Seth said negative ions are good for our psychic development and has health benefits.
Has anyone here tried using those negative ion generators or air ionizers? Have you noticed any difference? Any tips on choosing one?
Yes, Seth certainly had a few things to say about negative ions ('negative+ions'/).
While I have not had personal experience with that (other than a Himalayan sea salt lamp that someone gave me which was supposed to, maybe, provide negative ions)... my first thought was Amazon. (
Not terribly expensive, high ratings.
I defer to others' personal experiences.
Quote from: strangerthings (
he also says ionized water is a bottle of beliefs
this would make for a really good project to research
What he says in other sessions makes me think that it's not just belief power.
Session 532
"At certain times during the night the negative ions in the air are much stronger, or
numerous, than in the daytime, for example; and activity during this time, particularly
a walk or outside activity, would be highly beneficial from a health standpoint."
I think in session 86 he was talking only about those specific ways that Jane used to enhance the negative ions of the environment, like incense and copper. That they would not be increasing the negative ion content that much to be of real help. But it seems like Seth stills advocate for negative ions when it comes from nature, like at night or waterfalls, etc. In this case the negative ions would be in enough quantity to be of help.
I thought I'd just throw these quotes into the mix. Sorry the quotes are so long, it's sometimes too difficult to whittle Seth's words down to a few brief quotes:
This material will be most helpful in our own sessions, since when we are finished with it you will understand to some degree those conditions which may be advantageous and those which are not.
The electrical composition of the air is important, as you have read, and the periods of even temperature and fair weather are excellent for our purposes. The evening hours are best, and it was for this reason that I chose them. By this hour there is apt to be a stability of electromagnetic properties, though of course this is not always the case. Since all things have an electrical and chemical reality, the food that you eat is also important, and it is for this reason that I made certain suggestions concerning your diet.
These suggestions, as you know, were far from extreme. The exercises that I suggested Ruburt take also aid him in utilizing negative ions. Each individual has various ways in which he or she characteristically handles the protoplastic elements of which the physical being is composed.
The protoplasm is not entirely physical, however, but in a basic manner is a meeting ground between physical matter and inner vitality. Therefore the characteristic ways used by any given personality, in connection with his or her physical image, will also be used in the construction of dream images.
The dream images are indeed extensions, not only of the psychic or inner self, but a definite extension of the electromagnetic and chemical properties that operate through the physical self. It is indeed as if extensions of nerve endings reached out in self-expansion, making new connections, and this is indeed what occurs in the creation of dream images.
For these thoughts set up charges that oftentimes cannot be used effectively by the physical organism, and when excesses of such charges occur an illness develops. This is not to say however that illness can be treated using electromagnetics though in the future, the distant future, this may be practical. Illnesses must be treated primarily however by changing the basic mental habits, for unless this is done the trouble will erupt time and time again in different guises. However, the system obviously has the ability to heal itself, and every opportunity should be given so that it is allowed to do so. To my knowledge nothing is known about the healing effect that often occurs in dreams themselves. For a wholly destructive attitude of mind has been changed overnight in the dream state to a constructive condition, and the whole electro-magnetic balance has been changed.
Surely investigation should be done to probe into this matter. In such a case negative ions form an electrical framework in which healing is possible. Such healing dreams come most often when the inner self deeply feels a sense of desperation, and automatically opens up channels from deeper layers of the self, that have been closed for all effective purposes.
We find here an almost instant regeneration, a seemingly instant cure, a point from which the organism almost miraculously begins to improve. The same happens however in less startling cases where, for example, a merely annoying condition of health will suddenly disappear.
While our beliefs are first and foremost in regards to anything in our lives, Seth does say negative ions are naturally occurring and useful. I should probably dig through the Early Sessions 4 to see what exercises Seth was referring to that he gave to Ruburt.
While Seth says "negative ions are of help, but you could not produce such conditions" in Session 86, he does later say "This is not to say however that illness can be treated using electromagnetics though in the future, the distant future, this may be practical" in Session 198.
I have learned so much through this forum about a LOT of different things. I just had to look up negative ions, I've heard of them before but don't know much about 'em. I LOVE THE INTERNET!
"Negative ions ( are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy."
No wonder I feel so good when out in nature!
Quote from: strangerthings (
anyway thanks again for doing what you do Deb.
Thank you too! I'm just providing a vehicle for people to connect and discuss and I'm glad to do it. Rest up strangerthings and recharge those batteries.