Had a set of images recently. I am always trying to figure this life out and this time I saw that tunnel that near death experiencers say they see and flow through. I was trying to figure out how I am a projection and where I am being projected from. Looks like we are being projected from the light that is at the end of that tunnel. This tunnel IS the projection !!! WOW. I know that Seth says there are tunnels everywhere because dimensions/realities are constantly flowing within each other. I have thought that the light at the end of the tunnel is the heaven we go back to. ONLY. But we come through that tunnel, too, many of them. And we are in that heaven at the same time. We have to be. Vibrating 12 frequencies or chakras means that the 12th is in heaven all the time. So the vast inner being that is projecting us is from this heaven of light all the time AND is at the other end of the tunnel !!!!! Vibrating faster than the speed of light.
Each frequency band vibrates a little bit slower until Wha la !! there we are !!! vibrating all of them at the same time and not knowing it. We have to be the 12th too because that is where the idea for us begins. Then there are the frequency bands where the blueprints are developed, the 6th through the 12th. Our dreams and thoughts that we have in this frequency band flow through all these bands, becoming the blueprints. Which come back to us as our reality.