~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Non-Seth Topics/Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on June 01, 2017, 01:31:03 PM

Title: Earth (Present) | Belief Systems
Post by: myststars on June 01, 2017, 01:31:03 PM
QuoteLet us revisit a lesson that we've given many times in many ways -- that of the original fragmentation of consciousness. From its original state of wholeness, the One consciousness wished to have the experience of separation and to learn what it is like not to remember its true nature. Thus began the long journey of holographic fragmentation and integration on the way back to total remembrance and back to the One. This fragmentation made it possible for you to have singular lives here on Earth as seemingly separate beings and to forget the holographic nature of the One you that you are. Now imagine that this fragmentation of consciousness is like walking into one of those fun-house mirror rooms, where every reflection of you in hundreds of mirrors is distorted. To complicate matters, the disorientation is so great, that you eventually forget that you are in that fun house, and you begin to identify with the distorted reflections of yourself instead of the One true you that wished to have this separated experience in the first place!

In that place of disorientation, the force that you call "ego" has to be created in order to anchor you into one experience so that you can orient yourself in this realm of amnesia. This means that ego must choose one of the distorted mirrors with which to identify. Once it does, it builds its human life according to the distortions of this particular mirror, all the while convincing itself that it, alone, has the truer point of view. This delusion gets deeper until the suffering that is generated from such a distorted identification reaches such pain that the individual begins to awaken from the distortion, perhaps even remembering the One consciousness that is its source.

What we've just described is the role of belief systems, which are the distorted mirror reflections. The cause of particular belief systems is unimportant; they can be passed to you from society or parents, or even formed from painful childhood or past life experiences. What is more important to understand about belief systems is their nature -- that they are a direct result of the distortion created from the original fragmentation. Lifetime after lifetime they are reinforced until the person eventually remembers that they are standing in that hall of mirrors and only seeing their own distorted reflection. This awareness is the first step of the awakening process. As this awareness dawns, there may be a sense of shame or self-judgment when one sees that they have been basically defending this distortion through their rigid attachment to their point of view and sense of self. That, too, is one of the first steps of awakening. Of course, it is important to not get stuck in that place of self-blame.

This card is expressing the final and most important challenge and test that is left for humanity (individually and collectively) before breaking through to a new level of consciousness. In the deck, the next card numerically (#54, the halfway point through the cards) is "New Consciousness." Awakening oneself to the point of recognizing your own distortions without judgment is the beginning of mastery and eventual enlightenment. It is not an easy task. One cannot see one's distortions from a place of distortion! Thus, one has to learn to rise above distortion, into one's quantum nature, in order to see oneself clearly.

Therefore, the message of this card is a key for humanity's evolution. The single most important spiritual priority is to learn to see and identify your distortions (belief systems) without judgment. Very often, these belief systems reside in the unconscious and evade conscious recognition. This task may feel like getting lost in a labyrinth, and it may seem endless when you try to tackle it from the mental, linear, logical level. Instead, through meditation, prayer, and simple openness and gentleness with yourself, you can move your awareness to the quantum, integrated level of consciousness (the "One") in which the distortions cease. Experiencing that true One consciousness that you are, even for 1 second, is a beautiful start. It only grows from there. When one sees their own distortions without judgment, compassion for others blossoms and thereby conflict lessens. This is why it is a key not only for your world, but for yourself as a human being. It is the key that opens the door to your journey Home.
