~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Favorite Quotes => Topic started by: Deb on December 19, 2014, 06:46:10 PM

Title: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Deb on December 19, 2014, 06:46:10 PM
CD11,  1 of 2    21:45

What you do is good. What you are is good. You have only to tell yourself that until you believe it, because it is the truth. You are unique. There is no other in this room like you. There is no other in this universe or any other universe like you. You are completely unique and through you the energy of All That Is flows in a completely unique, original and never to be duplicated pattern. Therefore what you are is eternally, with meaning and purpose, and rings to the universe. Your thoughts change worlds, worlds of which you are aware and worlds of which you are not aware. I speak to you, but I speak also to each of you, for you are each unique and like no other, and All That Is flows through you in a way that it can flow through no other. The experiences that you have can happen to no other in precisely the same way. The smile that you give can be given in no other way. You can smile as an individual in a way that no other human being, dead or alive, can smile. And the touch of your hand can change a life in a way that no other individual, alive or dead, could change that life. You act upon those that you know and those that you do not know in ways that no other individual can ever act. In each of you resides a uniqueness that is never recaptured, no matter how many times you are reincarnated. The self that you are now is unique and therefore it is highly important that you honor the self that you are, through which the vitality of the universe shines. Honor yourself as you would honor the gods. Then indeed do you also honor others? Deny yourself and you deny others. The truths, the honesty, and if you will forgive me, the magic of the universe shines through your eyes and your skin. Then why should you say I am wrong? You are the reflection of All That Is as it has never been reflected before and never will again. Therefore have trust in the nature of your being and I speak now to each of you. Your cells realize those truths. They are themselves and they sing to the universe of your being. Then should you sing to the universe as you know it, as cleanly and as filled with joy? So then rejoice in what you are and each of you never to be duplicated, never again to be known. Yet you are eternally forever renewed in mysteries that you cannot understand so know yourselves honor yourselves.  26:13
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Pinky on December 19, 2014, 10:44:38 PM
OMG, Deb: reading Seth's "honor yourself" message here literally made my heart soar, I could feel my throat welling up with emotion.  It is so affirming and gorgeous.

When I read this passage in Seth Speaks's Session 528 (9:35), I felt an immense gratitude to my soul for such creative powers and for loving me enough to DO this:

"Physical existence is one way in which the soul chooses to experience its own actuality. The soul, in other words, has created a world for you to inhabit, to change--a complete sphere of activity in which new developments and indeed new forms of consciousness can emerge."
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Deb on December 20, 2014, 03:58:03 PM
That quote of yours certainly changes the playing field -- being raised to believe we are meaningless (usually). Reading this gives me a sense of awe in our existence. How can that not make us feel good to be here? Great quote.
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Helle on December 22, 2014, 10:49:32 PM
That just gives me chills! I feel hairs standing up on my arms.
And it makes me want to cry - like it is almost too much to bear.

Wow! That is worth copying and printing out. If anything should be your evening or morning prayer, this is it!

Thanks so much for posting that!

Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Bumblebee on December 23, 2014, 11:50:59 AM
That is a very powerful quote!

I had goose bumps too as I read it!
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Pinky on January 29, 2015, 09:30:05 PM
I'm starting to read Seth/Jane's book, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.  I bought this book back in 2000, but I'm thinking I never read it, just sat on my bookshelf with my other Seth books.

I came to this passage early on, in Chapter 1 (session 803, 10:04):

"There are currents of thought as there are currents of air, and the mental patterns of men's feelings and thoughts rise up like flames from a fire, or steam from hot water, to fall like ashes or like rain."

Hot damn.  The poetry of that one sentence.  I love reading Seth as much for the beauty of his writing as for the ideas he is sharing.  Makes me swoon.
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Deb on January 31, 2015, 03:07:52 PM
Quote"There are currents of thought as there are currents of air, and the mental patterns of men's feelings and thoughts rise up like flames from a fire, or steam from hot water, to fall like ashes or like rain."

Pinky, that IS beautiful. You make me want to take the rest of my afternoon off to read. Seth did have a beautiful way of phrasing things. I wish I could remember what that last reading was the first (and only) night I participated in the Ongoing Class. I remember thinking how poetic it was. No coincidence that Jane was a poet, huh? I was never a fan of poetry, but there's more meaning in what Seth had to say. It's almost like he creates a beautiful painting with his words.
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Jackaranda on November 16, 2015, 12:55:27 AM
That's an amazing passage. Thanks for sharing it.
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: my1eden on November 16, 2015, 02:54:35 PM
That says it all. Much thanks.
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Marianna on June 29, 2019, 08:19:45 AM
Deb, THANKS A LOT for posting the quote! I will also print it out for my Seth folder (the one you can leaf through for support, so to say). Or I can add parts of it to my index card collection of favorite TUT quotes :)

Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Deb on June 29, 2019, 05:43:21 PM
You're welcome Marianna! I still get a little emotional when I read or think about that quote. Beautiful and so up-lifting. I love the idea that we change worlds (hopefully for the better) and certainly touch others' lives without even knowing it most of the time.

A couple of weeks ago an old elementary school friend I keep in touch with on Facebook (we were a tight group, many of us still keep in touch this way) said our 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Slovak, had inspired her to become a teacher herself (I had put up a scan of our class photo). I thought that was wonderful, it reminded me of this quote.
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: Marianna on June 30, 2019, 01:37:15 PM
You are right, Deb! Inspiring and also comforting - in a way - if you do not leave children, companies, books or paintings as a momentous heritage, you still touch others and change the world.

And it is in your power - to do so for the better :) By changing your attitudes and beliefs :)

One of my friends I keep in touch with in my home city - is also from elementary school. When I look at her photos now - I also have her photo as a 6 y.o. in my mind :).
Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: James Sidaway on November 03, 2019, 11:12:18 AM
Thank you for bringing me here from "Worldchangers Quotes"

I found this just after Deb's favorite:

"In each of you resides a uniqueness that is never recaptured, no matter how many times you are reincarnated. The self that you are now is unique and therefore it is highly important that you honor the self that you are, through which the vitality of the universe shines. Honor yourself as you would honor the gods. Then indeed do you also honor others"

Our Oversouls seem to be living our lives.  We are all our Oversouls!  This is why Seth always calls Jane... "Ruburt."  Ruburt lives every other Earth-life under another name and personality and blueprint.   Wow!  I didn't know that!

Title: Re: My all-time favorite, about our uniqueness "Honor yourself"
Post by: inavalan on November 03, 2019, 02:42:41 PM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13654#msg13654)
Thank you for bringing me here from "Worldchangers Quotes"

I found this just after Deb's favorite:

"In each of you resides a uniqueness that is never recaptured, no matter how many times you are reincarnated. The self that you are now is unique and therefore it is highly important that you honor the self that you are, through which the vitality of the universe shines. Honor yourself as you would honor the gods. Then indeed do you also honor others"

Our Oversouls seem to be living our lives.  We are all our Oversouls!  This is why Seth always calls Jane... "Ruburt."  Ruburt lives every other Earth-life under another name and personality and blueprint.   Wow!  I didn't know that!

When you have a regression, you can learn your "higher-self" 's name, and your past life's main characteristic (some people call it "lesson", but that has a connotation I don't think to be valid in this case, because it isn't something you have to learn, but it is the result of whatever thought-forms you, or past yous, created with your thoughts and emotions).

Interestingly, during regression, your life main characteristic isn't unveiled to you until you pass past some specific point in that life, when the characteristic was settled.

One can learn, in trance, his current life's characteristic. If he doesn't get anything, he can try to progress into probable futures, including going through his death, and find out.

Obviously, for such experiences to be valid (as much as one believes they can be valid) it is of paramount importance that the subject (also the facilitator and the audience, whatever the setup) has an attitude of openness, mild curiosity, no expectations, leaving all beliefs aside.