~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Non-Seth Topics/Discussions => Topic started by: myststars on June 30, 2017, 06:21:40 AM

Title: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on June 30, 2017, 06:21:40 AM
Well after many years of searching i finally uncovered a very very deep belief...The root of my stuck head energy...

I saw this channeling where Malatar answers some questions in a very direct and ranting way


It clicked at the point when there was a guy that complained about having to call for pizza...All this HUMAN process that one needs to do to just order a pizza instead of just apearing out of thin air..Malatar said that this guy must hate being human...The human life and so on...And this clicked for me too...
He presented a technique in the same channeling above to actually accept many hatreds toward job family members and so on it was effective for me...He also said why...
I said this:
"I accept that i hate being human" ... and i felt a energy from me being unblocked...My head begins to get better, no more feeling stuck ...It was obvious for a long time but this nail it...
I mean suicide, disliking the life and so on but didn't "direct" it like the above phrase until yesterday...Hell of a process and ride....

Also for each and every one of you the Q&A session will fit differently .... Enjoy!
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Sena on June 30, 2017, 08:10:03 AM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9353#msg9353)
"I accept that i hate being human"
It is the superficial ego that may hate being human, not the inner self.
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Michael Sternbach on June 30, 2017, 03:03:28 PM
While I never hated my human existence (and suggest that anybody who does is in serious need of some grounding), I am familiar with the feeling that desired things should just effortlessly manifest themselves. And I thought many times that this may have been the case where I came from...

The video posted above is remarkable. It made me wonder: Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel? ;)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Sena on June 30, 2017, 10:57:11 PM
"Now your own system is relatively (underlined) closed, in that within it as a rule only one ego predominates, and you think of yourself as that ego...... In other systems this is not necessarily the case. The time system within them is entirely different than your own. In these the inner self is aware of itself as more than one ego."
(Seth, Early Sessions, Book 9, Session 438)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 01, 2017, 01:30:42 AM
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
While I never hated my human existence (and suggest that anybody who does is in serious need of some grounding), I am familiar with the feeling that desired things should just effortlessly manifest themselves. And I thought many times that this may have been the case where I came from...

The video posted above is remarkable. It made me wonder: Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel? ;)

Your hamster is already channeling but his channeling is not relevant for humans .... :)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Michael Sternbach on July 01, 2017, 09:08:31 AM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9357#msg9357)
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
While I never hated my human existence (and suggest that anybody who does is in serious need of some grounding), I am familiar with the feeling that desired things should just effortlessly manifest themselves. And I thought many times that this may have been the case where I came from...

The video posted above is remarkable. It made me wonder: Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel? ;)

Your hamster is already channeling but his channeling is not relevant for humans .... :)

And the utterances of Ocyphius are?!
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 01, 2017, 09:31:33 AM
@myststars, do you know anything about this Ocyphius/Roxy/Sylvester? I'm just curious about his/her background but couldn't find anything, even a real name. Because of his tirades and attacks on his 'followers' I'm very surprised he has a following. There's an old real estate saying, "there is a buyer for every house."

Weeding through what he says, it seems he does understand the formula of reflecting back anything that is said to him. Our beliefs would be more obvious to us if we would just listen to what we say, rather than needing someone like Roxy to rant at full tilt. Tough love, or a drama queen?  :o

Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel?

I love hamsters. ;)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 01, 2017, 03:13:24 PM
The actor Reuben Langdon had it's own passion and he interview many channelers and also Roxanne is on the list and he/she presents his/her life in a live interview:


After you listen to his/her interview you may understand his/her state better... Enjoy!
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 01, 2017, 03:20:45 PM
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9358#msg9358)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9357#msg9357)
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
While I never hated my human existence (and suggest that anybody who does is in serious need of some grounding), I am familiar with the feeling that desired things should just effortlessly manifest themselves. And I thought many times that this may have been the case where I came from...

The video posted above is remarkable. It made me wonder: Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel? ;)

Your hamster is already channeling but his channeling is not relevant for humans .... :)

And the utterances of Ocyphius are?!

What REALLY bothers you about this Roxanne ?
Is the Voice, is his/her being transgender, is the behaviour ?

His/her channelings are very brutal stuff that is perfect for arrogant sides of us...This is why i was atracted to 10-14 channelers (books or videos) ...I had to deconstruct many parts of myself.It may fit other channeler and other kind of material..If you feel it atacks you personally maybe your ego raised his defenses to protect himself so you can use Roxanne channeling to actually explore deeper in yourself and transcend and evolve to next level...

Also i use his/her channeling beyond channeling..I have a good oportunity to teach myself acceptance towards other kind of sexual orientated people.I had problems in the beggining i agree but listening more and more and exploring this theme in myself i know feel i almost transceded this in me.My intersection with this person material has been pretty critical for my evolution.
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Michael Sternbach on July 01, 2017, 08:47:46 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9359#msg9359)
@myststars, do you know anything about this Ocyphius/Roxy/Sylvester? I'm just curious about his/her background but couldn't find anything, even a real name. Because of his tirades and attacks on his 'followers' I'm very surprised he has a following. There's an old real estate saying, "there is a buyer for every house."

Weeding through what he says, it seems he does understand the formula of reflecting back anything that is said to him. Our beliefs would be more obvious to us if we would just listen to what we say, rather than needing someone like Roxy to rant at full tilt. Tough love, or a drama queen?  :o

Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel?

I love hamsters. ;)

My hamster is a very private animal, but I will see what I can do.  :)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Michael Sternbach on July 01, 2017, 08:58:23 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9367#msg9367)
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9358#msg9358)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9357#msg9357)
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
While I never hated my human existence (and suggest that anybody who does is in serious need of some grounding), I am familiar with the feeling that desired things should just effortlessly manifest themselves. And I thought many times that this may have been the case where I came from...

The video posted above is remarkable. It made me wonder: Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel? ;)

Your hamster is already channeling but his channeling is not relevant for humans .... :)

And the utterances of Ocyphius are?!

What REALLY bothers you about this Roxanne ?
Is the Voice, is his/her being transgender, is the behaviour ?

His/her channelings are very brutal stuff that is perfect for arrogant sides of us...This is why i was atracted to 10-14 channelers (books or videos) ...I had to deconstruct many parts of myself.It may fit other channeler and other kind of material..If you feel it atacks you personally maybe your ego raised his defenses to protect himself so you can use Roxanne channeling to actually explore deeper in yourself and transcend and evolve to next level...

Also i use his/her channeling beyond channeling..I have a good oportunity to teach myself acceptance towards other kind of sexual orientated people.I had problems in the beggining i agree but listening more and more and exploring this theme in myself i know feel i almost transceded this in me.My intersection with this person material has been pretty critical for my evolution.

My introduction to channelling was by Jane Roberts/Seth, and they set a high standard that few others can live up to.

But if you find that Ocyphius tells you what you need to hear, then I have no issue with that. :)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 02, 2017, 12:40:25 AM
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9371#msg9371)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9367#msg9367)
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9358#msg9358)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9357#msg9357)
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9355#msg9355)
While I never hated my human existence (and suggest that anybody who does is in serious need of some grounding), I am familiar with the feeling that desired things should just effortlessly manifest themselves. And I thought many times that this may have been the case where I came from...

The video posted above is remarkable. It made me wonder: Would anybody here like to watch my hamster channel? ;)

Your hamster is already channeling but his channeling is not relevant for humans .... :)

And the utterances of Ocyphius are?!

What REALLY bothers you about this Roxanne ?
Is the Voice, is his/her being transgender, is the behaviour ?

His/her channelings are very brutal stuff that is perfect for arrogant sides of us...This is why i was atracted to 10-14 channelers (books or videos) ...I had to deconstruct many parts of myself.It may fit other channeler and other kind of material..If you feel it atacks you personally maybe your ego raised his defenses to protect himself so you can use Roxanne channeling to actually explore deeper in yourself and transcend and evolve to next level...

Also i use his/her channeling beyond channeling..I have a good oportunity to teach myself acceptance towards other kind of sexual orientated people.I had problems in the beggining i agree but listening more and more and exploring this theme in myself i know feel i almost transceded this in me.My intersection with this person material has been pretty critical for my evolution.

My introduction to channelling was by Jane Roberts/Seth, and they set a high standard that few others can live up to.

But if you find that Ocyphius tells you what you need to hear, then I have no issue with that. :)

Judging things/people part of creation by superior / inferior standards is arrogance.I had this challenge as well with people, things and events...
This is from another channeler called Lyssa Royal.She released galactic heritage cards that shows the wounds of our ancestors..Lyran civilization are our forefathers and they had their lessons.We repeat this lessons too:

This is the card named "Arrogance" .There is an explanation.See if it helps you.


Arrogance is very very spread in humanity.Herierachical stuff in goverment, church and so on is based on arrogance.The arrogance is encouraged deeply in our society from little kids.Is perpetuated from generations.On the other hand the current people in political structure took the arrogance to some very high levels and this implodes.This is an arhaic mentality that would make the structures based on arrogance like goverment and church to fall.
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Michael Sternbach on July 02, 2017, 06:40:34 AM
We live in a world of duality, and making such distinctions is necessary, even if only to decide what we want to spend our time and/or money on.

Those cards are neat though. Thanks - I might get them sometime. (I love mangas.)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 02, 2017, 08:06:58 AM
If you want more info about the cards tell me... :)

David COw is the drawer of the pictures from every card:

The source of the drawing and information are from Germane channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt

Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 03, 2017, 11:56:34 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9366#msg9366)
The actor Reuben Langdon had it's own passion and he interview many channelers and also Roxanne is on the list and he/she presents his/her life in a live interview:

Thanks for the link to the interview. I was only able to watch some of it, but what I saw made Roxy seem very human, down to earth and likable. The problems I have with his delivery are his abusive manner (but I get what your explanation is about appealing to a certain side of people), his sometimes nonsensical use of words, and the fact that he said he has channeled Seth and Jane Roberts.

There are multitudes of people these days that present themselves as channelers, there have always been charlatans, and for those reasons I am skeptical and view all new channelers with a critical eye. Seth is my baseline, and he came from very humble beginnings with Jane not getting on the bandwagon of "I'll charge $250 an hour (or whatever) to give you the truth."
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 04, 2017, 04:13:42 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9382#msg9382)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9366#msg9366)
The actor Reuben Langdon had it's own passion and he interview many channelers and also Roxanne is on the list and he/she presents his/her life in a live interview:

Thanks for the link to the interview. I was only able to watch some of it, but what I saw made Roxy seem very human, down to earth and likable. The problems I have with his delivery are his abusive manner (but I get what your explanation is about appealing to a certain side of people), his sometimes nonsensical use of words, and the fact that he said he has channeled Seth and Jane Roberts.

There are multitudes of people these days that present themselves as channelers, there have always been charlatans, and for those reasons I am skeptical and view all new channelers with a critical eye. Seth is my baseline, and he came from very humble beginnings with Jane not getting on the bandwagon of "I'll charge $250 an hour (or whatever) to give you the truth."

At some point in the interview he/she said that he(in early days) was raped at some point.He made a sex change to be a woman at some point.She is telling in interview all this.After that abuse the emotional spiralled down.This is why she is brutal in the way she talks and stuff.At some point the hatred, cynism and all this stuff that comes after an abuse were there.Also Ocyphius and her entities talks about her life in various circumstances.She was in an emotional rollercoaster.
She is very popular.If you will look at Q&A the questions are from drug addicts, sexual abuse, homeless and so on.The questions are brutal too from people that are in this state.I don't feel you can't go "lower" than this kind of channeling and  language and still be considered loving.People from this segment of population may consider Seth channelings or Lyssa Royal too nicey nicey and their ego will defend.But Roxanne had a resonance with this people.She comes from the same background, same life style and understands and talks their language..I am really glad she exists.Perfect combination for a segment of population that is dumped by society, criticized, kicked in the ass and end up on the streets.She is the perfect guide for them.
I can say that my arrogant ego and cynic and dark humor part of me (also all this because of abuse physical and verbal) was perforated and the ego defenses tear down by her style...
I realized that 1 channeler can't fit all inner voices with their personallities.To integrate them i needed to "talk" to them in their language and style.I rotated many materials and channelers.
After transceding this cynical, ironic, dark humor, arrogant side i feel i am a better person.I was so mastered in metaphors , arrogance, ironies and stuff that i realized i could hardly talk different at some point.I realized that it was so reflex that i told people something rude and couldn't stop saying.I couldn't find other words as kind and stuff..It was meant for survival this personality but took over too much.When i realized this it was kinda BIG and couldn't bugde the core.
If there is something that will make Trump knee will be Ocyphius or Malatar talking to him in the most rude and loving manner..Is pretty much guarantee it will kick his ego defenses in the balls...I can't see any other so strong to really break through Trump ego.Of course masive egotic mistakes may change him but this method is much more elegant and without disastrous consequences to many!
There was a channeling from Roxanne with emperor Tiberius talking about how it to be a king and about ruling.At some point he laughed on Trump and called him a confish and that he has no spine....

Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Michael Sternbach on July 04, 2017, 01:05:26 PM
I don't think Seth is nicey nicey... He is actually often rather outspoken, although generally in a humorous manner. The channelers (and authors in general) that I resonate with hardly ever resort to gross rants.

But of course, to each their own.
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 04, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
Quote from: Michael Sternbach (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9384#msg9384)
He is actually often rather outspoken, although generally in a humorous manner.

Even when being very direct in his dealings with people, Seth has always been tactful, respectful, non-judgmental. A classy dude. The worst I've 'heard' him say to date is that "Frank Watts was a fathead." ;)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 05, 2017, 07:31:15 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9366#msg9366)
The actor Reuben Langdon had it's own passion and he interview many channelers and also Roxanne is on the list and he/she presents his/her life in a live interview:

OK I finally had the chance to watch the entire interview today and I really like Roxanne. I relate to him as being more a man than a woman, but he knows what he's doing and what he wants. I'll look at a couple more videos, I'm kind of curious about Sylvester. But while he's a very likable person, I still prefer the Seth materials. I'm a details nerd I guess.

I also took a look at the director's About page. What an amazingly diverse person. Wow, a total Renaissance Man. Voiceovers. Stunts. Acting. Producing. Film making. "The most famous actor you've never seen."  http://reubenlangdon.com/ I bet he sleeps well at night. This guy has no trouble creating.

Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 05, 2017, 10:00:07 PM

There is another interview with Roxanne at this link from someone else:

Channeler Roxanne on Creating Your Reality and The Law Of Attraction - MUST WATCH


If you want to meet Sylvester or Sly i think this is very fun meeting and he (Sly or Sylvester) is relating a bit like a physical friend or teacher...There are much humor...


Some people in the class got hooked up and some are marying..Another entity will oficiate the marying of the couple...The above is a combination of friendly stuff and channeling...People asking questions from audience which are very intersting.Btw Sly channelings are with open eyes, he drinks coffee and joking like a normal human...You may believe is not channeling but the answers are not the usual human answers ... :P

Roxanne has a very intersting taxation for Sly/Sylvester class.I quote from her website:
QuoteSly's kick your ass class - Understanding and reclaiming your worthiness is this channel's focus, we create leaders of the self, not followers of others. All participants receive a one on one with Roxie once a week.  Classes are ongoing, so all participants can come to each and any class for as long as they choose.

I am really thinking to enroll as i don't have too many people to talk to and ask advices.300$ and comming as much as i want and also private counseling.I feel is more like a donation.The class that met above has over 1 year...

Regarding Reuben Langdon he talks a bit more about his life if you will have the time to actually look at every interview with people.He asks more or less different questions in every interview and he relates with his life.In the interview Lyssa Royal interview he said that his mother had a very traumatic experience with Ramtha from what i remember.His mother doesn't want to hear about channeling anymore...
There are his payed videos for 5$ with channelers channeling and he asking all sorts of questions.The interviews with the persons are free of charge.You get to meet also the personality of the person itself but also the personality in channelings...

Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 06, 2017, 05:18:31 PM
OK, I find this really interesting. Watching Roxanne yesterday, I got accustomed to his/her appearance as a transgender.

This afternoon, I visited two print shops to get estimates for a project I'm working on. The person I spoke with in the first shop was a large man, at least 6'1" tall, 250 lbs. He had a big colorful women's sundress on, sandals, longish hair, nail polish. I wasn't sure he was a man until he spoke with a deep manly voice.

In the second shop, I spoke with a woman. She was wearing a man's button down shirt, oversized black polyester man's jacket, black men's slacks, men's shoes. Considering it was almost 38° c today, I'd say oddly dressed on two counts.

Two thoughts come to mind: you get what you concentrate upon and the universe has a droll sense of humor.  :D

I'll take a look at your links, thanks.

Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 07, 2017, 12:56:02 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9393#msg9393)
OK, I find this really interesting. Watching Roxanne yesterday, I got accustomed to his/her appearance as a transgender.

This afternoon, I visited two print shops to get estimates for a project I'm working on. The person I spoke with in the first shop was a large man, at least 6'1" tall, 250 lbs. He had a big colorful women's sundress on, sandals, longish hair, nail polish. I wasn't sure he was a man until he spoke with a deep manly voice.

In the second shop, I spoke with a woman. She was wearing a man's button down shirt, oversized black polyester man's jacket, black men's slacks, men's shoes. Considering it was almost 38° c today, I'd say oddly dressed on two counts.

Two thoughts come to mind: you get what you concentrate upon and the universe has a droll sense of humor.  :D

I'll take a look at your links, thanks.

This is intersting ... I watched Roxanne for some weeks and haven't encountered any transgender....Why didn't happen to me too ? :P
Anyway i suppose you accepting the unknown, the universe gave you new experiences in the streets.You seem to enjoy it ! :)
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 07, 2017, 06:56:56 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9395#msg9395)
I watched Roxanne for some weeks and haven't encountered any transgender....Why didn't happen to me too ?

I have no idea. I can say that I am very good at creation and validation, most times not consciously but at least appropriately. I sure do enjoy synchronicity and I usually recognize it immediately. It makes me smile, inside and out.

By the way, someone new joined (this morning, for me) who is in Romania. Didn't you say that's your locale? You should check out the Welcome board (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?board=38.0), it may be someone that lives close by.

Is there a Meetup.com in Romania?

Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 07, 2017, 10:47:41 PM
Thx for telling me about the other member ...
Btw i am so removed from Seth material that i feel i can't answer in the rest of the board...Hence i kinda have my own corner of internet... I have a brief period with Seth material.
"non-Seth topic discussion" is basically monopolized by my posts ....   ;D :P
I haven't searched Meetup..On the other hand you know that i can't say i am very die hard fan of solely Seth stuff so to actually be in Seth circle i wouldn't know what to say..I don't know quotes and stuff...I am more in diversity and combination of perspectives...
Every facets of the diamond is a different perspective so i use a specific material for that facet...
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: Deb on July 07, 2017, 11:36:20 PM
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9405#msg9405)
Btw i am so removed from Seth material that i feel i can't answer in the rest of the board...Hence i kinda have my own corner of internet... I have a brief period with Seth material.

Thanks for mentioning that, I've been tempted to ask you many times. :) I do recall you mentioning reading Seth early on.

While my intention for this forum was to make it about Seth, I also realize that there are other speakers out there that are not Seth, while they are in some ways related.  While everything Seth said has made more sense to me than anything else I've come across thus far in my life, I also don't want to (respectfully) make Seth into dogma and so deliberately want to include "other authors and resources" in the forum content while still keeping some sense of organization.

To go to an extreme, even the "return of the Christ personality" will not be Seth necessarily and I don't want to miss any related information. My objective is to keep a critical open mind.

Others may disagree with me, and I welcome their input.

Have you considered reading more Seth? I have been very immersed in the books lately, more than ever, and it only seems to increase my hunger for knowledge.
Title: Re: Hating to be human ....
Post by: myststars on July 08, 2017, 04:21:35 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9407#msg9407)
Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9405#msg9405)
Btw i am so removed from Seth material that i feel i can't answer in the rest of the board...Hence i kinda have my own corner of internet... I have a brief period with Seth material.

Thanks for mentioning that, I've been tempted to ask you many times. :) I do recall you mentioning reading Seth early on.

While my intention for this forum was to make it about Seth, I also realize that there are other speakers out there that are not Seth, while they are in some ways related.  While everything Seth said has made more sense to me than anything else I've come across thus far in my life, I also don't want to (respectfully) make Seth into dogma and so deliberately want to include "other authors and resources" in the forum content while still keeping some sense of organization.

To go to an extreme, even the "return of the Christ personality" will not be Seth necessarily and I don't want to miss any related information. My objective is to keep a critical open mind.

Others may disagree with me, and I welcome their input.

Have you considered reading more Seth? I have been very immersed in the books lately, more than ever, and it only seems to increase my hunger for knowledge.

I begun two channeling books (they are not Seth) but haven't finished any of them recently..Seems in this period is not relevant to me to read books.I read a few chapters and suddenly next i day i am kicked out of bed where i read and don't feel compeled to read.And days pass by without any reading..I am "redirected" by universe to Youtube free stuff from various channelers and walking in the park with myself.They seems to be norm daily.Private channelings can't wait also :).. I have hunger for both.I do recognize because of my own situation and my own weirdiness and isolation i don't find communication with people in survival mode very satisfying and fullfiling anymore.I kinda feed by rotating free channeling material.I look for Adronis, Roxy, Lyssa Royal etc...I tear wall after wall every day, i remove hatred from my system every day.I put this process in motion at so high inertia that i can't stop until i will be cleansed completly...I seems to pass all the roadblocks.I get lighter and lighter and clear every day at the expense at 3rd survival life..I do go to work but do it as little as possible.There is a sort of big unpatience at work.THe stuck to a schedule and in an office is really like a prison...
The last Sylvester (where you said about grid)  talked about changing the emotional relationship with work..I seem to have to remove other layers for this to work...Considering work fun I couldn't do this by now...I fallback in hating the work after a couple of minutes of thinking the work is fun...So i have to work in some other zone of myself... The funny thing is i don't where ...A random trial and error begun by testing the waters...I navigate in an "Andromeda" style..By the way i am very deep Andromeda / Arcturian...Abstract, Change, conceptual is the norm...My mind can't explain itself..I feel an abstract push from inside that my mind can't explain..