Very intersting ... I usually take womans side but this girl did a bigger researcher than i have done .... It kinda brought balance in my head.
Kudos :)
My impression of her is that she is (or was, rather) a woman with a big chip on her shoulder, not listening, twisting what she "heard" and only hearing what she wanted, with very strong negative beliefs for a filter. A personal problem and yet she's not alone. Very similar to people who play the race card for every little thing that someone, somehow could label as racism. I suppose feminist and racism activists could be considered related in that they do involve two "categories" of humans that have been historically mistreated by society. Hopefully these activists are only a counterbalance (overcorrection) that will eventually cause things to swing into to some sort of equilibrium.
Her research made her examine her biased thinking and beliefs more closely. Good for her! And I hope the men she is speaking to don't think she's an accurate representation of the typical woman. Possibly the typical feminist, but I can't say because I've never paid much attention to feminism.
Feminism and racism have both have "extreme" pedegree in common.Is like choosing a side.To stay out of polarity is a big challenge for most humanity.The humanity is trained to choose one side over the other.She may have come to a balance in this matter.Now it clicked.The true wise people usually take a neutral aproach and stay in the middle.They know all truth are truths so both sides are right in a way.Both sides may be blinded by their own beliefs and fears.The true wise people see through both sides ilusion if they have to be mediators...