~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on July 15, 2018, 05:10:54 PM

Title: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: jbseth on July 15, 2018, 05:10:54 PM
Hi All,

In the post titled, "Seth in the 24th Century", LarryH made a comment about Jane and Rob being in their last incarnation. In some of Seth's comments, Seth has mentioned that this life was Jane and Robs last incarnation. However, there are several of us who seem to recall that somewhere, Seth also had some additional information about this, at least to one of them, Rob or Jane.

I spent some time looking for this information and while I didn't find what I thought I was looking for, I believe I found the answer.  In several locations in The Early Session books (see below) comment are made about this being Jane and Robs last incarnation.  In addition to this, Seth also makes comments about Rob (and Rob says both Rob and Jane) choosing to become entities.

TES1: page 33, 46, 246,
TES2: page 128 & 129, (Session 58)
TES5: page 246

Now, along with this, I also came across the following dialog made between Seth and Rob. This dialog is located in The Early Sessions, Book 9, Session 445, pages 132 and 133. This dialog makes sense when taken in regards to Rob having already having chosen to become an entity.

"In dreams and reverie you may recall past existences. (To me.) You will not reincarnate again in physical terms, but those who will can also have dreams in which they catch a glimpse of their own future life."

("Could I reincarnate again if I chose to?")

"If you chose to, you could indeed. (Smile.) In your term, you have already chosen not to.  You can however have dreams in which you catch a glimpse into your own next existence, which will not be in your own physical plane."

("As far as you know, in our terms, will I ever again have anything to do with physical manifestations?")

(Smile.) "Now. You will indeed. But you will not exist amid objects that are taken at face value alone. Do you follow me?"

("Yes. That's what I meant by the question."

(I thought this is a neat bit of telepathic exchange, for as I asked Seth the question, I expected to receive just that kind of answer. I thought I would see physical manifestation again, and in an environment that was not slavishly dependent upon objects.)

In the Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 58, there is a lot of interesting information about the relationship that exist between the inner self, the ego and the entity.  The information in this session also explains how and why a person like Jane or Rob may be on their last incarnation and may opt to become an entity. Below is a general summary of the information in this session.

Summary of Session 58:

The inner self directs the whole energy field. The outer ego directs the manipulation of the physical universe. Without the outer ego, the inner self could not add to its own value fulfillment through participation in energy construction. While the inner self is the durable self, the outer ego is also very important.

The outer ego is not gobbled up after an existence but remains in control of those characteristics and abilities it has gained. The outer ego is a controller and director of those strengths that it has gained during its particular existence.  The outer ego can even continue growth and development after a particular existence.

Even when an inner self has sent out a new outer ego upon a new camouflage venture, the previous ego still has almost unlimited avenue for development.

It can remain what it is, one ego.

As such it will remain subordinate to the inner self, but no more so, than it was earlier. In this case it will return to the same plane and meet new challenges and develop new abilities, but it still will be dealing with problems of manipulation and physical construction. Most egos choose this course for a while.

In this case, the ego reincarnates as the same ego, and the information of its past lives is retained in the ego's subconscious. Theoretically such an ego could continue in this fashion indefinitely. However, there are also other possibilities.

If there is good communication between the inner self and the outer ego, then the outer ego begins to understand what it is and it realizes that it has greater capacities than it can realize by continued reincarnations.

If the ego is exceptional, then it may take one of two courses.

One. It may return to the same plane as a great originator, using information that it receives from the inner self to make lasting and original innovations upon that plane. It will therefore become a Buddha, a Christ, a Michelangelo, a hero in one field or another making changes in the physical world.  After this, it does not reincarnate again upon that plane but instead forms a new gestalt with the inner self.

Two. It chooses instead to become entity of its own. In this case, this outer ego becomes an inner self, which from its own desires, abilities and initiatives new outer egos are formed, which once again seek fulfillment. In this case, it does contain the knowledge of all previous existences

This choice is always made by the outer ego.

Seth says that Ruburt and he (Seth) were offshoots of the same entity. Joseph was also part of that same entity, and this is one of the reasons why Seth is able to communicate with them both. 

(then Seth says to Joseph)

"If you are to be an entity, as you have chosen to be, then this is your opportunity, and this is your last reincarnation upon this earth."

Title: Re: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: Sena on July 15, 2018, 11:13:00 PM
Thanks for drawing our attention to this important material. I have a copy of the Early Sessions, Book 2, on my Kindle, but have only read parts of it. I shall now go back to the book and read it more carefully.
Title: Re: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: Deb on July 16, 2018, 10:20:38 AM
Thanks for this jbseth! Very interesting information and it never occurred to me that a consciousness/ego could decide to become an entity, I've always assumed an entity was an offshoot of ATI and it was a "one way" process.

I read Session 58, will also check out the other locations you mention in your post. I'm curious how one becomes an entity, there may be more information there.

BTW I thought this was fascinating (from 58), Seth talking to Rob about, essentially, his "super power": 

"You, Joseph, must paint, using all your powers, instilling into your work all you have learned now and in previous lives. of human understanding, ability, capacity and failure; and you must make an effort to have your work seen. You must send it out, and in this you will find birth.

You will help to create something in the hearts of men that will not be there until they see your work. This is your commitment. This is the time for it. If you are to be an entity, as you have chosen to be, then this is your
opportunity, and this is your last reincarnation upon this earth. "

Ron Card had posted on FB not long ago about how Rob had put hidden EE marks in some of his paintings, pointing out some in the painting Rob made of Seth.
Title: Re: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: jbseth on July 16, 2018, 04:03:09 PM
H Deb,

Yeah, even though I've read TES2 about 2 years ago, I didn't really grasp the connections between the inner self, the outer ego and the entity as well as I do now, after just digging into this the other day. 

It also helps in understanding the how's and whys involved in the multiple connections between Ruburt, Jane, Joseph, Rob, Seth and Seth 2.

Did Ron Card say anything else about these hidden EE marks in Rob's Seth paintings? Were these marks literally the letter 'EE' or something else? 
Title: Re: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: Deb on July 16, 2018, 06:35:02 PM
Here's his post. They do appear to be the letters EE, but back to back. Laurel pointed them out to Ron when he bought the original painting. I'll add the photos, just click on them to see them full size.

"When Rob Butts painted the Seth portrait, he cleverly embedded a series of "secret" "EE" symbols that stand for, Electro-Magnetic Energy, about Seth, and I'll reveal the locations of a few of them, however, they are disguised so as not to be obvious.

This revelation was pointed out to me when I obtained the Seth portrait a few years ago. Seth says that from EE units, comes CU, or consciousness units, the building blocks, so to speak, of physical matter.

It is a known fact that some of the top Old Masters painters, the Renaissance artists, for example, cleverly hid secret symbols embedded within their works for various reasons, like secret communication of certain ideas made known to a select few people.

Since the Seth portrait is imbued with such symbolic electrical energy, I will leave you to draw your own conclusions as to the psychic--spiritual meaning and implications here that Rob was thinking of when he added these symbols. But I will say, standing before the portrait, one who is attuned and is sensitive gets the unmistakable feeling or "rush" of energy vibrations emanating from the painting--quite invigorating and refreshing to say the least."

Title: Re: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: jbseth on July 16, 2018, 08:42:35 PM
Hi Deb,

I wonder if Rob put "CU" for Consciousness Units, in some of his pictures too. :)

Title: Re: Rob and Jane as Entities
Post by: jbseth on August 08, 2018, 01:01:03 PM
Hi All,

In the very first entry of this post, I said the following:

"In the post titled, "Seth in the 24th Century", LarryH made a comment about Jane and Rob being in their last incarnation. In some of Seth's comments, Seth has mentioned that this life was Jane and Robs last incarnation. However, there are several of us who seem to recall that somewhere, Seth also had some additional information about this, at least to one of them, Rob or Jane."

Today, while looking through, "The Unkown Reality, Book 2", for some information on counterparts, I came across the following paragraph spoken by Seth in Session 721.

I believe this information from Seth, might be part of that additional information that we were referring to above. Here is what Seth says in Session 721:

"Now. In your terms only, [neither of] you... has a reincarnational future. Give us a moment... You have accepted this as a breaking-off point. In other terms there are three future lives, but your greater intents, as of now, break you off from this system of reality, and you have already journeyed, both of you, into another; and from that other reality I speak. In those terms I am part of both of your realities. Think of this in terms of other information given this evening, and you may see what I mean."
