I was thinking buying one of The Early Class Sessions books.
would anyone please tell me if they have any thoughts about them?
I think this is from book 2. and I like it.
"You get what you concentrate upon. You create your reality in accordance with your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, imagination and expectation. You change your reality by learning how to change these. Seth says "All you have to do is realize that you are free, that you form reality as you know it, through your most intimate desires and thoughts and fears. You change the exterior circumstances by changing your thoughts, and your desires, and by forgetting your fears. There is no other way. There has never been another way."
Hi Chasman,
Regarding, "The Early Sessions Books" I have to say that I really like them.
They are different however than the sessions found in most of "Seth's" books. In these "Early Book" sessions, Seth talked to Jane and Rob real time, not only about his concepts but also about the various situations that were taking place in their lives.
For example in a given session, Seth may start out talking about a health issue that Jane or Rob was having. Then he may talk about a friend of theirs. After this he might continue on with some information on a concept that he was telling them about, like the layers of the subconscious. After this, he might end the session with his insights on a set of psychic experiments that Jane and Rob are performing for a psychologist.
Because Seth often talked to them about real time issues, several session may take place before he ever gets back to the discussion he was previously having with them, such as the various layers of the subconscious. You do however, get some interesting insight into who Jane and Rob were, as people.
A lot of the information in these books is never really discussed in any of the other "Seth" books. For example, in these books, Seth talks about "action", "the 3 dilemmas" and the nature of the "Electric Reality". These are just some of the concepts that aren't really covered anywhere else. Some of this information is also, to some degree, the building block information behind some of Seth's other concepts.
Then there is another reason why I like them. These Early Sessions, which go from Session 1 to Session 510 cover about half of the total number of sessions that Jane and Rob ever hosted with Seth. My point being that there is a lot of information here.
thank you very very much jbseth.
very interesting, all you wrote.
I am asking about a different set of books, though (I'm pretty sure anyway).
it is very confusing.
there are the Early Sessions.
and there are the Early Class Sessions.
(these are the ones I am asking about, right now.)
and these are the ones you are talking about:
Yes, different books.
The Early Sessions, 9 volumes, is the material given by Seth in the first 6 years of his relationship with Jane Roberts and her husband Rob Butts. It consists of the first 510 Seth sessions dictated by Seth and it is published in 9 volumes. The Early Sessions contain teachings and insights from Seth on a vast array of topics.
The Early Class Sessions, 4 volumes, I think are limited to what came through during the ESP classes. The sessions are dated, not numbered, so probably would not be in the other Early Sessions books although some passages may be quoted throughout the other books.
I only have Vols. 1 &2 of The Early Class Sessions. I had a little time to start reading Vol. 1 today and I have to say there is not a Seth book I don't like. These are very different than the typical Seth books. So far this feels more personal and so I get a very good feel for what it was like to actually be there. They are also very easy reading so far since the students are new to him and his ideas, so he will repeat the things we have already heard, but in a very simple/gentle way.
In the 25% I've read, I've come across notes by Mary Dillman explaining circumstances behind the two sets of notes from the same session, some personal notes written by Jane, a LOT more insight into Seth's personality. He talks a lot to the students about who he is, why he is there, why THEY are there, his explanation of who he was and is. Directly speaking to the few attendees (usually around 4), his personality comes across as warm, jovial, humble, humorous but never compromising the importance of what he's here to teach. Also so far, he gives some incarnational information for individuals, which I'm only mildly interested in but the payback is the individual latter confirming how the information resonates with their current feelings and fears. He's interpreted a couple of dreams so far which I find more interesting because I don't try to do the same with mine as far as the symbolism. I look for more literal interpretations that I try to relate with current events in my life. So I think I can learn from that. Also Seth II came through for the first time.
If any of that sounds interesting to you, I'd say just get the first volume and see if you like it. I plan to get ALL of the books eventually, so it's not a question for me.
I am midway through Book 2 of the Early Class Sessions and just today received Books 3 & 4. They are quick reads and solid Seth (very few notes). I find the class sessions to have a more spontaneous, energetic quality compared to any of the other books.
thank you so much for your generous excellent reply.
you are so thoughtful and kind.
I will buy the first one right now.
thank you also very much for your very helpful reply.
Hi Chasman, Hi Deb, Hi Larry, Hi All,
Hi Chasman. You did specifically say that you were interested in the Early "Class" sessions and I completely missed the "Class" part. I hope I didn't carry on too much; thanks for your patience :) and also thanks for your question.
I too have a question about these Early "Class" sessions books. Maybe Deb or Larry could tell me; I was wondering about how many pages these Early "Class" session book contain?
I'm just curious.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12350#msg12350)
I too have a question about these Early "Class" sessions books. Maybe Deb or Larry could tell me; I was wondering about how many pages these Early "Class" session book contain?
Hi jb,
The two I have are 231 & 241 pages, I bet they're all close in page length. The books are dimensionally smaller (5x8) than the Early Sessions books (6x9) and the type looks a point larger (12pt vs 11pt) so a faster and easier read.
Hope that helps!
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12350#msg12350)
I was wondering about how many pages these Early "Class" session book contain?
They average 222 pages long. The font is a little larger than the other books, and the page size is a little smaller than the typical quality paperback size Seth book, which helps to make them quick reads. The lack of notes also speeds things up. In most of the other books, Rob's notes provide important context, but they slow down the process of getting through the books (if you are like me and don't want to miss anything). But Rob was not involved with most of the class sessions, thus no footnotes and little commentary.
Before posting this, I just saw Deb's response, so my response is completely consistent and redundant. I will only add that books 3 and 4 are shorter, just a little over 200 pages, bringing the average down from the first two.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12350#msg12350)
Hi Chasman, Hi Deb, Hi Larry, Hi All,
Hi Chasman. You did specifically say that you were interested in the Early "Class" sessions and I completely missed the "Class" part. I hope I didn't carry on too much; thanks for your patience :) and also thanks for your question.
I too have a question about these Early "Class" sessions books. Maybe Deb or Larry could tell me; I was wondering about how many pages these Early "Class" session book contain?
I'm just curious.
thank you very much jbseth. I enjoyed reading everything you said.
and I did buy book 1. and am looking forward to checking it out.
and thank you again to Deb and LarryH.
Hi Chasman, Hi Deb, Hi Larry H,
Hey, I've never read any of "The Early Class Sessions" books, but years ago, I read both of Sue Watkins, "Conversations with Seth" books, (Book 1 and Book 2).
Have any of you also read either of Sue Watkins books as well?
I thought that these books were very interesting. They gave me some insights into Jane, Rob and the various class sessions and they did it from another persons perspective on all of this.
I'd say that both Jane and Sue were very interesting writers and people.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12358#msg12358)
Have any of you also read either of Sue Watkins books as well?
I read both as well as one or two other Sue Watkins books. Enjoyed them all.
Yes, right after I read the Seth Materials I got the combined volumes I and II of the Sue Watkins books to get a different perspective. Enjoyed them very much and will probably read them again since it's been a long time and I've read so many Seth and Jane books since then.
I read both of them.
volume I many years ago.
Volume II more recently.
and I also enjoyed both of them, and would like to reread them.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad (?) news, but it seems Sue Watkins passed away last week while we were talking about her books. No doubt in MY mind that she's being debriefed by Seth, Jane and Rob right now. Or something like that. ;)
This is from Laurel on Facebook:
I am very sorry to report today (2/2/19) that our beloved Seth author Sue Watkins; beloved friend and student of Jane Roberts and Rob Butts, and Seth, and the Conversations with Seth author, was lost to us into the afterlife last week, reportedly after losing a battle with cancer.
I am going to publish her address so those of you who would like to write to her and to her family can do so. I very much imagine her sons and other loved ones would love to hear from Seth book readers. Sue was a gifted and talented writer, psychic, dreamer, and author, as well as a terrific person.
I will miss her very much, and I know so many others will also.
I have never published her address before, but I believe that she will not mind right now-Susan Watkins, 30 Ritchey Boulevard, Penn Yan, NY 14527.
I will miss you very much Sue, I am so sorry that you are gone. We know you are with your family again and so many friends that you love and missed, and with Jane Roberts and Robert Fabian Butts, and Seth-So happy about those things. We will love to learn about all that you are learning if you will let us know🌻🌠❤️💔 -Laurel Davies
Hi Deb,
Thanks for letting us know about Sue.
I was literally just looking through TES8 and I came across a section where Seth was talking to Rob and telling him (Rob) that when Rob transitions, that Seth will be there to greet him.
I kind of think that Seth, Rob and Jane were probably all there, amongst others, to greet Sue after her transition. What a greeting that would be. :)
I wonder if she was on her last incarnation or if she'll be reincarnating again?
yes, thank you for letting us know Deb.
I look forward to rereading her books.
how fascinating it must have been to have Jane for a super close friend.