~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Books/Articles by Other Authors => Topic started by: myststars on October 17, 2017, 10:29:51 PM

Title: Dissolve The Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality
Post by: myststars on October 17, 2017, 10:29:51 PM

The price and the contents is imo awesome ...
Title: Re: Dissolve The Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality
Post by: Deb on October 18, 2017, 10:31:16 AM
OK, I'll try it. I'm curious. You can't beat the price.

I've never heard of Richard Dotts, could find no information on him other than it's a pen name. But his books are all highly rated, close to 5 stars on every one. Reviews are good. If the author is a good as he seems, he's missing out on some speaking engagement income.

Spontaneous Manifestations got almost a solid 5 stars.
Title: Re: Dissolve The Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality
Post by: myststars on October 19, 2017, 01:19:01 AM
I read 62% of the book.I feel is very well made.Easy explained from different angles and analogies.It filled many Dotts :)

Update: In my case i realized something.Let's say the first "problems" that come to mind may be with people or money.One may actually be tempted to begin processing those "problems".One of them first took too many days to process and still comming back so an idea came to actually skip and go directly to another much more deeper...In my case was "hate that i exist, ashamed that i exist etc"...Processing the deeper one actually had a domino effect and the other ones seem to have vanished or their was very much reduce to almost nothing. 
Title: Re: Dissolve The Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality
Post by: Deb on October 20, 2017, 08:24:33 PM
I'm behind in reading the book, but will catch up. Fall is a transition period for me here, I'm very much involved in nature and preparing for a long winter ahead. So spending much time outdoors getting things ready for the next phase.

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10009#msg10009)
hate that i exist, ashamed that i exist etc

Where does that come from, do you suppose? We are born as innocent and blank slates (to an extent), and hopefully with a joy for life and a love for ourselves. What happens to change that? And why? Is that one of the challenges we come here to overcome?

Quote from: myststars (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10009#msg10009)
Processing the deeper one actually had a domino effect

So glad to hear that. We make progress.

Title: Re: Dissolve The Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality
Post by: Zron on October 21, 2017, 12:57:56 PM
"To say that people can escape to another probability is pragmatically a cop-out — this is apart from the reality of probabilities, for I am speaking from your emotional viewpoint"

Excerpt From
The Nature of the Psyche (A Seth Book)
Jane Roberts
Title: Re: Dissolve The Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality
Post by: myststars on October 22, 2017, 02:31:09 AM
Quote from: Zron (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10022#msg10022)
"To say that people can escape to another probability is pragmatically a cop-out — this is apart from the reality of probabilities, for I am speaking from your emotional viewpoint"

Excerpt From
The Nature of the Psyche (A Seth Book)
Jane Roberts

I think Seth is talking about "staying" in ones mind..Making their own world in their mind and immersing themselves there and ignore the life.I feel Seth and the book in the topic talks about different things.
I applied the techniques in the Disolve the Problem book and the point to send the worries "somewhere" else using imagination so one don't feed them and continue creating same reality because of them.They diminish in power.When i send them faar away a deep peace and calmness apear and if you STAY long enough in this peace and calmness things go deeper.The deep peace and calmness makes one switch frquency and at some point there is not more frquency compatibility between me and the worries..At this point one raises above the worries because of the frquency where i am and the frequency of the worries we are parallel.Dotts says to stay in that peace so you become with worries...