Quote from: bettybookoo42 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9461#msg9461)
many times they speak of the past and they express certain emotions, and that why they are acting they way they are is because of what someone said or did.
Oh gosh, I spent some time today trying to find a YouTube of a pastor somewhere (in the south?) who was blasting this one parishioner because she had spent maybe the past 15 years being "affected" by something someone did or said to her. He was incredulous, "you've wasted the past 15 years of your life... yada yada." He was brilliant and I swear I put it up here a couple of years ago, but couldn't find it. His delivery was amazing, really made it clear how ridiculous it was for her to hold onto something so trivial for so long. Many of us hold onto the past, rehashing it from time to time, recreating the feelings, which keeps the memory alive. That's one of the criticisms I've seen lately about traditional psychotherapy: let's rehash the past enough times so that it's forever burned into our brains.
A great post, thank you. Lots of wisdom in there. Letting go of the past -- yes, we need to learn to do that more often. We need not be forever-wounded victims, but we can make ourselves be so. Of course, there are certain horrific events that may seem impossible to overcome, such as in war situations or horrific accidents. PTSD. Some people can overcome it; I suppose our pre-life plans come into play here as well.
Interesting night for me, in that certain topics here today are relating to each other (forgiveness, neuroplasticity, hanging onto the past, selfness). The trend for me lately: it's all coming together quickly.
Joe Dispenza again: In his workshops (I've been to my share) and in his book
You Are the Placebo, he tells a story about a woman who had a serious chronic ailment. She was able to create a new reality for herself that did not include her ailment: she was completely healed. When later asked what it was like for her to be sick, she honestly could not remember being sick. That was an old version of her past that she chose to erase. No doubt the part of her brain that had stored her experience was overwritten with new data. She remapped her brain and rewrote her history.
So... Little Debbies, Devil Dogs... do you live in an area where you know of Tastykakes? Heaven on earth. Lol.