This is a quote you may not find anywhere else. It was sent to me by Rich Kendall when he was reviewing tapes from a class session dated 8/16/75. A strong message from Seth—it almost feels like Seth has run out of patience:
"When will you be willing to step aside from the official line of consciousness and meet the selves that you are? When will you be willing to admit the greatness that is within each of you, and not cower, and not say, in this realm of reality, 'It is not possible,' but encounter the greatness within yourselves, and realize that everything that you have been taught is distorted because it was told to you by wardens in a prison?
"Now, you chose the prison, and it was educational, and you have learned from it. But you must then realize that you have been your own jurors. The abilities that now exist within the human race, and within you each as individuals, rises up, crying for release. And to release those abilities, you must allow yourself parole!
"You can each interpret these remarks in your own way, but it is highly important that you step out of the reality that you have been told is the ultimate "rock reality" by your parents and your schools and your educational systems and your society. Then you choose another hypothesis, and upon it you base your actions.
"Then, there is no need for faith. You have the evidence, or rather, you are the evidence."
Quote from: Deb (
but it is highly important that you step out of the reality that you have been told is the ultimate "rock reality" by your parents and your schools and your educational systems and your society.
Changing to a different physical experience could be as easy as switching TV channels:
"If you do not like a television program, you can switch to another
with a mere flick of the wrist. If you do not like your own physical
experience, you can also change to another, more beneficial
station —
but only if you recognize the fact that you are the
producer. "
The Nature of the Psyche