Hester Travers Smith was a psychic medium who claimed to have contacted Oscar Wilde in the 'afterlife'. She published a book of sessions of Wilde's communications, which were recorded by an automatic writer whose hand she touched while in a receptive state.
Incidentally, she was in contact with Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, who, himself, was keenly interested in Spiritualism. He was convinced of the veracity of her communications with the departed Oscar Wilde.
A legitimately free-to-download copy is available here: https://www.jhardaker.plus.com (https://www.jhardaker.plus.com). I don't know if it's identical to the original publication since I have not seen a physical or scanned copy of the printed work.
Wow, Monica, thanks for this. I found the downloads page and the pdf link. While I'd not read anything written by Oscar Wilde, I've of course heard of him (Dorian Gray movie?). Also I was in Ireland about a month ago, and Ireland is very proud of its authors hence many signs pointing to places of interest. I did visit Trinity College. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Simple but brilliant. It seems he had a great sense of humor.
Regardless, I will check out the PDF (http://www.jhardaker.plus.com/pdf/Psychic%20Messages%20from%20Oscar%20Wilde.pdf).
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
It sounds quite 'Sethian', doesn't it? :D
of course heard of him (Dorian Gray movie?). Also I was in Ireland abou