~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on July 12, 2018, 11:45:45 AM

Title: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: jbseth on July 12, 2018, 11:45:45 AM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

This is interesting.  In a topic on this site called, "What happens after death? Survival of the personality" in reply #34, on Feb 24, 2018, you posted some quotes from Seth, from an unpublished ESP Class, Nov. 29, 1975.

In one of these quotes, Seth says the following:

"Your identity continues, as mine continues. I make no attempt to hide my characteristics. They were not buried before the time of Christ. They were not destroyed in my death in the seventh century. They were not annihilated in the 24th century of your existence and in your reckoning of time. They were not destroyed in any of my deaths, nor shall your identities be annihilated, or lost in a oneness that knows not desire, nor distinction, - and that is a strong part of my message!

Did Seth just indicate that he had / has / will have an existence in the 24th century?

Title: Re: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: Deb on July 12, 2018, 04:12:57 PM
Well for one thing I was hoping he was just saying 24th century to make a point, and to not give us clues that something bad is going to happen to annihilate anyone or anything.

I do know that he said, probably more than once, that he was done incarnating here and would not be back in the flesh (Jane and Rob too).

Nice catch though, maybe we can do some research about his "not coming back."

Title: Re: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: LarryH on July 12, 2018, 04:43:24 PM
I think Seth is very clear that time is different from viewpoints outside of physical reality. The Oversoul 7 books go into this very specifically as well. I view the quote in the sense that from Seth's viewpoint, his life in the 24th century is already completed. Seth also has said that Jane and Rob's lives are their "last" incarnations, although either one or both of them (I forget) have a "future" incarnation from our perspective.
Title: Re: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: Sena on July 12, 2018, 10:39:33 PM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11288#msg11288)
I think Seth is very clear that time is different from viewpoints outside of physical reality.
Larry, yes Seth is very clear about that. Where we are at present we have a clear understanding of time, and Seth is saying that time will be "different" after death. The problem is that with our human brains we cannot really imagine a different kind of time. The implication is that "reality" will be different after death. I think it is best if we regard Seth's pronouncements in this area as metaphors rather than literal truths.
Title: Re: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: Deb on July 13, 2018, 12:29:48 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11288#msg11288)
Seth also has said that Jane and Rob's lives are their "last" incarnations, although either one or both of them (I forget) have a "future" incarnation from our perspective.

That does sound familiar, and I think Seth was referring to Rob. But it was a mysterious comment, something like an incarnation of "sorts." I'll look for it.

Maybe Rob is going to come back as a tree.  ;)
Title: Re: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: jbseth on July 13, 2018, 09:36:36 AM
Hi Larry H, Hi All,

I like the way that Larry H said:

"I think Seth is very clear that time is different from viewpoints outside of physical reality. The Oversoul 7 books go into this very specifically as well. I view the quote in the sense that from Seth's viewpoint, his life in the 24th century is already completed. "

I agree. This is what I was trying to say.

I don't believe that I've ever come across any other statement made by Seth that he actually "had" a future life beyond his 16th Century Denmark life and his Frank Watts, fragment personality in the 20th Century. 

Has anyone else?
Title: Re: Seth in the 24th Century
Post by: jbseth on July 15, 2018, 05:00:03 PM
Hi All,

I found some additional information about Seth's additional comments in regards to this being Rob and Jane's last incarnations. Apparent, Rob and Jane had chosen to become entities. I'll create a new post with this information.