~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on September 08, 2018, 07:44:33 PM

Title: Creativity, Psychic Information and Inspiration
Post by: jbseth on September 08, 2018, 07:44:33 PM
Hi All,

I've always enjoyed both science fiction and fantasy stories because they contain such creative ideas. The people who write these stories are very creative thinkers. I've always thought that poets were very creative people, in that not only did they have to come up with some interesting ideas, but then they had to put these ideas down in an interesting, creative, poetic way. I've always thought that philosophers were very creative people, in that they came up with some interesting ideas about how life works.  Finally, I've always thought that artist, musicians, and songwriters were very creative people, in that they came up with some interesting paintings, sculptures, music and songs.

As you probably know, Jane Roberts was a poet and a science fiction writer, while her husband Rob, was an artist. These 2 people were very creative, not only their particular specialties, but also in how they applied themselves to other things, such as playing around with Ouija boards and being willing to explore their inner natures.

Along with this, I also have to say that Jane was quite a psychic. While this doesn't always come across in some of the Seth information, there are many incidences scattered throughout the books where she used her psychic abilities.   In one specific situation, see "The Early Session", Book 8, Session 391, Jane used her abilities to tune into a survival personality, named Billie, who then proceeded to take over Jane's body and come through very loud and forcefully.  With Billie in control of Jane's body, Billie came across with the salty language of a sailor and forcefully banged her fist down, again and again on the table so hard that Rob was concerned that Jane would break her fist. This particular incident scared both Jane and Rob so much that the next time, someone asked Jane to contact a survival personality, Jane opted to let Seth come through and do the talking instead.

I've always recognized that creative people seem to have an ability to go within and tap into some inner source of creativity.  More recently, I've began to wonder whether this source of creativity, is somehow related to: 1) the source that people tap into when they are meditating and/or 2) the source that psychics tap into for their psychic information.

While many of you are probably way ahead of me on this, I thought I'd take a look to see what Seth might have to say about this topic. Below are some quotes I recently pulled together from Seth in regards to this subject.

What do you think about what Seth has to say on this?

"The Nature of Mass Events", Chapter 7, Session 853:

Now, creativity has always been the species' closest connection with its own source, with the nature of its own being. Through creativity the species senses All That Is. Creativity goes by a different set of rules, however. It defies categories, and it insists upon the evidence of feeling. It is a source of revelation and inspiration — yet initially revelation and inspiration do not deal with power, but with knowing. So what often happens in your society when men and women have creative bents, and good minds to boot?

"The Personal Sessions", Book 5, Deleted Session, August 29, 1979:

The psychic abilities are (underlined) the creative abilities—natural extensions of what you think of as the creative abilities. They do not just help you paint a picture, or write a poem, but they help you form the living picture of your lives. In a way (underlined), you were too contemplative (pause), even perhaps too intellectually inclined, perhaps even too solitary, to be an artist alone.

"The Early Sessions", Book 9, Session 444:

Ruburt has always been highly involved with Jane's writing, imparting intuitive truths, and Jane's psychic abilities were precisely what made the inspiration possible. You cannot separate creative and psychic ability. When Jane seriously questioned her psychic nature, she was without realizing it questioning also the basis of her own creativity, and this interfered with the writing. "

"The Early Sessions", Book 3, Session 126:

Inspiration is often a more or less instantaneous translation, occurring for various reasons which I will give you later, without the benefit of the brain's intervention. It is this strangeness that is often noted. The individual seems not to know where the thought comes from, because he does not recognize the characteristic mark of his brain upon it. And indeed such a mark is lacking, for inspiration originates with the inner self.


Title: Re: Creativity, Psychic Information and Inspiration
Post by: Deb on September 09, 2018, 01:11:58 PM
When I first started reading this, a deluge of thoughts raced my head. This is what got me started:

Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11786#msg11786)
I've always recognized that creative people seem to have an ability to go within and tap into some inner source of creativity.  More recently, I've began to wonder whether this source of creativity, is somehow related to: 1) the source that people tap into when they are meditating and/or 2) the source that psychics tap into for their psychic information.

I think that is the nature of creativity. The source of creativity is ATI, the original creator. It is creating ATI. Entities and whatever levels in between are creating "us." As far as I can tell we are at the end of the line, we also create objects (buildings, books, gardens, machines), other humans. I think super-creative people more easily tap into the flow of creativity throughout ATI. Maybe all of creativity could be considered psychic information, there are just different specialties.

"You cannot separate creative and psychic ability. When Jane seriously questioned her psychic nature, she was without realizing it questioning also the basis of her own creativity, and this interfered with the writing." 

This is also a key:

Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11786#msg11786)
Inspiration is often a more or less instantaneous translation, occurring for various reasons which I will give you later, without the benefit of the brain's intervention.

Seth mentioned somewhere about the overdevelopment of the ego, at the expense of our use of inner information. I feel the ego is what stems the flow of creativity. Long ago I read the book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain," which explained this to me and helped me to see what was going on in my own head when painting. My left brain would fight and fight to maintain control, but once I slipped into right brain I'd lose all concept of time, relax and lose myself in my art. My best work comes from those times. The left-brain dominated work lacks character, looks controlled.

Non sequitur: I wonder if so many people turn to drugs and alcohol to overcome the overwhelming stronghold of the ego? Seems to be a common problem for successful writers, musicians, artists.

BTW I remember the first time I thought about the writing of the most creative books. It was the Harry Potter series, which still amazes me with it's Seth-like flow and consistency. I was sure they were channeled, no normal human could keep track of so much and not have discrepancies, everything fit together so nicely.
Title: Re: Creativity, Psychic Information and Inspiration
Post by: jbseth on September 09, 2018, 01:31:47 PM
Hi Deb,

Thanks for your reply.

Yeah, when I started writing this, it took me several day to get my thought together, there's so many places my mind wanted to go with it.

Great point, ATI was the original "Creator".  :)

Your left brain / right brain discussion speaks to my experience with my intellect and my creative sides, they are definitely different and I'm absolutely convinced that the "Harry Potter" series was very much an "inspired" set of writings. They are an awesome example of creativity, thanks for bringing them up.  :)
