~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Other Speakers/Teachers => Topic started by: Deb on September 18, 2018, 08:26:46 PM

Title: Pat Rodegast / Emmanuel
Post by: Deb on September 18, 2018, 08:26:46 PM
The moment you believe in something, you have created – literally - a reality. The moment you believe in something – the moment that you give something credence - no matter how improbable or impossible it may seem to be - the moment you allow it into your framework of belief - you have given it, not only probability or possibility but reality. That is how unencumbered, and how powerful you really are.

I'm saying this for a purpose – for all of you in this room still sit – though with much more majesty than you have before - within the illusion that there is anything on the planet or beyond that has the power to limit you. And I want to begin our conversation – and perhaps end it as well – with that reminder: Let nothing infringe itself upon you. Not habitual thought – not, certainly, historic fear – not all the shoulds and the shouldn'ts and the ought-not-tos. Let nothing be labeled impossible. Let nothing be labeled impossible – no matter how vast or beyond intellect's capacity to conceive. Let nothing be labeled impossible. In other words, keep the windows open."

(Pat: He's saying, "Not only is it nicer - he's saying to me – it is absolutely essential.")

"For none of you – not even in your human awareness - have even begun the purpose for which you have come. And do I say that to intrigue you? No. I say it to encourage you, and remind you - to bless you - and to urge you please to wrap your arms around yourselves with the profoundest respect. And let absolutely nothing chain you to an illusion of impossible, improbable or unreal. If your heart's longing speaks to you in a language that seems to give that longing a prison cell to live in then alter your language.

The reason I'm saying this is because it's time the world in which you live – the world that called you in the name of love - that that world be offered the opportunity for freedom. And each one of you, in your own lives, and in your own unique ways, have struggled with this issue for years. And, as I have said, in your own language, and in your own ways. And there seems to have been - has there not - the sentinel at the gate that has said to you: 'Halt! You must not pass beyond this point.' What we are saying to you is: Let nothing stop you. There is NOT a point beyond which you must not pass, for Truth is calling you beyond the moment of possibility or probability in the language of the world.

Am I saying that you have come to create miracles? Yes. And I am also saying that you are the miracles. And though you have known this throughout your lifetimes it has become increasingly difficult as you move to maturity to believe what you have now said the small child believes: the daydreams, the longings, the improbability of possibility of the child's longing - but what we are saying is it is time again to open the leaves of that book, for that was the language of the angel's understanding.

From Black Sheep of the Universe Group, Facebook, Sept. 18, 2018
Title: Re: Pat Rodegast / Emmanuel
Post by: jbseth on September 18, 2018, 11:02:56 PM
Hi Deb,

Thanks for sharing that.  Two of my favorite channels after Seth are Emmanuel and Lazarus.
