~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on January 11, 2019, 04:20:24 PM

Title: Health and beliefs
Post by: Deb on January 11, 2019, 04:20:24 PM
It's no secret that Seth had a lot to say about our health, or more specifically lack of health, and how that is all controlled by our beliefs. And until a belief that is making one sick is dealt with, health problems will continue to return. I didn't feel the need to add a quote at this time.

So, these two things came across my path unexpectedly in the past 25 hours. First, the Hippocrates quote (I hope it's true, you just never know with the Internet) and then this video from Bruce Lipton. I've posted about him before. He's the first person I know of that started talking scientifically (and spiritually as well) about how we control our genes & health, not the other way around. He's a cellular biologist who made some startling discoveries back in the 60s when he was experimenting with stem cells. I highly recommend his books. This video is one of the shortest and clearest ones (as far as explanations) that I've seen from him.

Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: jbseth on January 12, 2019, 02:49:51 PM
Hi Deb,

Wow, I love this video with Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Over the years, for some reason, I've always considered him as being somehow related to Seth.
I'm not sure why.

Recently I tried to find out how here's related to Seth and I didn't find anything specific. Maybe its because, at some point in the past, he was a guest speaker (or is the "Speaker" :) ) at one of the Seth Conferences.

Are you familiar with any way that he's related to the Seth information?


Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: Deb on January 12, 2019, 03:26:55 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12240#msg12240)
Are you familiar with any way that he's related to the Seth information?

I've always wondered about that myself. I've read all of his books, went to a lecture here where he spoke with Joe Dispenza (they really compliment each other as far as presentation). Bruce never mentions Seth and in his books he attributes his beliefs as things that came to him in a-ha moments. I've also wondered that about Joe and Seth. Joe was associated with Ramtha/JZ Night for a number of years. I asked him about that during a break at a workshop and he didn't seem to want to talk about that at all. At that point he was just getting started with his own "thing."

Anyway, there is a connection I'm aware of and that is Thomas Campbell (My Big TOE). He and Bruce know each other, have done at least one YT interview together ( you can see one here (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=403.msg3150#msg3150) ). Campbell was a Seth reader, and he is the scientist who worked with Robert Monroe in his lab. Of course Monroe was a Seth reader and consulted with Jane and is mentioned in the books. One big happy family. But I don't know for sure whether Bruce OR Joe have read Seth. Both of their teachings fit in well with Seth, so I'm guessing yes.

And yes apparently Bruce had been at Seth Workshops. I totally missed them because I didn't know about Seth at the time. Kicking myself again (having grown up in NJ and not being impossibly far from Elmira). I found this: https://www.my-big-toe.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6338&start=30#p66780
Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: jbseth on January 12, 2019, 07:26:20 PM
Hi Deb,


I wonder if the connection between Seth and Dr. Lipton had anything to do with Norman Friedman and his book "Bridging Science and Spirit" which does talk a lot about Seth's ideas.  For some reason, I've always felt that both of these 2 men were somehow associated with Seth. Again, this may have to do with my belief that, in the past, they were both speakers at Seth Conferences.

I know that Norman Friedman apparently knew much about Seth's ideas, as he wrote about them extensively in his book.

I didn't realize that Joe Dispenza was associated with Ramtha & JZ Knight.  That's interesting.


Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: Sena on January 12, 2019, 11:10:55 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12243#msg12243)
Norman Friedman and his book "Bridging Science and Spirit" which does talk a lot about Seth's ideas.
Thanks for recommending this book. The full title is "Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm's Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth". I have not read it yet.
Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: LarryH on January 13, 2019, 09:47:49 AM
Norman Friedman also wrote a book called The Hidden Domain. I recommend both of his books, both strongly influenced by Seth. As it happens, I am giving a talk on synchronicity today, and I borrowed that title as part of my talk's title: Synchronicity - a Wink from the Hidden Domain.
Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: Deb on January 13, 2019, 01:56:18 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12243#msg12243)
I wonder if the connection between Seth and Dr. Lipton had anything to do with Norman Friedman and his book "Bridging Science and Spirit" which does talk a lot about Seth's ideas.

I wonder. I have not really come up with anything associating Seth's influence on Bruce Lipton. I spoke with him briefly a few years ago at a small talk he was presenting along with Joe. I got a couple of books signed, and hug to boot. Now I wish I could go back in time and slip that question in. I know Seth says we can change our past, but so far I haven't mastered that. :)

I do have the Bridging Science book, but according to the bookmark it was not an easy read for me, I only made it to page 74 (it's about 300 pages). But I still have it, so it's good enough to have survived a few bookcase cullings over the years and I'll get back to it at some point. One of the recommendations on the back of the book is from Robert Butts (among others).

Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12246#msg12246)
As it happens, I am giving a talk on synchronicity today, and I borrowed that title as part of my talk's title: Synchronicity - a Wink from the Hidden Domain.

I love the title! If you care to share more about that, I'd love to know more. Or if you'd written down your talk, it would be great if you'd share that with us. I'd love to know the audience's reactions too. I bet you got a few questions from them...

And great timing for me to put up a post from Laurel Davies Butts about a book she is writing. Laurel is looking for personal stories about synchronicity, ESP, precognitive dreams... and we certainly have those covered here. I've made a new topic for this. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1614.msg12247#msg12247) She asks that the stories be sent to her in FB messages, but if it's easier for everyone you can just add your favorite personal stories as posts under the topic and I can either send them to her or send her the link to the topic. Feel free to copy & paste from a previous post you've written.

Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: jbseth on January 13, 2019, 03:37:55 PM
Hi Deb, Hi Larry, Hi All,


Thanks for sharing the information about Laurel Davies. I didn't know that she was going to write a book. Her book should be really interesting.

I just posted 2 "creation" stories that I had previously written in the synchronistic events topic, on the new topic you created for Laurel Davies. Thank you for doing this for us. :)


Thanks for telling us about the Norman Friedman book, "The Hidden Domain". I didn't know that he had written another book. I just checked it out and its table of contents via Amazon and it looks really interesting.

Also Larry, I'm with Deb. If you have anything written for your talk on synchronicity today, I'd sure be interested in reading it; only if you are OK with sharing it.  I too, really like the title you chose for this talk.


Title: Re: Health and beliefs
Post by: Deb on January 13, 2019, 05:18:12 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12253#msg12253)
I just posted 2 "creation" stories that I had previously written in the synchronistic events topic, on the new topic you created for Laurel Davies. Thank you for doing this for us.

Awesome, thanks for doing that. You can always add more later too. I added two myself.