I am not sure this is the right thread to post it, but I was curious if anyone has taken the Seth course (https://bit.ly/2ohXd7M) on the Seth Center (the publisher) website?
If so, what was your experience with it? They have a course starting October 8 here (https://bit.ly/2ohXd7M) on the website.
Thanks guys
dylannah, welcome to the forum. No, I haven't taken the course.
Hi Dylan, welcome. Sorry for the delay, I'm abroad, have had very limited time and less internet access.
I've taken the Seth Intensive twice, maybe 5 or 6 years ago. I loved it (obviously, since I took it twice), would even consider taking it again if I have the time. Enjoyed the total Seth submersion. The curriculum, live phone q&a's with Rick, forum for interacting with other attendees were great.