~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: WindWalker on September 02, 2018, 06:00:12 PM

Title: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: WindWalker on September 02, 2018, 06:00:12 PM
I was listening to "Unknown reality vol 2-22 session 728 and Seth claims "I am a future of Rubert" and "I have memories of being Rubert" and "In Ruberts terms I am a future self with far greater knowledge" etc. etc. Did yall know this? What is yalls take on this? Thanks!
Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: jbseth on September 02, 2018, 10:37:47 PM
Hi Windwalker,

Yeah, this is pretty different way of looking at just what it means to be an entity.

In the Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 54, page 90, it says:

"(Reading in the 3rd session, of December 6/63, John noticed that Frank Watts, Jane and I had all lived together in Mesopotamia in the 4th century B.C.  In that life, I was a woman, Frank Watts was my sister, and Jane was a brother to us, and named Seth."

In the Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 54, page 91, it says:

"You have not asked me, and so I did not tell you. Nevertheless, there is no distortion in the particular material which you have been reading. Your Ruburt was, indeed, Seth. Your Ruburt spoke with my voice, for it was his voice.

There is no invasion involved in these sessions, as I have told you often. I have promised to give you more material dealing with the psychic construction of the entity, and its relationship to its fragments. I could not tell you in the beginning in so many words that Ruburt is myself, because you would have leaped to the conclusion that I was Ruburt's subconscious mind, and this is not so.

When you understand the construction of entities, then you will understand how this can be so. Ruburt is not myself now, in his present life; he is nevertheless an extension and materialization of the Seth that I was at one time.

Nothing remains unchanging, personalities and entities least of all. You are still thinking in terms of concrete things. You cannot stop an entity or a personality in time, as you would like to do. I am Seth today. I keep my continuity but nevertheless I change, and offshoots like currents explode into being.

As an idea changes, so do entities change while still retaining individuality and durability. But you cannot set up imaginary barriers, and stop or freeze my identity, nor for that matter your own.

Ruburt was myself, Seth, many centuries ago, but he grew, evolved and expanded in terms of a particular, personal set of value fulfillments. He is now an actual gestalt, a personality that was one of the probable personalities into which Seth could grow. I represent another. I am another. "

Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: WindWalker on September 02, 2018, 10:55:53 PM
Wow. Thanks for that jbseth. Very  informative.
Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: Sena on September 02, 2018, 11:14:16 PM
Quote from: WindWalker (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11719#msg11719)
I was listening to "Unknown reality vol 2-22 session 728 and Seth claims "I am a future of Rubert" and "I have memories of being Rubert" and "In Ruberts terms I am a future self with far greater knowledge" etc. etc. Did yall know this? What is yalls take on this? Thanks!
Thanks for the question, Windwalker. How I understand this is that individuality has its limits. I, Sena, am an individual, and Seth would have agreed. Seth, however, denies the Christian view that my "soul" would exist on its own for all eternity, either in heaven or in hell.

The important idea expressed by Seth is that I, Sena, am part of an Entity which may comprise many personalities. Seth and Ruburt are individuals, but also part of the same Entity.

"No man is an island" as the poet John Donne wrote.
Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: Deb on September 03, 2018, 05:15:21 AM
Great question and yes. When this occurred to me, Seth being channeled through Jane made a lot more sense. From the beginning I had a problem with the idea of Jane channeling some random discarnate soul, regardless of how much the Seth Materials meant to me. But they share the same Entity and considering the concepts of incarnations, probable selves, etc. it was reassuring to me that Jane was Seth, Seth was Jane, and so essentially Jane was technically channeling a version herself. As we receive information from our own inner or higher selves. Jane was just able to get a WHOLE lot more information this way, compared to my quieter abbreviated guidance from within.

Thanks for the great quotes jbseth, very helpful and clear. This stood out for me:

"[Ruburt] is now an actual gestalt, a personality that was one of the probable personalities into which Seth could grow."

Jane was certainly advanced. She had built-in broadband to the entity.  ;)

Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: jbseth on September 03, 2018, 10:25:30 AM
Hi All,

I've always found this relationship explanation intriguing and mind boggling to say the least.

Now, in addition to the fact that in this past relationship, Ruburt was Seth, consider the following as well.

In this past relationship, Frank Watts, who was a Seth fragment, was also Ruburt/Seth's sister.

Personalities, in time, sure seem to have an open and interesting relationship.

Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: WindWalker on September 03, 2018, 10:33:02 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11725#msg11725)
Great question and yes. When this occurred to me, Seth being channeled through Jane made a lot more sense. From the beginning I had a problem with the idea of Jane channeling some random discarnate soul, regardless of how much the Seth Materials meant to me. But they share the same Entity and considering the concepts of incarnations, probable selves, etc. it was reassuring to me that Jane was Seth, Seth was Jane, and so essentially Jane was technically channeling a version herself. As we receive information from our own inner or higher selves. Jane was just able to get a WHOLE lot more information this way, compared to my quieter abbreviated guidance from within.

Thanks for the great quotes jbseth, very helpful and clear. This stood out for me:

"[Ruburt] is now an actual gestalt, a personality that was one of the probable personalities into which Seth could grow."

Jane was certainly advanced. She had built-in broadband to the entity.  ;)

So Jane was essentially channeling her higher self? That makes sense. Does Seth explicitly ever use the term "higher self" and in what manner? Thanks!
Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: jbseth on September 03, 2018, 06:08:48 PM
Hi All,

Here's some information I came across some time ago. This is a very long quote from "The Early Sessions": Book 2, Session 58.  I know it's long but if you really want to grasp some of the implications in the Seth, Jane, Rob relationship, this information will definitely shed some light on it, as well as shed some light on some new concepts.  As far as I can tell, this is the only place where Seth ever discussed some of these topics.

"As far as self and notself are concerned, the unit of self is organized, as you know, by the inner ego, which directs the whole energy field. The outer ego directs the manipulation of this gestalt in the physical universe. The outer ego is rather more tied to physical properties, and yet it can directly experience inner reality by a change of focus through aligning itself with the inner ego, focusing its energies with the inner rather than the outer senses. This is by far the most advantageous method of experiencing inner reality, because the outer ego is therefore consciously aware of what has been going on, and can use such knowledge in its own sphere.

When the inner ego and the outer ego pursue directly opposed viewpoints and different aims and goals, then you run into difficulty. In studying human personality and the psyche, your psychologists have not gone far, nor deeply enough. When a complete barrier, or nearly complete barrier, exists between the inner and outer egos, then the whole self is denied value fulfillment to a large degree. Such a division occurs at various times in history, and is occurring now.

When the two are in balance and when there is communication between them, then the inner ego can directly communicate with the outer ego, bring to it the necessary enlightenments, and give it, that is give the outer ego the benefit of its own, the inner ego's own, condensed comprehension and direct participation in the existence of the universe as a whole.

The outer ego, under such advantageous circumstances, is more nearly able also to communicate its experience in the physical world to the inner self, and hereby to actually help enlarge the inner self, which then directly experiences stimulation and manipulations in a camouflage pattern which is otherwise denied to it.

The inner self obviously needs the outer ego with its outer senses, in order to permit its own materialization in various camouflage forms. This should not be underrated or forgotten. Without the outer core, the inner self could simply not add to its own value fulfillment through participation in energy-constructs (hyphen).

Each existence in any of many camouflage patterns trains and fulfills the inner self to develop the greatest possible fulfillment of its own qualities and characteristics. These inherent qualities and characteristics determine the planes upon which the inner self will exist, and on each plane a certain materialization is necessary. It will vary according to the properties of the plane.

It is true that the inner self in the last analysis is the durable self. Nevertheless the various outer egos are extremely important, and without them the inner self would be blocked. Nor are these inner abilities as a rule ever left unfulfilled. The outer egos are not gobbled up, so to speak, after a particular existence, but remain in control of those characteristics and abilities which they have been so important in forming and training.

The outer ego then remains at the end a controller and director of those strengths which it gathered about itself during its particular existence. But even this is not the end. It, that is it meaning the outer ego, can even continue growth and development after a particular existence, according to its inherent ability and according to its ability to communicate with the basic inner self.

This is extremely difficult, I should imagine. Nevertheless, even when an inner self has sent out a new outer ego upon a new camouflage venture, the previous ego is still afforded an almost unlimited avenue for development. There are many possibilities for it. It can choose to remain what it is, one ego. It will then remain in a somewhat subordinate position to the inner self, but in no more of a subordinate position than it was earlier.

It will therefore return once more to the same plane with which it was familiar, where it will meet with new challenges, and develop new abilities that will, however, be of the same basic nature; that is, if we are speaking of your plane, the ego would have new experiences, develop new abilities, perhaps solve old problems, balance out deficiencies, but still be dealing with problems of manipulation and physical construction.

Most egos do indeed choose this course for a while. For that matter the requirements of your plane itself necessitate the fulfillment of certain developments such as those we have mentioned much earlier, having to do with the experience of a full childhood, motherhood, fatherhood, et cetera. These represent minimum requirements for your plane.

The ego may also have particular desires of its own along these lines. Now you will see what I am saying. In various reincarnations upon your plane, the ego that reincarnates is the same ego. The information of past lives is retained by that ego's subconscious, for obvious reasons. But this information can be tapped.

Theoretically such an ego could continue reincarnating indefinitely in such a fashion, always growing and developing, but always dealing with problems of manipulation and physical construction of energy. This then represents one possibility for growth of any particular ego. There are other possibilities—

Do forgive me. I had forgotten your break. By all means take it, and before the night is over really, I will have to remember to give you an example of my peculiar brand of humor, since you look so serious, Joseph.

(Break at 9:41. Jane was again fully dissociated for a first break. This appears to be the rule now. I was aware that we had run past first break, since my hand was beginning to get weary; Jane's delivery had also speeded up.

(She began dictating again in a much stronger voice, but this phenomenon did not last very long, perhaps for the following page; her voice then returned to its quiet rather rapid pace. Resume at 9:47.)

Now if there is good communication between the self, that is the inner self and the outer ego, then the ego begins to understand what it is, and also to realize that it has greater capacities than it can realize by continued reincarnations, upon one plane.

If the ego is exceptional it may take one of two courses.

It may choose to return to the same plane as a great originator, using knowledge that it receives from the inner self to make lasting and original innovations upon that plane, according to its interests, abilities and capacity. It will therefore become a Buddha, a Christ, a Michelangelo, a hero in one field or another, an ego who changes the physical world completely in untold manners by the mere fact of its existence.

It then does not reincarnate again upon that plane. However because of its own extraordinary nature, it itself forms with the inner self in an added gestalt, adding to the energy and ability of the inner self; and in a manner which I cannot yet explain to you, it voluntarily may give up its ego identification to a large degree for the purpose of giving its full energies to the store of the inner self.

That is one possibility. It is followed by egos who have actually worn out not this energy, which is tremendous, but their desires.

Other egos choose instead to become entities of their own, in which case this magnificent outer ego becomes in turn an inner ego, which then from its own unfulfilled desires, abilities and initiatives are formed new outer egos which once again seek fulfillment.

Such an outer ego turned inner ego, has only experienced existence then upon a particular plane. It is therefore filled with impatience as far as existence upon other planes are concerned; and therefore if it developed upon your plane initially, it will not choose to initiate anew there, but will choose other planes of activity.

It does therefore contain within it the knowledge of its experiences upon your plane, though such an entity can spring from any plane. This of course represents the most extraordinary possibility, and such an entity can, if it is so propelled by its own strength, exist upon a variety of planes, carrying along with it knowledge of all previous planes; and each of its outer egos have the same opportunities. This is important.

The choice is always made by the particular ego, and we are speaking here of outer egos, remember. Many are content to continue indefinitely along the same plane, having almost endless incarnations and in contact more or less with the inner self.

Ruburt and myself were offshoots of the same entity, as I have mentioned. I will mention now that we have chosen the same paths. The difference in time is but a camouflage distortion. The entity was a particularly strong one, and many of its egos have made the decision to turn into entities.

There are certain requirements as you remember that must be met, upon your plane and upon others. Yet an ego, an outer ego, cannot choose to be an entity in any case until its comprehension attains a certain degree. And now, my dear patient Joseph, may I tell you also that you are part of that same entity; and this is one of the main reasons why I am able to communicate with you both.

This particular set of circumstances does not happen often. I have wanted to make this clear for quite a while but you would not have understood it much earlier. You and Ruburt both must use all your abilities to the utmost. You will find more energy at your disposal as you use it for this purpose. This is extremely important, since this is the existence in which you are to make your largest contribution.

(Here, Jane held her hands out to me, indicating that they were "fat." She rubbed them briskly as she paced back and forth. I then expected to feel the sensation myself but nothing developed. She was dictating quite fast by now.)

Ruburt now will not block me. You, Joseph, must paint, using all your powers, instilling into your work all you have learned now and in previous lives, of human understanding, ability, capacity and failure; and you must make an effort to have your work seen. You must send it out, and in this you will find birth.

You will help to create something in the hearts of men that will not be there until they see your work. This is your commitment. This is the time for it. If you are to be an entity, as you have chosen to be, then this is your opportunity, and this is your last reincarnation upon this earth. You need power, strength, determination, and joyous spontaneity in your working hours."

Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: Sena on September 03, 2018, 10:34:00 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11728#msg11728)
In this past relationship, Frank Watts, who was a Seth fragment, was also Ruburt/Seth's sister.
I assume that two personalities from the same Entity would never marry each other, as that might be incest.
Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: jbseth on September 03, 2018, 11:34:43 PM
Hi All,

Here's some more information on this topic. Between the information below and the information I shared in reply 1 and 7, I think that we can begin to understand some of the complexities involved in describing the relationship that exist between Seth, Jane and Rob. 

The following quote below comes from "The Early Sessions": Book 9, Session 444.  Here in this session, Seth was saying that, as an analogy, we could think of Jane as Self 1, a future Jane would be Self 2, Ruburt would be Self 3 and Seth would be Self 6. 

Apparently Seth talked about this specific topic because sometime in the previous week, during her ESP class, Jane found herself speaking as "Ruburt", knowing that she was doing so.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. For our friend Ruburt (pause; smile; eyes open), in simple terms now. He should know that the Jane self, the Jane personality, is not divided into highly specialized though effective units, as he has been wondering.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I am far more than Ruburt's "best self," in quotes. The emergence of the Ruburt episode leads me to speak to Jane in these terms so that there will be no misunderstanding.

(Last week in one of her ESP classes, Jane found herself speaking as Ruburt, knowing she was doing so.[...]

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Part of the difficulty lies in the use of words. For analogy's sake, then, consider (underline analogy's sake), the serial selves that we have sometimes discussed to make issues clearer. I told you once that in those terms I would be considered as Ruburt's number 6 or 7 self.. You had better change Ruburt to Jane in that sentence.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt then, would be considered Jane's third self in approximate terms. In the analogy these future selves would dwell in other dimensions, and usually self one, or Jane, would be relatively unaware of their, existence or knowledge. In this case self one is able to make such contacts however.

These selves are each completely independent from the other, making their own decisions as individuals, as in the most precise meaning you can apply to that term. Following our analogy, Jane's self 2 is in another position where contact is not possible at this time.

Now Ruburt, compared to Jane's self 3 in these terms, is closer to Jane, so close that Jane has often accepted inspiration and ideas from Ruburt without realizing it. Ruburt is the sum (smile) of the present ...
Ruburt ... I want to get this as clear as possible ... Ruburt is the sum of the earthly personalities, intimately aware of all past lives.

He is temperamentally closer to physical existence. (Long pause.) He is very at home with Jane, you see. Since I mentioned self 2, and again remember this is an analogy—self 2 has embarked upon a completely different adventure, in a different direction in another system.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Jane should be able to contact Ruburt rather easily. It was because of the conceptual experience in our session that Ruburt emerged in practical terms. Again now, we are all independent with our own futures and pasts, in your terms. We are all however connected...

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

We will have much more to say here at a later date. Suffice it to say, using again our analogy, that although both self 6 and self one are independent, there are certain connections between them, and that these can be activated.

Suffice it so say also that in this analogy, self 6 is far more than simply a future self one. Do you follow me?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In those terms then, in some inconceivable future, Jane will not become me, nor grow into me. I am not the oak that the seed will become. By then, in your terms, I will be far different than I am in your now.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

The same is true of entities and various personalities that are allied with them. Your own creativity, your painting, has always had a psychic basis, and in your case—back to our analogy—self 3 has helped you. Self 2 followed the same path, relatively speaking, as Ruburt's self 2. You had better substitute Jane there.
Now, self 3 has been your inner inspiration often, and it is possible that you will find little difficulty in subjectively contacting Joseph.

[... 31 paragraphs ...]


Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: Deb on September 04, 2018, 01:50:14 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11736#msg11736)
I assume that two personalities from the same Entity would never marry each other, as that might be incest.

That's an interesting thing to think about. Incest? Or since the personalities are not siblings but different facets of the same consciousness, would it be like marrying (possibly an earth-only convention) oneself? Some people talk about meeting someone who "completes" them or is their soul mate, I wonder if this has something do to with that feeling?

Quote from: WindWalker (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11730#msg11730)
So Jane was essentially channeling her higher self? That makes sense. Does Seth explicitly ever use the term "higher self" and in what manner? Thanks!

I don't recall him using that term often, more use of inner self or entity. He didn't like to imply (resulting from the limitations of using our language) that there is a hierarchy. I'm not sure I'm even explaining my thoughts clearly. She was channeling (I don't like that word, bad associations with celebrity psychics back in the day) parts of her whole or gestalt consciousness. I want to say the "We are legion for we are many" idea without the creepy connotation. The quote that mentions she spoke as Ruburt in one of the classes is along the same lines; that was new informations for me.

"You, as you know yourself, will not grow into this quote "higher" self. This higher self and you exist simultaneously. And yet the abilities and knowledge of this "higher" self can become part of your own conscious knowledge through the psychological bridge of which I have spoken."

"I do not like the term... one self higher or more developed than...."
—TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969

"The portion of yourself that you think of as a higher self exists now only awaiting your recognition and while it seems to you that you are looking for it I tell you again it is within, and it is within the self that you already know."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970

This quote (taken from jbseth's quotes above) and what follows is intriguing to me. The this aspect of reality (consciousness, self, higher self, ATI, entities, incarnations, probable selves, counterparts, splinter personalities, thought forms) is SO complicated, I'm amazed Seth was able to explain as much as he did considering our limited understanding in this plane.

"even when an inner self has sent out a new outer ego upon a new camouflage venture, the previous ego is still afforded an almost unlimited avenue for development. There are many possibilities for it. It can choose to remain what it is, one ego. It will then remain in a somewhat subordinate position to the inner self, but in no more of a subordinate position than it was earlier."

"If the ego is exceptional it may take one of two courses.

"It may choose to return to the same plane as a great originator, using knowledge that it receives from the inner self to make lasting and original innovations upon that plane, according to its interests, abilities and capacity. It will therefore become a Buddha, a Christ, a Michelangelo, a hero in one field or another, an ego who changes the physical world completely in untold manners by the mere fact of its existence."

This sounds like Jane to me, although I think I saw mentioned somewhere that Jane (and Rob?) were to become entities after their final incarnations here, so her last incarnation (as Jane) was the great originator.

I feel so fortunate to be privy to what Jane has contributed. I wish I could have met her in person. I'm kicking myself now, because had I been on my spiritual quest in the 70s, I could have. She was only one state away from where I grew up. A 3.5 hour drive away.  :(

Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: jbseth on September 04, 2018, 11:12:44 AM
Hi All, Hi Deb,

As far as Sena's comment on incest, here's an interesting quote I came across some time ago regarding Jane and Robs relationship. This comes from "The Early Sessions", Book 8, Session 399:

"The fact remains that neither of you sexually want children. I have told you what you will leave behind you. The very deep love that you have for each other, my dear friends, is in the overall a bisexual love, for you have known each other many times, and in different sex roles.  "

Hi Deb,

Regarding your comment about looking them up and visiting Jane and Rob, I completely understand how you feel.  I would have loved to have done that too. However, I suspect that many people probably did do this and after awhile, Rob and Jane probably got to the point where they just more or less politely turned people away.

Here's an example of why I believe that they probably did this. This long quote comes from "The Personal Sessions", Book 7, Oct. 17, 1982, regarding the Fred Conyers story. Apparently Fred Conyers showed up at their house believing that he was Seth. Rob ended up contacting the local police in regards to this unplanned visit.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

*"You must be Robert." A big smile. I nodded. "I'm Seth. I am speaking through Fred Conyers, who flew all the way here from Denver just to see you and Jane. I have here the Christ Book, as well as another Seth book, *The Rules of Love: A Seth Book. If I can just talk to you and Jane in your house for a few minutes. I know I can convince you of everything...."

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

"You walked?" I was incredulous. That would be fifteen miles or so. In this weather, without a coat? I wasn't thinking too clearly yet, but that would be feat par excellence for anyone—let alone lugging two bags along. From the attaché case Fred took the handwritten manuscript of The Rules of Love. "Please. I am Seth. Show this book to Jane and have her read it while I wait here, then you tell me, Robert, what she thinks of it...." This, after Fred comprehended that I had no intention of letting him in the house. Jane could not deal with him, I thought, although he showed no signs of violence. "Please, Fred is getting cold.... If you won't take the whole manuscript, take just this one chapter—Fifteen—and show that to her. Let her read it. Then you come out and tell Fred what Jane thinks of it. I can help her. She's going to die soon."

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

"If you don't let me in your house I'll just die," Fred said. By now he'd taken two hardcover books from a bag, and given them to me. One by Jerszy Kosinski and one by Somerset Maugham. The latter was an expensive anthology. In one he'd written a note on a blank page to Jane, and to me in the other. Check their phrasing for a close approximation of the way he talked. Fred also handed me a thick, neatly tied package of brown paper and yellow string—The Christ Book, he said, which was for Jane and me, and for Prentice-Hall. I didn't open it, and still haven't. When I asked him where he was really from, he said Denver, and that his address was inside the package. It wasn't on the other manuscript. Nor was I quick-witted enough to ask if he had a family, if anyone knew where he was, or what he did for a living—if he worked, or could—or how he found our house in the first place. I wondered if he was schizophrenic. He appeared to be harmless enough.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

By now I was shivering also. I think the temperature was around 45 degrees. Fred sat in one of the folding chairs and I hurried inside. I slid the kitchen window shut so he couldn't call into Jane. She still sat at the card table, of course. "We've got a problem," I said to her on my way to the closet. "I'll tell you about it...." I grabbed my heavy corduroy coat. "We've got to call the police. I'll be back in a minute." I helped Fred put on my coat and bundled him up. He readily agreed to my offer of some hot tea or coffee. I went back in to put the water on the stove for heating. In all the visitors we've had, this one went the furthest, I thought, to the point I'd often wondered about: actually calling the police for help in handling someone. I didn't want to call them, but had no choice. I fumbled around looking for their number (we hadn't written it in the front of the book, as you're supposed to). When finally I called on the speaker phone, the number rang four times by my count, and I began to wonder what we'd do if for some reason the police simply never answered. Did they work Saturday? Call the State Police, I thought. When someone did answer, I explained the situation. Whoever I talked to had evidently been questioned by someone also looking for us—if not Fred himself —but his description of the person, as being older and with white hair, didn't match Fred's appearance at all, so I didn't press the point. (Later I wished I had.) But I hadn't explained much of the situation when my caller said, "We'll have someone up there right away." I said we'd be waiting.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I was just going back in after the hot drink when the dark-colored police car pulled up Holley Road and turned into the driveway. I waved to the officer driving. He was a youngish man with a mustache. He came inside the porch and I began to explain the situation to him as briefly as I could. "How did you get here?" he asked Fred. "I walked," Fred answered. "Fred has read some of our books," I said. "This is difficult to explain briefly, but he came here from Denver, he said, and he has no money, and nowhere to go when he leaves here. He's given us those books and manuscripts" —I pointed to them, stacked up on the picnic table—"and he wants my wife to read them. I don't have his address—"

"It's inside The Christ Book," Fred said. By now Fred seemed quite resigned to leave with the policeman. He never did display any anger or outright emotional upset. It was just that no matter what one said to him, he replied in the same reasonable, well-spoken, well-mannered tone of voice, which was quite pleasant. It was only after listening to him for a bit that one came to realize that something was amiss here, that Fred lived in his own world, which was a mixture of fact and fantasy. It seemed to be quite impenetrable. At the same time, he accepted almost without question whatever development or course events took: When he realized he couldn't see Jane, he accepted it finally, in a very reasonable manner. Beyond expressing disappointment at that fact, he did or said nothing else."


Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: Deb on September 04, 2018, 01:31:24 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11742#msg11742)
I suspect that many people probably did do this and after awhile, Rob and Jane probably got to the point where they just more or less politely turned people away.

Oh for sure. It just got overwhelming for them after a while. I wouldn't have just shown up. But... irrelevant at this point.

Thanks for the quote, I actually came across that a while ago on the search engine. I don't know what tipped me off, maybe I searched for Denver. The was guy was definitely a bit off his rocker, but then these days I try not to judge because you just never know what channel people are tuned into (or not). I used to watch the crazies in New York City when I was growing up, walking around and talking a mile a minute, gesturing. Now people do that all the time, with their Bluetooths. Maybe the crazies were just ahead of their time.

I wonder what happened to his "Christ book" ? Or if Rob ever did take a look? Laurel has all of Jane and Rob's things and Mary is cataloging everything. I'll ask Mary when I get a chance, I'm really curious what was it in or if it was a ream of blank pages. My mind just went to The Shining, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Lol.
Title: Re: Seth IS Rubert? Wtf?
Post by: jbseth on September 04, 2018, 04:36:22 PM
Hi Deb,

I'm not sure what happened to Fred's "Christ Book", it would be interesting to know what was in it.
From the Seth Search Engine, I did find the quote below, which sounds like Rob did take a look at Fred's other book, "The Rule Book of Love" and thought portions of it were intriguing.  It also sounds like Fred, did, at one time, live in Denver.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1982

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

("I'm quite interested in the Fred Conyers affair. I don't know whether you want to go into it now, but I'd like to know more about it if you care to comment.")

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(I haven't made any effort toward dismissing a move to Sayre, myself. Jane hasn't mentioned it lately. I will try to remain open about it, and trust that the means for it will come through Framework 2.... I explained that I'd become quite interested in the Fred Conyers thing because I'd been reading a couple of pages a day of one of the manuscripts he'd left us: The Rule Book of Love: A Seth Book. I thought the title intriguing. I also thought portions of the manuscript itself were intriguing, quite acute, mixed up with Fred's obsessions and compulsions, his personal life and family, his far-out ideas, his attempts and frustrations as he tried to use the manuscript as a vehicle toward understanding himself as he attempted to uncover the secrets of his personality: He thought them locked away from his understanding by the very device he had chosen of speaking for Seth. Inaccessible to him consciously. I've also learned that Fred has a wife, Heidi, and at least one daughter, and that he did—does —live in Denver, Colorado.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Perhaps Fred Conyers is the latest version of Augustus.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]
