Hi All,
I have 2 questions for you that I think me and other members of this site would find interesting to know. I figure that this understanding may help us all out by indicating some common ground amongst ourselves that we didn't know existed. Here's my 2 questions.
What was the situation that led up to you up to discovering Seth?
What is it about Seth's information, that you like the most?
I'll start the ball rolling.
What was the situation that led up to you up to discovering Seth?
I was actually looking for answers to questions I had like, why are we here, what's the purpose of life, are psychics real, are Near Death Experiences real, and if God actually exists, then why doesn't any of the world's religions seem to have answers to these questions?
While I wasn't sure that science had all the answers, they sure seemed to have more of them than any of the religions that I knew about. At that time, one of the questions that I was really curious about was Near Death Experiences. Were these real, and if so, then why did people have so many different types of NDE experiences; some went through a tunnel while others didn't, some saw a luminous being while others saw Jesus, many met previous deceased family members who welcomed them, and some had frightening hell and demon type of experiences?
What is it about Seth's information, that you like the most?
Seth seems to have a plausible explanations for most of the questions that I had.
In addition to this, he seemed to contain a great deal of wisdom and insight.
Finally, over the years, I've noticed that many of the things that Seth says are legitimate, have seemingly been confirmed from other sources as well. Some of these, I've personally been able to confirm for myself. For example, I now recognize that I do, in fact, occasionally have intuitive insights into things that I otherwise wouldn't have known.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11671#msg11671)
What was the situation that led up to you up to discovering Seth?
About 3 years ago, I was reading this book on my Kindle: "Supersoul (a radical worldview for a new consciousness) by Ian Lawton". Lawton's book has 48 references to Seth, and that was what led to my downloading a Seth book.
Hi Sena,
That's interesting. I've never heard if Ian Lawton before.
Hi All,
"What was the situation that led up to you up to discovering Seth?"
A friend told me about him when I was 19. I really respected my friend and he had so many good things to say about Seth that I had to check him out. I can't remember if the first book I read was Seth Speaks, or the Nature of Personal Reality.
"What is it about Seth's information, that you like the most?"
The vastness of Seth's material is what I like the most. Also that he explains why things work as well as why they don't.
I can go from that straight into cutting edge science also. I've never found another person as knowledgeable as Seth in so many different areas! Truly Amazing :)
Hi T. M.,
Thanks for your reply.
I agree. I've never found another source as knowledgeable as Seth in so many different areas!
What was the situation that led up to you up to discovering Seth?
I came through the Abraham Hicks door. Maybe 15 years ago I was searching for my best friend from high school (the gal who was singing in my car) as I was planning a trip back to NJ. I found her older brother on Facebook and he told me she had died. But he and I kept in touch, would talk on the phone. I would talk about stuff and he would interject what Abraham would say and I assumed he meant the Bible. After a while I finally asked him who Abraham was and he told me. I got into the A-H stuff for about 2 years and in reading the books Jerry mentioned how the Seth books had impressed him and that he and Esther would read them together. I'm the "go to the source" type so I tracked down the Seth materials and was instantly hooked and never looked back. After reading Seth, it was like A-H was the CliffsNotes version of the books.
What is it about Seth's information, that you like the most?
Unlike any of the other reading I'd done all my life, Seth was the only one that made sense to me, deep down. Still does. Being a skeptic, this was something new for me. But Seth seems so calm and kind and wise, that almost everything he says makes me feel "Ah, of course." I still have a hard to picturing simultaneous time and the existence of so many forms of consciousness occupying the same "space," but I'm content with accepting and understanding most of the other stuff for now. Seth's materials are very comforting for me.
I've also done Rick Stack's Online Intensive twice and stuck with it all the way through. That's probably a first for me with this type of thing. In the last intensive I met several people that I really enjoyed and created this forum in order for us to continue the conversations. That was five years ago!
Hi Deb,
Thanks for your reply.
In your reply you said: "Seth seems so calm and kind and wise, that almost everything he says makes me feel "Ah, of course." "
I so much agree with you on this. While I think that Seth is a fantastic philosopher, I also believe that he is a fantastic psychologist as well. To me, so much of what he says just feels so "right".
Years ago, while I was in junior high school, we had to learn about the "Transcendentalist" (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, etc.). When I read their various works, I can recall also having this same kind of feeling in regards to how they looked at the world. It just seemed to "right".
Of course, years later, while reading Seth Speaks, I learned that Emerson was a Speaker. :)