"In Volume 2 of "Unknown" Reality Seth began developing his theory of counterparts — that the larger psychological self, or entity, of each of us manifests not just one physical life in any given century, say, but several, so as to gain that much more experience in a variety of roles involving different ages, nationalities and languages, sexual orientations, family roles, and so forth. As I understand the counterparts thesis, the individual may or may not meet at least some of his or her counterparts, scattered as they can be among earth's different countries and cultures. Jane and I have encountered a few of our respective counterparts, however, principally through her now-defunct ESP class."
—NoME Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979
"The counterpart notion is Seth's timeless version of his concept of consecutive incarnations."
—DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982