Politics lately has gotten me thinking about this. This is not a discussion of politics, but a discussion of choice and how we might navigate through the myriad probabilities that exist within our mass reality.
So, we all are here to participate in mass reality with others. Things happen that I don't like and things happen that I do like. It doesn't feel like there's a choice in what happens and that as a participant in this, I'm just along for the ride.. For any thing that does happen, there is the probability that it doesn't happen. There are also infinite probabilities that are a combination of different outcomes. My question is, how does one choose the probability that is most desirable to him/her?
For example, there is a current ballot initiative where I live that is quite contentious. It has to do with setbacks for fracking sites from homes, businesses, and schools. This is something that is part of the mass reality around here. I know how I would like to see it go. How can I make the choice to follow one probability and not the other?
Does any of this even make sense? Sometimes I'm not so good at putting what I'm trying to say in words.
Hi usmaak,
That's a really great question and it's really clear.
My first take on it is that I think the answer has to be with some combination of both reality creation and being in touch with your inner self. Let me ponder this for a day or so and I'll get back to you with my thoughts on this.
Quote from: usmaak (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11968#msg11968)
So, we all are here to participate in mass reality with others. Things happen that I don't like and things happen that I do like.
usmaak, this is an interesting topic. It is true that mass events occur which I don't like. What this means is that at a conscious level I don't like this event. Seth's suggestion is that I may have chosen the event at an unconscious level. Seth's comments on the 1979 hostage crisis are interesting in this regard:
"Like the entire American hostage affair (in Iran), any physical event serves as a focus that attracts all of its probable versions and outcomes. The hostage situation (now in day 53) is a materialized mass dream, meant to be important and vital on political and religious platforms of reality, meant to dramatize a conflict of beliefs, and to project that conflict outward into the realm of public knowledge.
Everyone involved was consciously and unconsciously a willing participant at the most basic levels of human behavior, and it is of course no coincidence that 1980 is immediately foreshadowed by that event. What will the world do with it?
Religious beliefs will be examined as they have not been before, and their connections and political affiliations. The Arab world still needs the West, and again, it is better that those issues come to light now, while they must to some extent consider the rest of the world."
—Dreams Evolution and Value Fulfillment Volume 1 Chapter 3: Session 891, December 26, 1979
Hi usmaak, Hi All,
In the book "Dreams Evolution and Value Fulfillment", Volume 1, Chapter 3, Session 891, on December 26, 1979, Seth, I believe gives an excellent response to this question.
Below are quotes from Session 891: (Notice that this session occurred 5 days before the year 1980 commenced.)
(Softly, eyes dark and luminous:) Good evening.
("Good evening, Seth.")
(With humor:) Tonight's subject matter: "Great Expectations"
- for I am here referring to the book by (Charles) Dickens.
Now: The year 1980 exists in all of its potential versions, now in this moment. Because mass events are concerned there is not a completely different year, of course, for each individual on the face of the planet—but there are literally an endless number of mass-shared worlds of 1980 "in the wings," so to speak.
It is not quite as simple a matter as just deciding what events you want to materialize as reality, since you have, in your terms, a body of probabilities of one kind or another already established as the raw materials for the coming year. It would be quite improbable for you, Joseph (as Seth calls me), to suddenly turn into a tailor, for example, for none of your choices with probabilities have led toward such an action.
In like manner, England in all probability next year will not suddenly turn into a Mohammedan nation. But within the range of workable probabilities, private and mass choices, the people of the world are choosing their probable 1980s.
(9:25.) Great expectations, basically have nothing to do with degree, for a grass blade is filled with great expectations. Great expectations are built upon a faith in the nature of reality, a faith in nature itself, a faith in the life you are given, whatever its degree—and all children, for example, are born with those expectations. Fairy tales are indeed often—though not always—carriers of a kind of underground knowledge, as per your discussion about Cinderella (also see the 824th session for Mass Events), and the greatest fairy tales are always those in which the greatest expectations win out: The elements of the physical world that are unfortunate can be changed in the twinkling of an eye through great expectations.
Your education tells you that all of that is nonsense, that the world is defined by its physical aspects alone. When you think of power you think of, say, nuclear energy, or solar energy—but power is the creative energy within men's minds that allows them to use such powers, such energies, such forces.
The true power is in the imagination which dares to speculate upon that which is not yet (intently). The imagination, backed by great expectations, can bring about almost any reality within the range of probabilities. All of the possible versions of 1980 will happen. Except for those you settle upon, all of the others will remain psychologically peripheral, in the background of your conscious experience—but all of those possible versions will be connected in one way or another.
The important lessons have never really appeared in your societies: the most beneficial use of the directed will, with great expectations, and that coupled with the knowledge of Framework 1 and 2 activities. Very simply: You want something, you dwell upon it consciously for a while, you consciously imagine it coming to the forefront of probabilities, closer to your actuality. Then you drop it like a pebble into Framework 2, forget about it as much as possible for a fortnight, and do this in a certain rhythm.
Do not personally given any more conscious consideration, either of you, to events that you do not want to happen. (Long pause.) Any such concentration, to whatever degree, ties you in with those probabilities, so concentrate upon what you want, and as far as public events are concerned, take it for granted that sometimes even men are wiser than they know.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11972#msg11972)
The important lessons have never really appeared in your societies: the most beneficial use of the directed will, with great expectations, and that coupled with the knowledge of Framework 1 and 2 activities. Very simply: You want something, you dwell upon it consciously for a while, you consciously imagine it coming to the forefront of probabilities, closer to your actuality. Then you drop it like a pebble into Framework 2, forget about it as much as possible for a fortnight, and do this in a certain rhythm.
Do not personally given any more conscious consideration, either of you, to events that you do not want to happen. (Long pause.) Any such concentration, to whatever degree, ties you in with those probabilities, so concentrate upon what you want, and as far as public events are concerned, take it for granted that sometimes even men are wiser than they know.
This seems to be the takeaway from this. Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment has always mostly gotten me lost. But this seems to answer the question as the standard create your own reality by focusing on what you want, though not obsessively, and then letting it go. A difficult challenge, with all of the negative advertising going on. Yet I will give it a try. :)
Thanks for the quotes.
Hi usmaak, Hi All,
Yeah, I interpret what Seth is saying here is this. Let's say that you hope that Ballot 2 will pass.
Dwell upon Ballet 2 consciously for a while and consciously imagine and visualize this ballot as having passed and became a reality.
And just as important, make sure you don't spend any time dwelling on Ballet 2 failing. If you spend time in fear thinking that it is going to fail, then you are putting your energy there, and you're going to hamper its ability to pass.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11976#msg11976)
And just as important, make sure you don't spend any time dwelling on Ballet 2 failing. If you spend time in fear thinking that it is going to fail, then you are putting your energy there, and you're going to hamper its ability to pass.
I really need to just step away from Facebook. Facebook is not good for my well being and sanity. lol
Hi usmaak,
You may want to try this out as an "experiment", just to see for yourself if this reality creation thing really works. That's what I did.
Take one or two ballets that you really want to see pass and really focus your attention on them and see them passing.
It's actually works better when you have an "emotional" connection to your desire.
Think of them in the same way that perhaps you did when you were a child and were hoping for a specific toy on "Christmas" or on your birthday. This is what Seth means when he says children understand this process.
Every time you start to think about them "not" passing or anything negative about them, intentionally change your thoughts completely to something else. For example, purposely think of something else, like, "What am I going to have for supper tonight?", or "What am I going to do this weekend", and think about that instead.
Really go all in and give it a try.
Iran hostage crisis: "a materialized mass dream"
Life is but a dream.
A convergence?
Great topic, great questions, fantastic finds with the quotes from Dreams Vol. 1! Yes, Seth has mentioned a few times that expectations are powerful. Love these: "power is the creative energy within men's minds" and "so concentrate upon what you want, and as far as public events are concerned, take it for granted that sometimes even men are wiser than they know."
And also, making a statement with a mass event means that all involved have agreed ahead of "time" on participating, whether we consciously remember that or not.
And this: "Do not personally given any more conscious consideration, either of you, to events that you do not want to happen." Sometimes that doesn't even work. Here I am sitting on a plane from Philly to Prague. We had to run like the wind to catch this flight because of hurricane-related delays. But I kept in my mind that I would make the flight, pushed the delays right out of my mind. I made the flight with minutes to spare, and even scored a 2-seat row row all to myself. Then 40 minutes into the flight the pilot announced that one of our three hydraulic systems sprang a leak and drained. Back to Philly for the night. Why/how did I do this? Well, the last time this happened (how many people can say that?) I was half way home from Europe, so only 80 wasted minutes in the air this time. And I left home 12 hours ago. So there are Probable Me's where the pilot didn't notice the problem. Considering the horrific screeching noises I'm hearing in the plane right now, I'm not sure which Me I am. We're supposed to be greeted with fire trucks, etc.
Oh yeah, I remember Seth saying that we don't have total free will or always get what we want. The agenda of the entity's choices takes precedence over our own.
Update: Made it back to Philly, tomorrow is another day. Somehow I don't see my entity (or me) arranging this adventure for any type of value fulfillment other than it gave me a chance to catch up a little on SoS. Must be someone else on the plane that's benefitting from our turn-around. Unless we mass arranged this to avoid some sort of disaster. The pilot got quite a bit of applause when he touched down.
Update: Now the airlines wants to get us a new plane, they called it an air swap or something. The saga continues... :)
Quote from: usmaak (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11977#msg11977)
I really need to just step away from Facebook.
I'm with you there.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11983#msg11983)
I was half way home from Europe, so only 80 wasted minutes in the air this time. And I left home 12 hours ago.
Deb, as a result of these "delays" you got more time to contemplate the Seth teachings.
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11987#msg11987)
Deb, as a result of these "delays" you got more time to contemplate the Seth teachings.
Yes, you're absolutely right about that. I was feeling cheated the last few weeks over not having enough time to devote to Seth and this forum. Apparently it means more to me than an extra day in Prague. And who couldn't use a little extra down time?
Last night's flight was eventually completely cancelled, so I spent the night in Philly and will board a plane in about 8 hours or so.
Hi All,
To me, one of Seth's most powerful statements is this: "There are no accidents" (see Nature of Personal Reality, Ch 18 Session 665, May 23, 1973).
Like in Deb's 911 story:
where one man, was initially extremely frustrated because he missed his flight (Flight 11, which ended up being one of the planes that flew into the World Trade Center buildings that morning) but then later was seen crying on the phone and telling his wife how much he loved her.
Another man, the man who told this story, boarded his flight at Logan Airport, in Boston, that morning and as the plane started to taxi down the runway, it instead slowed down and returned the passengers to the terminal.
Later that week, this man found out that there were box cutters on his flight and it was one of the planes that were targeted that day.
How many people on this man's flight, ever learned that this plane was also targeted? I don't know the answer to this but maybe some didn't.
Fortunately for all of us, not all events in our lives are as dramatic as this. However, I do believe that sometimes we do discover why "the events of our lives" turned out the way they did, like this man, and sometimes we don't, like perhaps some of the other passengers on his plane.
Hi All,
What I meant to add in my last post here was this.
Who's to say that even the "apparent" negative things that seem to happen to us in life, ultimately aren't in our best interest.
Also, Deb, I visualize and "know" that your next flight to Prague will go smoothly and be a wonderful flight (here I'm using reality creation, not precognition). :)