This is a quote from "Nature of the Psyche":
"Creativity rides the tides of love. When love is denied its natural
expression, creativity suffers. Your belief lead you to suppose that a
natural bisexuality would result in the death of the family, the
destruction of morals, rampant sexual crimes, and the loss of sexual
identity. I would say, however, that my last sentence adequately
describes your present situation (with dry humor). The acceptance of
the species' natural bisexuality would ultimately help solve not only
those problems but many others, including the large instances of vio-
lence, and acts of murder."
These are Rob's comments on Seth, from the same book:
" Psyche Seth makes it clear that the psyche is not male or female, "but
a bank from which sexual affiliations are drawn." He stresses the
bisexual nature of humanity and the importance of bisexuality, both
spiritually and biologically.
But Seth's bisexuality is a far vaster concept than the ones usually
suggested by that term, and he sees it as a basic source from which
our sexual definitions arise. What are those definitions? How many
are basic, and how many learned? It is to such questions that Seth
addresses himself. More: He ties in his discussion of sexuality with
the birth of languages and the nature of "the hidden God.""
This is in contrast to the prohibition of homosexual activity by the R.C. Church:
"Homosexual sexual activity is viewed as a "moral disorder" and "homosexual acts" are viewed as "contrary to the natural law." (Wikipedia)
These ideas of Seth can be linked to those of Carl Jung:
"In the unconscious of a man, this archetype finds expression as a feminine inner personality: anima; equivalently, in the unconscious of a woman it is expressed as a masculine inner personality: animus."
In practical terms what this means is that for a successful life every man needs to get in touch with his feminine side, and every woman needs to get in touch with her masculine side.
Interesting topic to explore. I wonder what it's like to be able to perceive 'no gender' (or both gender) from Seth's perspective. I realize he's mentioned that a few times, but it's hard for me to conceptualize. My first thought is I'd miss genders, but it would sure solve a lot of problems.
I look to animals when I try to understand human behavior. It seems most animals, as far as I can tell, don't really have male and female roles. Sure, the mechanics of reproduction are gender based, but outside of that they seem to do what has to be done, cooperate in gathering food, finding shelter, some species share in raising the young. The females, as far as I can tell, are not mistreated as inferior. Well, dolphins...
Do you suppose Seth's use of the word 'bisexuality' deals with physical attraction only, as our language generally does? Or do you suppose it's more tied to gender roles, expression of emotion, the way people are treated? How much influence do the sex hormones have over the way our brains work?
While I'm attracted to men, I don't think of myself as being a woman so much as being just me. I'm alone often, so have had to be self-reliant and will cook and sew and repair the car or the dishwasher, mow the lawn, pull out the chainsaw to cut down branches, etc. Whatever it takes. The majority of my friends are female, because we enjoy many of the same things. It's been harder to have male friends, maybe because many are not in touch with their feminine side. Maybe that's why women love to have gay men as friends.
I was actually told by someone I worked for, a married male, that men and women could never be friends because the man will always be trying to seduce the woman. He wanted to be friends, lol, a story there. Says a lot about how he relates to women.
I've been sort of flabbergasted at the "me too" posts in Facebook, in the news, everyone claiming they were sexually violated in their past. I'm not surprised, growing up female I had my share (I'm not the flirtatious type, dress conservatively) but I was told that it was just a part of being a woman so I chalked it up to experience or my own ignorance. Now there are complaints coming from men as well. I'm not sure how accepting bisexuality would lower violence, I'll have to think about that a little more. Right now it seems to me that any kind of sexuality can cause acts of violence.
This Note from the Universe today, I thought it was timely, considering all the sex abuse scandals in the news:
Without words like "blame," "victim," and "fault," Deb, I do believe about 50% of the unhappiness in the world would be cured.
Live in your power,
The Universe
Quote from: Deb (
Do you suppose Seth's use of the word 'bisexuality' deals with physical attraction only, as our language generally does?
Deb, bisexuality for Seth is definitely not restricted to physical attraction. As Rob wrote, "Seth's bisexuality is a far vaster concept than the ones usually suggested by that term."
QuoteI'm not sure how accepting bisexuality would lower violence, I'll have to think about that a little more.
I agree that the link is not clear-cut. It is as if Seth gave us something to work out for ourselves instead of spelling it out in detail.
I would like to look at how democracies work. In Sri Lanka, as in many other democratic countries, only about 10 % of Members of Parliament are female. That is NOT bisexual. In a bisexual country approximately 50% of Representatives would be female. Sri Lanka had a 30-year civil war in which at least 100,000 were killed. The majority religion is Buddhism, and 90% of Buddhist clergy are male.
The word "macho" is an interesting one. The dictionary definitions are "masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way" or "a man who is aggressively proud of his masculinity". A macho man is clearly not in touch with his feminine side. A macho man would not become a member of this forum!