~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: strangerthings on August 31, 2017, 02:01:24 PM

Title: Free Cloud Storage 50 Gigs!
Post by: strangerthings on August 31, 2017, 02:01:24 PM
I thought this might help others to store sharable teachings and what nots if you did not want to use google drive or dropbox (which is owned by google) .


I have been using it for years. I enjoy this service tremendously. If you have friends that also belong to it they have a 'chat' area now (I haven't tried it) for just your circle of friends or colleagues. They have a desktop app! Sharable links. All that jazz. They give you 50 G free from the get go. No strings attached. Ad free. Sync mobile. Pro acct is $6.00 a month for 200G. Superb security. Also password protected and download limits on files but for a Pro acct.

Mediafire is good too. I was with them for a long while but they changed some things around and I did not like that BUT you can have 1T of cloud storage for only $45.00 a year. They do not have a desktop app anymore which is the main reason I left. They had one, promised to bring one back out, but never did and went to mobile apps and all that jazz. How am I supposed to upload and download backups of my computer in folder format, folders at a time, of a whole entire terrabyte? lol I dont want everything in zip format and that is what they recommend I do (pfftt I think not). They are great for public links however. I would totally recommend them for that. A++ in that regard. These guys give 10 G free no strings, but to get 50 G free you have to twitter them, have other people sign up blah blah blah. The 10 G has ads on the download/sharable links (unless you have adblock!). Plus you can have a limit on the download link you can customize to limit how many times a file is downloaded.
Title: Re: Free Cloud Storage 50 Gigs!
Post by: Deb on August 31, 2017, 04:12:52 PM
Thanks! I'll look into it, had not heard of that one before. Glad to know you've used it before, sometimes these services just up and disappear without warning. I've been happy with Dropbox for years, have referred enough people to it to get lots of storage space for free. But I always have my feelers out.