I Tweeted the Pope.
I tried it before a few months ago. I don't think he replied.
generally, I pay zero attention to to Twitter.
nothing against it at all.
I just am not in the habit of checking it out.
anyway, the tie-in to Seth, is that Seth is very pro not killing people.
so here are my Tweets to Papa Francisco:
Holy Father, would you please use your kind heart to make the world a better place by doing this: call a meeting of all political and religious leaders. implore them to agree to no more killing people. armed conflict, with people killing people is wrong.
now is the time for people killing people to stop. we are capable of such love and good things. we need to evolve and work towards a world where kindness is the norm. you have a lot of power. people like President Trump and other powerful people may listen to you.
please call a meeting. get as many of the most powerful world political and religious leaders together. talk to them. what if the money and human energy and talent being used for killing people, was put to good use? how much better would we all be? please Holy Father?
peace and joy and love
While I don't pay attention to much regarding religion these days, my impression of this pope is that he's a kinder, gentler one and seems to be more realistic than others in the past. I'm sure he wants what you want—no more killing, more kindness in the world. I think the majority of people want that, it's just the "bad" stuff that gets the most attention.
This Seth quote is stuck in my mind.
"Hatred of war will not bring peace.... Only love of peace will bring about those conditions."
—NoPR Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972
You have the right mindset, coming from a position of love rather than hate.
thank you very much Deb.
I agree with all you wrote.
and I love that Seth quote. I think about it often.