I just came across Seth explaining UFOs to Jane and Rob in Dreams & Projections. It came right after a discussion about mental enzymes, something I'm struggling to understand right now. Ah, a topic for another day. Along with 'mental science.' I've bolded the statements most interesting to me.
Excerpts from The Early Sessions 1, Session 16 9:51 pm, Jan. 15, 1964:
The strange thing incidentally about your flying saucers is not that they appear, but that you can see them. As science advances on various planes the inhabitants of the various planes learn to travel between planes occasionally, while carrying with them the manifestations of their home station.
This is complicated in the telling. As I mentioned they carry their own particular camouflage with them. You recognize it as not your own. Taking off at right angles involves another one of your natural laws which are not natural laws, but seem to be because this is how things look from where you are. I'll take this up at a later date if I do not go into it in the later part of this discussion.
When you reread this material you will find it more than you thought to begin with.
I am quite sure, I know for a fact, that beings from other planes have appeared on your plane, sometimes on purpose and sometimes completely by accident. As in some cases human beings have quite accidentally blundered through the apparent curtain between your present and your past, so have beings blundered into the apparent division between one plane and another. Usually when they have done so they were invisible to your plane, as the few who fell into the past or the apparent past were invisible to the people of the past.
This sort of experience involves a sudden psychic awareness, straight from the entity, that all boundaries are for practical purposes only. However there are indeed many kinds of science. There are many sciences just dealing with locomotion. Had the human race for example gone into certain mental disciplines as thoroughly as it has explored technological disciplines, its practical transportation system would be vastly different, and yet by this time even more practical than it is now. I am making this point because I want it made plain this, dear Joseph, is a pun that when I speak of science on another plane I may not speak of the plain old science that you know.
Now back to the point. When however sciences progress on various planes, then visitations become less accidental and more planned. However, since the inhabitants of each plane are bound by the materializations or materialized patterns of that plane, they bring this particular materialization pattern or camouflaged vitality pattern with them. Certain kinds of sciences cannot operate without it. When the inhabitants of a plane have learned mental science patterns, then they are to a great degree freed from the more regular camouflage patterns. This applies to a higher plane than mine, generally speaking, although my plane is further along in this science than your own.
The flying saucer appearances come from a plane that is much more advanced in technological sciences than earth at this time. However this is still not a mental science plane. Therefore the camouflage paraphernalia appears, more or less visible, to your own astonishment. Now, so strong is this tendency for vitality to change from one apparent form to another, that what you have here in your flying saucers is something that is actually, as you view it, not of your plane nor of the plane of its origin. What happens is this. When the flying saucer as you prefer to call it starts out toward its destination, the atoms and molecules that structurally compose it, and which are themselves formed by vitality, are more or less aligned according to the pattern inflicted upon it in its own territory. Now as this enters your plane a distortion occurs. The actual structure of the craft is caught in a dilemma of form. It is caught between transforming itself completely into earth's particular camouflage pattern, and retaining its original pattern. The earthly viewer attempts to correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines possible, in the little he knows of the universe.
What he sees is something between a horse and a dog and resembles neither. The craft retains what it can of its original structure and changes what it must. This accounts for much of the conflicting reports as to shape, size and color. The few times that the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.
I do not believe you will have any saucer landings for quite a while, not physical landings in the usual sense of the word. These saucers cannot stay on your plane for any length of time at all. The pressures that push against the vehicle itself are tremendous. It is literally caught between two worlds. This struggle to be one thing or the other is very great on any plane. To conform to the laws of a particular plane is a practical necessity, and at this time the flying saucer craft simply cannot afford to stay betwixt and between for any indefinite period.
What they do is take quick glimpses of your plane and hold in mind that the saucer or cigar shape seen on your planet is a bastard form having little relation to the structure as it is at home base. At a later date I may go into the inhabitants of that plane more thoroughly, but as it is I am not acquainted with them very much myself. There are so many things that you do not understand that I hope to explain to you. There are other things that you do not understand that I cannot explain to you, simply because they would be too alien now for your regular mode of thought.
Here's one of those saucer/cigar shaped UFOs. I imagine if the appearance of the 'vehicles' become distorted between planes, so would it's occupants. :)