of the "New Thought" movement. The "New Thought" movement is a spiritual / religious movement that was started in the early 1800's and was loosely aligned with the transcendentalists (Emerson, Thoreau) as well as others.
Some people associate this "New Thought" movement with the "New Age" movement but these two movements are different, even though they share some of the same ideas. The New Age movement probably evolved from some of the same backgrounds that the New Thought movement evolved from.
Typical "New Thought" beliefs include: 1) There is one God and this God is a God of Good, 2) Positive Thinking, 3) the Law of Attraction, 4) Personal Power and healing.
Many of Seth's ideas are very similar to these "New Thought" ideas. I know a little about this because my wife and I have been going to various "New Thought" church's for over 20 years.
One of the guest speakers in the book, "The Secret" is a man named Michael Beckwith. Michael is a "New Thought" church minister. I have heard Michael speak at the New Thought church that I go to, on several occasions, because Michael is the mentor of David Alexander, the minister of our church.
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to convert anyone, I'm only sharing what I know about this, because a lot of people don't know about the "New Thought" movement.
Here's a Wikipedia website that talks a little about this topic.