Hi All,
Have you ever considered the possibility that both Oversoul 7 and Cyprus, two personalities from Jane Robert's Oversoul 7 books are real?
Here's what Jane had to say about Oversoul 7 and Cyprus. This comes from NoPR Introduction by Jane Roberts:
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
But beside this, as Seth was dictating this present book, I also found myself suddenly writing a novel, The Education of Oversoul 7, which was produced more or less automatically. Oversoul Seven, the main character, achieved his own kind of reality. I'd say mentally, "Okay, Seven, let's have the next chapter," and there it was as quickly as I could write it down. Portions of the book also came in the dream state.
I know that Seven and his teacher, Cyprus, exist in certain terms, yet their reality can't be explained either in the usual fact world. For example, the novel included many Sumari poems and portions of Speaker manuscripts; and when I sing Sumari I identify with Cyprus, who is supposed to be a fictional character. I could also tune into Seven for help with personal challenges, I discovered.
Here's what Seth had to say about Oversoul 7 and Cyprus. This comes from TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth's Preface: "The Manufacture Of Personal Reality" April 5, 1972:
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
Oversoul seven and Cyprus do exist, though in different terms than he may imagine them, and the whole episode allows him to work creatively with fiction, and creatively with his psychic abilities.
The book is a way of teaching through parable. He teaches himself as he teaches others, and of course in the writing of the book he is also being taught.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Given this then, what does this say about Harry Potter for example, or Frodo, from "Lord of the Rings", or what about Cinderella or Santa Claus? Is it possible that all of these personalities are also real, at some level of reality that we don't really understand?
What do you think?
I think possible.
Seth says Seven and Cyprus exist.
if thats true, then its possible the others do too.
I'm guessing.
I remember loving the Seven books when I read them, many decades ago.
Great things to ponder! I'm still waiting for my letter from Hogwarts.
Yes I believe Oversoul 7, Cyprus, more, exist somewhere. Didn't Seth say somewhere that we create worlds with our thoughts?
This is as close as I can come up with at the moment:
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=38#msg38)
Your thoughts change worlds, worlds of which you are aware and worlds of which you are not aware.
In the world we live in, Oversoul and Cyprus are ideas and characters in a book. On some other level they do really exist in some form, maybe not "physical in our terms" but certainly in theirs.
I read the books a long time ago and thought it was a wonderful approach to explaining the Seth materials to someone who doesn't get the Seth books. My favorite was the first book.