~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on October 03, 2018, 11:02:53 AM

Title: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: jbseth on October 03, 2018, 11:02:53 AM
Hi All,

Have you ever thought about your mind and where it exists? Have you ever thought about what portion of you continues on after death?  In "The Early Sessions", Book 3, Seth presents some interesting information about these two specific topics.

First, he describes what I'll refer to as non-physical realities. These are actual realities that do exist and are separate from physical reality. For example, one of these is a reality that is based upon psychological experience. Along with this, there are other non-physical realities that are based upon ideas, dreams and imagination.  While these non-physical realities are separate from physical reality, Seth says they do in many cases directly affect physical reality.

One of the non-physical realities that Seth talks about in Book 3 is the "electric" reality. 
Much of what Seth has to say about this electric reality is really fascinating. Here is a brief summary of some of the things he says about it.

Some things exist in this electric reality, but do not exist as physical objects in physical reality. For example, thoughts, our mind, our subconscious, and our inner self all exist in the electric reality.

Some parts of our body (the organs, the brain) exist in both physical reality and the electric reality, while other parts of our body, such as our skin, which exists in the physical reality, doesn't exist in the electric reality. Seth says that if you could see your body as it exists in the electric reality, you wouldn't recognize it.

Seth also says that our ego, doesn't exist in the electric reality.

In addition to this, Seth says that as we go through life, our experience is captured as a part of the electrical reality. At death, our physical body dies, but it is this electric reality portion of us that survives physical death.

What do you think, does this sound reasonable to you?

Here are some Seth quotes from "The Early Session", Book 3:

"The Early Sessions", Book 3, Session 115:

"Even within the experience of men there are realities that are entirely different from the realities of physical objects.  Psychological experience is one such indisputable reality. Ideas are another, and dreams are still another. Secondary effects of such realities may appear in material form, but the original reality of such experiences cannot be captured within physical matter."

"The Early Sessions", Book 3, Session 122:

"The physical body, in other words, exists as an electrical body that is not material, that has a peculiar mass but no weight, whose characteristics are apparent in terms of not varying shapes, but varying intensities and concentrations of electric force. In some respects there are differences. The mind, which is not physically represented in the material body, does exist electrically. The brain, which exists physically, is a part of the mind in the electric structure. The organs exist electrically. The skin does not exist within this electric counterpart, although the physical skin does contain electric force."

"Now. If you could see the body as it exists within the electric field, you would certainly not recognize it, for its shape would bear no resemblance to the physical shape as you know it."

"Matter has little effect within the electrical system, but the effects of the electrical system upon physical matter are great. Now. Thoughts, human thought, has an electric reality; a human thought exists as an independent electrical action, and as such it continues to exist within the electrical system long after it has left its point of origin. This is another important piece of information that will also be referred to later."

"The thought, as an electrical reality, is not subject to the physical laws that bind the physical body. [...]"

In TES3 Session 126, Seth says:

"First of all, let me make it plain that while I speak of separate fields and systems, you must remember that they are all one. Traces of each system will be found in each system, because no field or system is basically closed, although they may appear closed."

"They are closed enough to retain identity and separateness of characteristic natures, but because they are all formed from inner vitality, they are actually interrelated; and when I describe fields or systems I describe many portions of one reality, many faces of one reality."

"Now. The inner self and the subconscious are not present in the physical universe, insofar as they take up no space within it. They exist within the electrical system. They affect the physical system and operate closely allied with it. Nevertheless they will not be found within the physical system."

"Personal identity, the basic "I", is a product of the subconscious, and as such it exists as an actuality within the electric field; because of this it is basically independent of the physical field, held to it mainly by the ego. The ego directs the identity toward physical orientation. This is an important point."

"The ego does not exist within the electrical field. The ego is a product of the physical field, formed from physical birth on. The inner identity and individuality, as you know, has its origins long before this. The inner self adopts an ego in order to allow manipulation within the physical universe, and yet part of the ego is composed of portions from the inner self, while the bulk of the ego is allowed to develop through physical heredity and environment."

"The breath of life, so to speak, is breathed into the ego by the inner self, but from that point on the ego is independent."

[...] "In other words, each individual from birth on forms his own counterpart from built up, individual, continuous electric signals. At physical death his personality then exists in its complete form, and of course escapes the sort of ending that it would suffer if it were an integral part of the physical system."

"This electrical pattern is the personality, with all the experiences of its earthly time. It then can join or partake of the inner self. In other words, though the ego was adopted originally by the inner self, and was a product of physical heredity and environment, it does not die; but its existence is changed from physical reality into electrical reality. It is still individual.  No individuality is lost, but it becomes a part of the inner self, and its experiences are added to the total experience of the many personalities that have composed the inner self."


Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: Sena on October 03, 2018, 10:06:35 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11942#msg11942)
"The thought, as an electrical reality, is not subject to the physical laws that bind the physical body. [...]"
This is very interesting. Linked to Seth's teaching on the electric reality are his sayings on EE units:

"Each unit of consciousness inherently possesses within itself all of the information available to the whole, and its specific nature when it operates as a particle rests upon that great "body" of inner knowledge. Any one such particle can be where it "is," be what it is, and be when it is only because the positions, relative positions, and situations of all other such particles are known.

(Long pause at 9:23.) In the deepest terms, again, your physical world is beginning at each point at which these units of consciousness assert themselves to form physical reality. Otherwise, life would not be "handed down" through the generations. Each unit of consciousness (or CU) intensifies, magnifies its own intent to be—and, you might say, works up from within itself an explosive spark of primal desire that "explodes" into a process that causes physical materialization. It turns into what I have called [an] EE unit, in which case it is embarked upon its own kind of physical experience."

—Dreams Evolution and Value Fulfilment Vol.1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979

Academic philosophers are at a loss to explain the relationship of consciousness to physical reality. Brain scanning techniques show that electrical activity in the brain is related to consciousness:


What philosphers cannot explain is how the subjective experience of something like the color blue or the smell of roses arises from a particular kind of electrical activity. Seth's teaching that ALL consciousness is based on the activity of EE units goes some way towards an explanation.
Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: jbseth on October 03, 2018, 10:44:14 PM
Hi Sena,

Wow, yeah, there must be some connection between the EE units and the electric reality.

I know the EE units are very small.

Now I'm curious to go back and look in TES3 to see if Seth says says about EE units in regards to this electric reality.

Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: T.M. on October 04, 2018, 09:52:55 AM
Hi All,

Great question Jbseth. I started a reply  yesterday, and went to look for the Seth quote I was going to base it on, and couldn't find it!! 

"Have you ever thought about your mind and where it exists? Have you ever thought about what portion of you continues on after death? "

This is a question I ponder upon. I've come up with my own theory I guess. I don't think the dead go anywhere. I think  they are still here. I think it takes both living and dead to make a population. Also why there are so many ghosts, and why/how channeling can take place.

Have you ever read the Law of One channelings? They refer to something they call a social memory complex. It's basically a group of individuals that have lived on a planet, near as I can tell. I know Seth used that term as well, in reference to himself. I just have to find it, again. A good many planets have one. I don't think all advanced life, individuals with a consciousness, are necessarily 3d physical.

I think every such planet/system is its own particular school. Whether a person stays with one particular school forever or not, I don't know. Perhaps that's an individual choice. Perhaps the different systems are available to experience much like school classes.
For a time, or until whatever is desired to be learned is.

Thanks for the quotes on the various electrical processes of the body. I always find info such as that very very interesting.

Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: jbseth on October 04, 2018, 12:12:24 PM
Hi T.M., Hi Sena, Hi All,

T.M., thanks for your reply.

Yes, I too think about the mind and what it is, quite often myself. Which is why I was fascinated with what Seth had to say about it. I didn't realize that he had ever talked about the mind in this type of detail until I came across this material in TES3 a couple of years ago. I really like his ideas regarding the electric reality and the mind.

I also think that when we die, we don't go anywhere. Kind of like how there are many programs available on a TV at any point in time. All the signals are there, for every program available on the TV, all we have to do is change the channel and we get a new program. I think that when we die, we literally change channels but we don't go anywhere.

In the old days, when I was a kid, (1950's and 1960's) we had a set of "rabbit ear" antennas on top of our TV so that we could adjust the TV to get the best picture on the screen. Sometimes, in those days, depending upon weather and other interference, we would get bleed-through's on the TV picture screen from other channels. I think of ghosts as being a kind of a bleed-through into this reality. I also agree and think this is part of the reason why mediums and psychics can pick up the information that they "tune into"; ha, pun intended.  :)

I have both heard of and  seen the Law of One channelings, but I've never read them.
Maybe Seth talked about this "social memory complex" idea in the Mass Events book or in the Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment books?  I don't specifically recall this term from any of the Seth books that I've read, but that certainly doesn't mean that he didn't use it.

Sena, thanks for your reply. I just took a look at your link and found it fascinating.
It sounds like the academics are saying that an increase in CBF (Cerebral Blood Flow) underlies the "reestablishment of consciousness" upon awakening after stage 2 sleep.
I'm guessing that the academics probably haven't considered the possibility that maybe it was consciousness itself that stimulated the increase in CBF.

I really like your posts and links. They are always thought provoking and interesting.

Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: T.M. on October 04, 2018, 03:04:32 PM
Hi Jbseth,

Seth only mentioned it once. It was just a sentence. I could have sworn it was in either his, or Jane's intro in Seth Speaks.
I was listening to Unknown Reality on Tim Hart Hart YouTube channel at about the same time.

I discovered something he said in the intro of Seth Speaks that does confirm some of the conspiracy stuff I chase, and I'm sure it was in that same "area" of info. Maybe it wasn't the intro though.

I think the conspiracy people have it half right. Except, they think we are in a prison complex, and we get our minds wiped between existences. I think we are in a school and voluntarily consent, as Seth maintains. I think the rest of what they find are just their own beliefs attempting to conform to their expectations.

The law of one material I find incredibly hard to read. Mostly because the entity starts out practically every sentence with I am Ra.
After a while, that just annoys me too much.
Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: Sena on October 05, 2018, 07:40:53 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11949#msg11949)
I'm guessing that the academics probably haven't considered the possibility that maybe it was consciousness itself that stimulated the increase in CBF.
That kind of thinking is taboo in academic circles. They prefer to talk about the mystery of consciousness which they will never solve. Susan Blackmore is one of the most notorious in this regard.


"I found no psychic phenomena—only wishful thinking, self-deception, experimental error and, occasionally, fraud. I became a skeptic."

A good Wikipedia article gives some space to critical opinions, but nobody has dared to criticize her.
Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: jbseth on October 05, 2018, 10:18:33 AM
Hi Sena,

I completely agree and I also feel the same way about Susan Blackmore. People like her and Richard Dawkins make it difficult for scientists to seriously investigate consciousness and psychic phenomena. This is because any scientist who would investigate these phenomena would potentially be putting their careers on the line and they'd be opening themselves up to a huge amount of ridicule from these type of people, if they did so.  Basically, any scientist who dares to investigate these phenomena had better prove that they exist or their careers would most likely be over. Given those conditions, not too many scientist are willing to do that.

Interestingly enough, for some time now, many parapsychologists who have studied ESP, have documented evidence that shows there does in fact appear to be solid evidence for its existence.

Now, given that this situation actually exists, don't tell me that science isn't blind or "biased".    :)


Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: jbseth on October 06, 2018, 12:24:52 PM
Hi Sena, Hi All,

As per Sena's comments in Reply #1 above, I was curious as to the relationship that exists between this "electric" reality and the electromagnetic energy units, the EE units. Below are some interesting quotes from Seth on both the electric reality and the EE units.

My personal understanding of what Seth is saying in these quotes is this. Psychological experiences, like emotions and feelings, all have an electric reality.  The EE units are formed from the electromagnetic reality of feelings that are emitted from each consciousness. As to the electric reality itself, it is a symbol of another reality and this other reality is the vitality of the universe, the vitality of All That Is.

Here's some quotes from Seth regarding the Electric Reality:

TES3, Session 131:

We have seen that dreams and thoughts and psychological experiences all have an electric reality.

We have seen that all experience is retains in electrically coded data within the cells, and that the material of the cells forms about this coded experience.  We have seen that the ego begins, sparked into being, by the inner self, greatly influenced by heredity and physical environment; and that this ego as it continues to exist gradually builds up an electrical reality of its own, as its experiences form into coded data within the cells.

At any given point, the ego is as complete within electrical reality as it is psychologically complete within the physical universe. This includes of course the retention of its dreams, as well as the retention of purely physical data.

I mentioned that the electrical universe is composed of electricity that is far different from your idea of it.  Electricity as you perceive it within your field, is merely an echo emanation, or a sort of shadow image of these infinite varieties of pulsations, which give reality and actuality to many phenomena with which you are familiar, but which do not appear as tangible objects within the physical system.

TES3, Session 133:

[...] The electric universe, of which you know so little, is a reality, and yet it is also a symbol of another reality. For behind even this electrical universe there is a reality which cannot be explored in terms of speech; for all consciousness, while having an electric reality, has a reality beyond even this.

It is the vitality of the universe, and all universes, which causes the electrical reality, and the vitality of the universe, composing everything that is, cannot be touched. It is touch, but touch not as it is conceived of in your terms. This vitality is the most immediate and intimate aspect that composes the camouflage appearance within all fields. And yet it is by far more than the camouflage.
It has many realities, forming all universes and all fields. It is indeed within you, as you are within it. It is not formless, but takes many forms. It is above all never static and never completed.

Here's some quotes from Seth regarding the EE units:

"Seth Speaks", Chapter 5, Session 524:

Now: This is highly simplified, but the subjective experience of any consciousness is automatically expressed as electromagnetic energy units. These exist 'beneath" the range of physical matter. They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.

"Seth Speaks", Chapter 20, Session 581:

[...] EE units are formed spontaneously from the electromagnetic reality of feelings emitted from each consciousness, as, for example, breath automatically goes out from the physical body.

(9:27) EE units are, then, emanations from consciousness.

Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: T.M. on October 06, 2018, 01:10:34 PM
Thank you Jbseth!!

I actually have TES3 on kindle. Kinda raining today, will be perfect to listen to it on kindle while I finish a knitting project :)
Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: Sena on October 06, 2018, 11:05:10 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11963#msg11963)
The electric universe, of which you know so little, is a reality, and yet it is also a symbol of another reality. For behind even this electrical universe there is a reality which cannot be explored in terms of speech; for all consciousness, while having an electric reality, has a reality beyond even this.

It is the vitality of the universe, and all universes, which causes the electrical reality, and the vitality of the universe, composing everything that is, cannot be touched.
Thanks for this quote. I don't have that particular volume. This is beyond our understanding, but what I take from it is that the material reality we see is something derived from consciousness.
Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: Deb on October 11, 2018, 09:01:14 PM
Hey All, I'm sorry I've been not participating much lately. My post is already outdated, but since I started working on it a week ago I'm gonna put it up anyway. I had several things come up at the same time here and have had no time. But I have still been reading... Oh and if you haven't already done so, head on over to Mary Dillman's website and download the FREE first installment (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11959) of The Village Voice interview of Jane and Rob. https://www.sethresearchproject.com/store/

So, yes, I've often wondered where "I" am broadcasting from, and what part of this me continues on. I sometimes will just sit and feel inward for the personality essence that is me, but I don't feel I can have two-way contact with the 5 year old I was, or the 20 year old... only memories. So the prospect of at some point going back home to F2 and remembering all of my lives, counterparts, probable selves is pretty interesting. The feeling of "moreness" some NDE people talk about. This me will be the traveler returning home with a lot of new experiences to add to the lot.

The energy concepts Seth shared are now being presented and proven by physics—everything is energy. I feel the quotes above from TES3 were especially clear in explaining the role the ego has in Framework 1 and that the ego is "a product of the physical field," which means the ego's form is as temporary as the body we take on while inhabiting this physical plane and the 'reality' of F2 over F1 ("Matter has little effect within the electrical system, but the effects of the electrical system upon physical matter are great"), which is just the opposite of the way we perceive things from our F1 perspective.

This was great:

"This electrical pattern is the personality, with all the experiences of its earthly time. It then can join or partake of the inner self. In other words, though the ego was adopted originally by the inner self, and was a product of physical heredity and environment, it does not die; but its existence is changed from physical reality into electrical reality. It is still individual. No individuality is lost, but it becomes a part of the inner self, and its experiences are added to the total experience of the many personalities that have composed the inner self."

Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11943#msg11943)
What philosophers cannot explain is how the subjective experience of something like the color blue or the smell of roses arises from a particular kind of electrical activity.

If I'm understanding you here, would scientists have a better way of explaining this, in that everything has an electromagnetic signature—colors, taste, smells, sound of course? Our way of interpreting or relating to them would be subjective depending on our own individual frequency and experiences, which fits in with the "four coffee tables" explanation.

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11947#msg11947)
I don't think the dead go anywhere. I think  they are still here. I think it takes both living and dead to make a population. Also why there are so many ghosts, and why/how channeling can take place.

Seth says everything is occupying the same space, so I guess it's just a matter of changing frequency. This would also explain why Jane was able to tap into the thought forms of Cezanne, etc. for the World View books. Years ago I ghost hunted, have had some interesting experiences. My favorite ones were EVPs, where I would use a digital recorder at the locations we would be investigating and would later listen to them for voices. Digital recorders can "hear" outside the range of the human ear. I had quite a few very clear recordings of voices from "people" that were not physically present during the original recording, and what they said was often pertinent to the current conversation. I've even heard some things with my own ears that I can't explain.

Oh and the social memory thing — Seth did talk about some sort of genetic memories. I need to find some quotes.

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11951#msg11951)
I think the conspiracy people have it half right.

Like myths, there is most likely a seed of truth behind every conspiracy. And some are probably true, there's always the possibility that truths are covered up at various levels. Just look at studies and how the results can be so easily twisted. We should never automatically accept what we are told, especially by media or authorities, without doing our own thinking and research. Unfortunately sometimes the research part is not possible. And there are always conspiracy theories that go overboard in the other direction.

I'm actually traveling again, but have TES3 on my laptop so I'm going to dive in. The comments about the electric universe being a reality and also a symbol and how we don't quite "get it" yet has my curiosity up. Oh and TM I brought some knitting with me. :) The yarn has been across the Atlantic a few times.

Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: Sena on October 12, 2018, 07:13:27 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11984#msg11984)
If I'm understanding you here, would scientists have a better way of explaining this, in that everything has an electromagnetic signature—colors, taste, smells, sound of course?
Deb, scientists don't have a better way of explaining this. They call it the "hard" problem of consciousness, meaning insoluble. They don't want to admit that consciousness is primary.


Chalmers and Whitehead seem to be closest to admitting that consciousness is primary:

"Some philosophers, including David Chalmers in the late 20th century and Alfred North Whitehead earlier in the 1900s, argued that conscious experience is a fundamental constituent of the universe, a form of panpsychism sometimes referred to as panexperientialism."
Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: jbseth on October 12, 2018, 11:04:53 PM
Hi Sena,

There are some scientists, like Mario Beauregard, who is a neuroscientist, who believes there may be much more to consciousness than the reductionist scientists believe. Several years ago I read his book "Brain Wars" and was pleasantly surprised.

Here's a site about his book, "Brain Wars".


and here's a 5 minute video where he's talking about mind body relationship.


In this video, I think he may be referring to "Susan Blackmore", as the neuroscientist, who wouldn't let anyone research the mind and spirituality at her university.


Title: Re: Seth and the "Electric" Reality
Post by: Sena on October 13, 2018, 03:27:08 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12000#msg12000)
There are some scientists, like Mario Beauregard, who is a neuroscientist, who believes there may be much more to consciousness than the reductionist scientists believe.
Thanks for this reference.