Itzak Bentov ( Czech-born Israeli rocket scientist, American scientist, inventor (medical devices), mystic, author having a fascination with consciousness. He just came across my radar today, I thought I'd check if anyone hear has heard of him. Here's a short clip of him explaining how we are all connected, different levels of consciousness. I'll listen to more of his videos, seems he was headed in the right direction. He died at 55 in 1979, as a passenger in the "deadliest single plane crash on US soil to date." We all know what Seth says about plane crashes (used as an example). Bentov wrote a few books on consciousness. Just guessing this video was probably recorded near the time of his death.
The Illusion of Our Separation:
I just starting watching this video, but I wonder if this is his daughter speaking. Very Seth.
I believe that's his wife Mirtala. She explains his work very well in this video (starting at minute 20)
One thing I have noticed in the Seth material consistently is that as much as Seth says we are connected (in his various ways), he emphasizes greatly how much we are individual and are not "one".
The whole is more than the sum of its parts. :)
Quote from: strangerthings on March 08, 2022, 10:05:51 PMOne thing I have noticed in the Seth material consistently is that as much as Seth says we are connected (in his various ways), he emphasizes greatly how much we are individual and are not "one".
St, two Seth quotes on this topic:
"So some Americans have become tired of this badge of individuality, and they are ready to throw it over, either to fundamental Christianity, which is again rising, or to a number of various Eastern religions.
Life is everywhere both individual and particular, and at the same time united with all being. All That Is "pulsates" with a truly infinite yearning to particularize all of its attributes, to know itself through individualizing all of its dreams, its slightest thought, its most monumental discovery."
—TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978
"If only the physically-oriented ego survived, very little indeed would survive at all. The physically-oriented ego is hardly aware of your experiences in their entirety. The physically-oriented ego, if it alone survived, would contain only your conscious memories. Even now, in physical existence, you operate on a much deeper and more complicated level than this. Events and experiences which are forgotten, or which escaped the physically-oriented ego, still affect your activities in this life, and if they did not your physical existence would be brief indeed."
—TES6 Session 270 June 22, 1966
In mathy portions of metaphysics this is the One and the Zero. Cipher Sephira Horizon
A relationship that one does not exist without the other. Like a diameter and a circle. They are one and yet individually unique.
Life grows from the inner to outer.
horiZOn, simultaneously is :
Ziroh On(e) , "On" is the 1 in binary. One.
Binary means not one, but two. (or plural or multitude or more than one)
O, my beloved, let me be the one who dances with you into the dew spring morning.
And stuff like that lol
Quote from: strangerthings on March 09, 2022, 02:37:16 PMA relationship that one does not exist without the other. Like a diameter and a circle. They are one and yet individually unique.
St, I am a bit lost here. In Sethian terms I would say that every human life contributes to the reality of All That Is.
Quote from: Sena on March 10, 2022, 12:43:11 AMQuote from: strangerthings on March 09, 2022, 02:37:16 PMA relationship that one does not exist without the other. Like a diameter and a circle. They are one and yet individually unique.
St, I am a bit lost here. In Sethian terms I would say that every human life contributes to the reality of All That Is.
Yes they exist together and are uniquely their own. Thats all I was saying lol They are one and yet individual. All That Is is a part of all. Yet you are one you and one with All That Is. It doesnt negate that :)