I'm not saying this is actual 'validation' as this Board is titled, but I've had this Seth quote sitting on my desktop for future posting and I thought today was a good time to post it, considering Stephen Hawking's death and this recent article about Hawking's theory on before the dawn of time. An opportunity to compare them. Today also happens to be National Pi Day in the US. And Albert Einstein's birthday.
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Excellent Post Deb, Hi,
You are going to have to be way more cautious what you decide to believe coming from the official science "experts." Because Seth warned us about religious and science cults, but it was a very important message that he could not elaborate upon in order to somewhat protect Jane and Rob's efforts... from whatever seems to happen often in our society to those who don't conform to the norm. Society is pushed on purpose into it's directions, it is not a freely growing civilization.
I really like the interview that Fred Bear did with Dr. Wal Thornhill (in another post) because Fred didn't interfere with the direction that Wal wanted to take the interview, Wal wasn't being guided because Fred didn't know much of the Thunderbolts Project and is a bit funny with his interjections.
Wal explains there was no Big Bang and all the evidence is on his side. Thunderbolts.info is kind of on a collision coarse with the science cult, even though you will find members of that cult in the Thunderbolts Project doing what they do best.
There is no "Dark Matter", no "Dark Energy"
In all probability, Steven Hawkings is nothing what the media makes him out to be. This interview is very telling so it was put into comedy https://youtu.be/OPV3D7f3bHY?t=192
The science cult picks champions... are you really listening to what Hawkings is thinking. How could he write books in his mind like Seth?
Einstein was a Hollywood glorified champion of the same cult. Seth called Einstein a prophet. Seth was extremely careful how he worded things, more-so than any human I have known. Prophets can be either true or false. Einstein made the statement that he would not be surprised that in the future his theories would be proven false.
Back to the the plasma universe... and away from the speed of light universe. Everyone need to know about David LaPoint's work, but his has been hushed up for cult reasons I can only assume. And David gave up educating the world with his revelations and never completed his tutorials on the Youtube. So sad. He has likely been scared into silence. He calls it the Primer Field Theory and a validation with Seth is that Seth said the universe is run rather by fields.
I like the planetary orbits created by the bowl shaped magnets... David did an excellent job.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EPlyiW-xGI I think only three of the six videos were posted and then LaPoint suddenly gave-up to sell magnetic health stuff.
The ferrofluid experiment explains the hexagon cloud shape on Saturn's north pole. And when he takes the Primer Field down to the photon size, he explains the double-slit experiment way better than the (fake) light duality that "paid schooling" taught me. Also, the direction-shift of light through different mediums is outstanding. The genius did all this on his own and kept his work private until he was prepared to lay it all out to the general public and change the way the world thinks... like what Seth talks about.
I recall Seth stating this probability's human-situation is appalling. Yes, it is.
I am happy to have found this Seth-effort website. The suppression of the Seth material is appalling, too. I guess it is both a religious/science challenge for our species to prove ourselves more worthy than the Lumanians we stem from. To become the "Loving" Caretakers of Earth. Any world civilization that will not meet that blue-print requirement will fail that society as a learning experiment. Seth did say once I recall, "Nothing is ever wasted within All-That-Is."
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13627#msg13627)
You are going to have to be way more cautious what you decide to believe coming from the official science "experts."
For sure! Most of us have been raised to believe science as the end-all to truth, but I'm old enough to have seen science, medicine and the diet dictates keep changing things up. And I hear about the dirty little secrets behind a lot of research studies we are told prove the absolute truth—for now. And yes, there are people who make science into a religion. It pays to question everything.
Hawking, Einstein, Tesla—I have an easier time accepting what Seth said, physics is theoretical for the most part. Although Tesla (even Einstein) seemed to have more in common with Seth. Tesla got his ideas from out of the ethers, he had no idea where they came from, and the mechanics and designs would come to him like mental downloads with a complete understanding. At least that's what one of the bios I read said. He also had a lot of health issues when young, weird fugues, and I think his brain was structured a little differently. Where do our thoughts and ideas come from anyway? :)
The longer I read and understand Seth, and Jane, the deeper I want to go.
I'd not heard of David LaPoint, thanks for that! One of the things I love about this discussion forum is being told about other sources of information. Another is how we come from different perspectives so there are always new and interesting ways to see things outside our personal boxes.
I'll watch the videos this weekend, I'm currently working on a Seth-related project for a client and I've been almost obsessed with it. But I'll have more free time over the weekend.
Welcome to Speaking of Seth, I'm glad you found us!
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13629#msg13629)
One of the things I love about this discussion forum is being told about other sources of information. Another is how we come from different perspectives so there are always new and interesting ways to see things outside our personal boxes.
What I find different about this forum is that people are more well-mannered than on other forums. There are differences of perspective, beliefs, attitude, background, but people don't get too argumentative or worse.
For me, it seems a good place to work out confirmations and answers. Even when the replies don't help directly, they might stimulate my understanding process. Beyond that, I have no intention to convince anybody of my opinions and beliefs.
@Deb for thins forum!
Quote from: inavalan (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13633#msg13633)
What I find different about this forum is that people are more well-mannered than on other forums. There are differences of perspective, beliefs, attitude, background, but people don't get too argumentative or worse.
Thank you for that and you're welcome! I have seen some really ugly things being said on other discussion forums and especially Facebook, where it's too easy to snipe from a distance.
There actually were some ruffled feathers here early on, but the members we have now are especially respectful, mellow and open-minded to others' opinions, which was my dream. I tend to not be that easily offended, but most of us have triggers or sensitive spots and misunderstandings can result. Especially since reading and writing interactions are a lot different than having a conversation face to face (thus the birth of the emoticon). Which took me by surprise because my thought at the start was, "We're all Seth fans, what could go wrong?" Surprise. I got beat up a little a couple of times. The incidents resulted in fast and furious rewriting of the forum Terms and Conditions, lol.
I'm very grateful for our resident thinkers. We can't learn and grow if we're not open to considering new ideas. And we are. To me this means we are truly embracing Seth's teachings.