Writing here has inspired me to paint and to call myself again.....I am a magnificent, powerful being of light.... like I used to. Feeling more goose bumps now as I focus more in the present. So everybody forget all that I have said...written before.... because those moments are gone and spoke of duality. All there is...is now... because we are immersed in a web of waves totally full of intelligence and love and forgiveness.....a magnificent holodeck....as our own father and mother vibrating as our organs and lives...simultaneous, pulsating lives.
Energy always vibrates in the moment.
That is why forgiveness should always be operating, because the last moment has gone, and there is no such thing as death, which is thought of as tomorrow. Forgive all the images of despair that everyone thinks is solid. Forgive all the hurts because they only exist as they are thought of. Thoughts are images and are powerful because they change us constantly, creating our bodies and events constantly with every pulsation.
I noticed my phone number is gone. That is okay. Telepathy operates constantly. And I am creating my own reality with every thought, so with intensity I have before me my own magical self.
Sorry I am not answering anyone, but I wished for people to call me. I thought that would be the utmost thing I could do to focus on a safe universe.....to prove to myself and others with my beliefs that we are vibrating images of waves full of love and nothing else.
I love my paintings and have decided not to paint generically, but with detail what I believe is true. And that is that we ALL are magnificent powerful beings of energy and light pulsating every moment 570 trillion times a second as stars...literal stars. I refuse to call myself crazy or delusional or stupid any longer, so I expect everyone else to change their minds too, and to begin to see me as their friend. I want nothing but to be other's friends, to enlighten and to inspire.
Thank you Deb for creating and making this web site available. I hug you from here, and in a nonlocal, simultaneous web of existence I know that you feel that now.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on March 12, 2015, 12:43:11 PMWriting here has inspired me to paint and to call myself again.....I am a magnificent, powerful being of light.... like I used to.
That makes my heart sing, I'm SO happy to hear that! Paint, paint, paint! You've inspired me to do so as well. I uncovered some "hidden" beliefs in myself today because of your post. I was out walking in a field in the sun and wondering why I so desperately want to paint and never do it. Listening to Enya -- it made me remember joyful times of painting and using soft pastels, my favorite, with Enya in the background. My "go to" art music. But for some reason I have believed that they weren't for making
real art because so many people think they're just chalk that kids play with. I've been learning how to use oil and acrylic, and they just don't feel right. The feeling doesn't flow. They are not me! Tomorrow I am going to pull out my soft pastels and get back to work!
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on March 12, 2015, 12:43:11 PMI noticed my phone number is gone. That is okay. Telepathy operates constantly. And I am creating my own reality with every thought, so with intensity I have before me my own magical self.
Your phone number can't be gone, I don't change other peoples' posts. Oh wait, I see you found it in the Welcome board. You'd also put it on another board, here:
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on March 02, 2015, 03:25:17 PMCall me.
Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on March 12, 2015, 12:43:11 PMI refuse to call myself crazy or delusional or stupid any longer, so I expect everyone else to change their minds too, and to begin to see me as their friend. I want nothing but to be other's friends, to enlighten and to inspire.
Thank you Deb for creating and making this web site available. I hug you from here, and in a nonlocal, simultaneous web of existence I know that you feel that now.
I'm sorry no one called, there aren't many of us on the forum yet. I've done that in the past, talked with a couple of people I met in the Seth Intensive, and it turned out awkward for some reason. You could put your phone number in your profile if you're really interested. As more people sign up they may check profiles. It's up to you. But if you keep interacting with others here, we will build a camaraderie like we did on the Intensive forum.
BTW you live in a very pretty area, I love the Riverwalk and I seem to recall a very nice botanic gardens...
I'm actually considering putting up a new board, something like "Creativity Showcase," I'm not completely sure what to call it yet. But it could be a place where people put up their art, poetry, etc. As long as it doesn't overload my server, it could be a good place for people to express their artistic side as long as they keep it G-rated and generally unoffensive.
And thanks for the mental hug, I do feel it.
Phyllis, if you see this: I did start a board named Share Your Creations, so please share your art with us! One of the other members does calligraphy and she's thinking of contributing as well.