~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: jbseth on August 21, 2018, 07:52:03 PM

Title: Seth on Seth's Ideas
Post by: jbseth on August 21, 2018, 07:52:03 PM
Hi All,

Over the years, I've always thought that perhaps Seth's message was probably the clearest and most undistorted message that we'll likely ever get, regarding the many topics that Seth covered. However, I'm not necessarily sure that Seth would agree with me on this.

Below are 2 separate sources of quotes from Seth that make me think that he thought that messages from our souls were even better than his.

Does anyone else have any other examples of this?

Source 1:
The Early Sessions, Book 7, Session 317 (page 271 and 272)

"These sessions and material represent your closest and most dependable source of inner knowledge, outside of direct personal mystical experiences."

Source 2:
"The Road to Elmira", Chapter 17, Page 71 and 72.

This is a book by Rich Kendall, a Seth class member. The first paragraph below is a quote from this book where Rich was talking about his love life and his beliefs about his requirements for a future girlfriend. The second paragraph is a quote from Seth in response to Rich's statement.

"As long as I've touched upon my love life, let me also share with you a dialogue that took place between Seth and me at another class. I was speaking about my belief that in order for me to have a successful relationship with a woman, she would have to subscribe to Seth's ideas. Here is what Seth had to say on the subject:"

"Do not insist, as you have been, that a woman understand my words - only that she understand the messages that spring from her own soul. If a woman understands the messages of her own soul, what is there that you could require? Understand the messages from your own soul."


Title: Re: Seth on Seth's Ideas
Post by: Deb on August 22, 2018, 02:37:53 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11618#msg11618)
"Do not insist, as you have been, that a woman understand my words - only that she understand the messages that spring from her own soul. If a woman understands the messages of her own soul, what is there that you could require? Understand the messages from your own soul."

YES! Glad you brought this up. Rich is great. I also had a (small) hand in his latest book, restoring some old photos for him. Thrilled to play a part.

This comment by Seth really stuck in my mind when I read the Elmira book. Rich was saying he wanted a partner in his life that would embrace the teachings of Seth. Seth basically said that was unreasonable because not everyone NEEDS Seth's teachings, there are people who innately listen to their inner selves without any "outside" assistance.

Just one of many instances where Seth has said to not make him into some sort of guru, that the answers we are seeking are within ourselves.

We are in the process of waking up, but not everyone is at the same level. Some are completely clueless, some are at the point of openness and exploration and Seth is a great guide for those of us that are at this level of progress. There are those who are in tune with the inner self and don't need the training wheels Seth offers. We are all (hopefully) headed in the same direction.

Another quote that is forever burned into my consciousness:

"Do not place the words of gurus, ministers, priests, scientists, psychologists, friends — or my words — higher than the feelings of your own being. You can learn much from others, but the deepest knowledge must come from within yourself. Your own consciousness is embarked upon a reality that basically can be experienced by no other, that is unique and untranslatable, with its own meaning, following its own paths of becoming."
—NoPR Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973

Title: Re: Seth on Seth's Ideas
Post by: jbseth on August 22, 2018, 07:42:34 AM
Hi Deb,

Oh I like that quote too. Great catch.

Especially the part about not placing others word above your "feelings".

"Do not place the words of gurus, ministers, priests, scientists, psychologists, friends — or my words — higher than the feelings of your own being."
