One of the significant Seth teachings is that his understanding of God is quite different to that taught by the Christian Churches. Here is a Seth quote:
"God is more than the sum of all the probable systems of reality he has created, and yet he is within each one of these, without exception. He is therefore within each man and woman. He is also within each spider, shadow, and frog, and this is what man does not like to admit. God can only be experienced, and you experience him whether or not you realize it, through your own existence. He is not male or female, however, and I use the terms only for convenience's sake. In the most inescapable truth, he is not human in your terms at all, nor in your terms is he a personality. Your ideas of personality are too limited to contain the multitudinous facets of his multidimensional existence. (10:55.) On the other hand, he is human, in that he is a portion of each individual; and within the vastness of his experience he holds an "idea-shape" of himself as human, to which you can relate. He literally was made flesh to dwell among you, for he forms your flesh in that he is responsible for the energy that gives vitality and validity to your private multidimensional self, which in turn forms your image in accordance with your own ideas. This private multidimensional self, or the soul, has then an eternal validity. It is upheld, supported, maintained by the energy, the inconceivable vitality, of All That Is. (11:00.)" (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)
From the Kindle edition:
Hi Sena,
I've always loved that particular paragraph from Seth. Especially the part where Seth says that, "He is also within each spider, shadow, and frog,".
In this paragraph, Seth says that God is within the spider and the frog. To me this is one idea about God. God is within living things.
However, Seth also says that God is within the "shadow". To me, this says something entirely different about God. Not only is God within living things, but God also exists within esoteric things like shadows.
In regards to esoteric things, in Seth Speaks, Chapter 14, Session 560, Seth also says the following:
"If I told you that God was an idea, you would not understand what I meant, for you do not understand the dimensions in which an idea has its reality, or the energy that it can originate and propel. You do not believe in ideas in the same way that you believe in physical objects, so if I tell you that God is an idea, you will misinterpret this to mean that God is less than real — nebulous, without reality, without purpose, and without motive action."
Yes, I agree completely, Seth's description of God is very different than that of the typical Christian Church.
Thanks for sharing.
I am glad we agree on this. I wonder what you think about worshipping God (All That Is)?
I search the Seth search engine - there are very few references to worship:
Quote from: Sena (
I am glad we agree on this. I wonder what you think about worshipping God (All That Is)?
I search the Seth search engine - there are very few references to worship:
Hi Sena,
That's a very interesting question.
I should start out by saying that "I" personally believe in the vast majority of Seth's ideas and concepts almost exclusively over every other major and minor world religion and philosophy. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone else who has other beliefs, but this is the main reason why I participate in this forum.
Along with this, "I" also believe that Seth's definition of All That Is, is the most accurate definition of God that exists in any religion or philosophy.
Given this then, as I understand Seth, each individual person is an expression of All That Is, expressing itself, as us. Given this then, "I" personally don't believe that All That Is cares, one way or the other, whether anyone or anything "worships" All That Is.
I believe that the idea of worshipping God is a man-made idea. Perhaps coming from a belief that God either wants us or needs us to worship God.
At the same time, I have much reverence for All That Is. Furthermore, I often "Thank" God for the blessing in my life and also I often say either out loud or to myself, "God is good, all the time", whenever I and someone I know receives a blessing in their lives.
I think this probably qualifies as "worshipping" God.
Thanking God in advance, of receiving something that you want or desire, is really just a form of reality creation; and from my personal experience, I can honestly say, that this really works. :)
Hi Sena,
What do you think about worshipping God?
Quote from: jbseth (
Hi Sena,
What do you think about worshipping God?
I think the idea of worshipping God dates back to the time of absolute monarchies, when the king had the power of life and death over you. The God of monotheism was regarded as the King of Kings. The Christian Church has the nonsensical idea of Christ the King.
As for prayer, I understand it as getting in touch with my Inner Self. I find useful the idea of Neville Goddard that the human imagination is Christ.
"Have faith in Jesus Christ, not as some being on the outside, but as your own wonderful Human Imagination.
If anyone says: "Look! There is Christ," or: 'Here he is," don't believe him; for Jesus Christ is the creative
power of the universe and He is in you as your very thought!"
Hi Sena,
Yes, I came to the same conclusion too. I think the need to worship God comes from man. Throughout the ages, man needed to or has been forced to worshipped his Kings and his Caesars. Given this then, I believe that man must also have come to the conclusion that if he has to worship his kings, then he also has to worship God as well.
In addition to this, I also believe this need to worship God comes from the words written in Hebrew Bible where God gave man explicate instructions on how the Jewish people were to keep their Sabbath holy and perform their sacrifices.
At first I think I misunderstood your comments about the human imagination is Christ. I was completely thrown off by the obvious Christian implications of the message and I got sidetracked by this. In response to that, I replied with a message to you about the Christian implications of this but then later on, I removed that message because, I believe your real point here was that this man is saying that human imagination is God.
I like that idea very much and I completely agree.
I also think that creativity, time, action and love, for example, are also all different aspects of All That Is.
I think that All That Is, is both a noun; a physical thing; and a verb; an action word.
Thanks for sharing.
hey y'all,
enjoyed reading your posts.
I just read a little bit about the First Commandment. (its been a long time since I did that.)
wow, that God does not appeal to me in the slightest.
my mother taught me, that if I can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything at all.
so, I'm gonna stop right there, and not say anything more at all. about that God.
I like Seth's All That Is.
peace and love and kindness. unconditional.
Quote from: chasman (
I just read a little bit about the First Commandment. (its been a long time since I did that.)
wow, that God does not appeal to me in the slightest.
I had to look the Commandments up. While I had that drilled into me as a child, my memory has become hazy due to lack of interest.
(Exodus 20:2-17 ESV) THE HOLY BIBLE:
"1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."
One AND Two--a jealous God! Retribution on iniquities of the fathers for 3 and 4 generations! And from this list of the ten commandments, "Thou shalt not kill" comes up #6. I would have thought that would be #1.
I agree, I LOVE Seth's explanation that "god" or ATI is a (neutral?) benevolent consciousness that is in and of everything.
In my mind, any higher consciousness that demands it be worshipped, sacrificed to, is jealous and shows favoritism to its lackeys while punishing others smacks of pure ego and exhibits some of the worst attributes of mankind. Man making god in his own image.
Quote from: Seth (
He is not male or female, however, and I use the terms only for convenience's sake. In the most inescapable truth, he is not human in your terms at all, nor in your terms is he a personality. Your ideas of personality are too limited to contain the multitudinous facets of his multidimensional existence.
Great topic and quote, thanks Sena, chasman, jb!
Hi All,
One of the commandments is to "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy".
Then in the first five verses of Exodus, Chapter 35 (I found a website that gives the bible on-line) is says the following:
1 And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD hath commanded, that ye should do them.
2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath day.
4 And Moses spake unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the LORD commanded, saying,
5 Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD: whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the LORD; gold, and silver, and brass,
Then, the remaining verses of this chapter talk about how to complete this offering to God.
Given these conditions (whoever works on the Sabbath will be put to death) I'm thinking that many of the people who followed this believe system probably felt a fair amount of pressure to "worship" this God.
thank you Deb and jbseth and Sena.
yeah, unconditional love and kindness and peace.
thats the divine Force for me.
the other one. ummmm no.
ok, how about this for an idea?
imagine, a debate between God and All That Is.
now, that would be something!!
Quote from: chasman (
ok, how about this for an idea?
imagine, a debate between God and All That Is.
now, that would be something!!
I don't think All That Is would be interested in debating (because It sees all the different points of view), and in any case one cannot debate with a nonexistent entity!
but just imagine the debate Sena.
I think it would be very enlightening.
in my opinion, the God of the Bible is good. sometimes. and sometimes not.very extra super not.
it is very interesting to me to imagine a debate between this God and All That Is.
I have a very high opinion of All That Is.
that God, ummmm. no.
we as humans, perhaps, most of us anyway, are works in progress.
we still have a ways to go in our development and evolution, in our learning how to use energy and our power and to create responsibility.
I would like to rephrase that.
I will speak only for myself. this only applies to me.
I am a work in progress and have a ways to go in learning how to use my energy and power and create responsibly.
I think that the God of the Bible was also a work in progress.
in my opinion, a deeply flawed, and in some ways very bad and mean God.
no thank you.
compare that God, to All That Is.
All That Is is very good. very cool.
All That Is has got its act together. All That Is has got it going on.
All That Is is "all that".
All That Is is just alright with me.
an imaginary debate between God and All That is, well, I think it would be awesome.
Hi Sena, Hi All,
I found the following Seth quote in "The Nature of the Psyche", Chapter 11, which is titled, "The Universe and the Psyche", Session 796. I think much of what Seth says here applies directly to this post. In this session, Seth says the following:
"I hesitate in many instances to say what I might, because it is so easy to misinterpret meanings; but when you ask what is the purpose of consciousness you take it for granted there must be one purpose – where the greater truth and creativity must be that consciousness itself cannot be aware of all of its own purposes, but ever discovers its own nature through its own manifestations.
To those who want easy answers, this is no answer, I admit. There is, I know, in heroic terms a love, a knowledge, a compassion, a creativity that can be assigned to All That Is, which is within each creature. I know that each smallest "particle" of consciousness can never be broken down, and that each contains an infinite capacity for creativity and development – and that each is innately blessed.
There is a design and a designer, but they are so combined, the one within and the one without, that it is impossible to separate them. The Creator is also within its creations, and the creations themselves are gifted with creativity."
Quote from: jbseth (
There is a design and a designer, but they are so combined, the one within and the one without, that it is impossible to separate them.
Thanks for highlighting this passage. I have "Nature of the Psyche" on my Kindle, but probably didn't read it with enough attention.
Quote....where the greater truth and creativity must be that consciousness itself cannot be aware of all of its own purposes, but ever discovers its own nature through its own manifestations.
This is quite exciting, because it means that we have the potential to discover the nature of consciousness in our daily life.
Anti-evolutionists speak of an Intelligent Designer "up there", but Seth is telling us that we could all be intelligent designers.
Anti-evolutionists speak of an Intelligent Designer "up there", but Seth is telling us that we could all be intelligent designers.
Hi Sena,
I believe that each one of us is a designer or creator. That is, each one of us designs or creates our reality, whether we consciously realize it or not.
Furthermore, in Seth Speaks, Chapter 11, Session 547, Seth also talks about how, at the end of the reincarnational cycle, at the time of choosing, we can choose to be a teacher, "a creator" or a healer.
In this session, Seth goes into some detail about what it means to be, each one of these 3 things and then, a little further along in this same session, he says, "There are those who combine the qualities of teacher, creator and healer."
Quote from: strangerthings (
Knowing you are the center of your world and are the creator of your life is the number one thing.
strangerthings, welcome back!